• @[email protected]
    181 hour ago

    I guess RAM is a bell curve now.

    • 32GB: Enough.
    • 16GB: Not enough.
    • 8GB: Not enough.
    • 4GB: Believe it or not, enough.
  • bruhduh
    210 minutes ago

    zram to the rescue

  • @[email protected]
    42 hours ago

    The only time I can remember 16 GB not being sufficient for me is when I tried to run an LLM that required a tad more than 11 GB and I had just under 11 GB of memory available due to the other applications that were running.

    I guess my usage is relatively lightweight. A browser with a maximum of about 100 open tabs, a terminal, a couple of other applications (some of them electron based) and sometimes a VM that I allocate maybe 4 GB to or something. And the occasional Age of Empires II DE, which even runs fine on my other laptop from 2016 with 16 GB of RAM in it. I still ordered 32 GB so I can play around with local LLMs a bit more.

    • Todd Bonzalez
      11 hour ago

      Yeah, but if you’re interested in running an LLM faster than 1 token per minute, RAM won’t matter. You’ll need as much VRAM as you can get.

      • @[email protected]
        119 minutes ago

        Sure, but I’m just playing around with small quantized models on my laptop with integrated graphics and the RAM was insanely cheap. It just interests me what LLMs are capable of that can be run on such hardware. For example, llama 3.2 3B only needs about 3.5 GB of RAM, runs at about 10 tokens per second and while it’s in no way comparable to the LLMs that I use for my day to day tasks, it doesn’t seem to be that bad. Llama 3.1 8B runs at about half that speed, which is a bit slow, but still bearable. Anything bigger than that is too slow to be useful, but still interesting to try for comparison.

        I’ve got an old desktop with a pretty decent GPU in it with 24 GB of VRAM, but it’s collecting dust. It’s noisy and power hungry (older generation dual socket Intel Xeon) and still incapable of running large LLMs without additional GPUs. Even if it were capable, I wouldn’t want it to be turned on all the time due to the noise and heat in my home office, so I’ve not even tried running anything on it yet.

  • @[email protected]
    123 hours ago

    Apple: Enough!

    But you’ll have to buy a whole new laptop when it turns out that was a lie.

      • @[email protected]
        2 hours ago

        128 GB here which runs out if I compile the complete project at work with -j32. And this sucks because 128 GB right now means the RAM cannot run super fast, meaning it is a bottleneck to any modern Ryzen…

        • bruhduh
          18 minutes ago

          I use separate hdd solely as swap for these cases, used 500gb laptop hdd is good enough if you turn zswap zstd compression on, with recent kernels using mglru it works splendidly

  • @jroid8
    93 hours ago

    I only run out of ram (16GB) when I’m playing minecraft with 280 mods

  • Gregor
    465 hours ago

    Have you even used Linux? 16GB of RAM is enough, even with electron apps

    • TimeSquirrel
      133 hours ago

      We used to say 4GB is enough. And before that, a couple hundred MB. I’m staying ahead from now on, so I threw in 64GB. That oughtta last me for another 3/4 of a decade. I’m tired of doing the upgrade race for 30 years and want to be set for a while.

      I can literally trace my current Ryzen PC’s lineage like the ship of Theseus to an Athlon system I built in 2002. A replacement GPU here. Replacement mobo there. CPU here, etc.

    • Lucy :3
      235 hours ago

      Not in my experience. The electron spotify app + electron discord app + games was too much. Replacing electron with dedicated FF instances worked tho.

      • @[email protected]
        52 hours ago

        I have a browser tab addiction problem, and I often run both LibreWolf and Firefox at the same time (reasons). I run discord all the time, signal, have a VTT going on, a game, YouTube playing… and I look at my RAM usage and wonder why did I buy so much when I can never reach 16 GB.

        While I agree electron apps suck and I avoid them… Whatever you guys are running ain’t a typical use case.

      • @[email protected]
        62 hours ago

        About 6 months ago I upgraded my desktop from 16 to 48 gigs cause there were a few times I felt like I needed a bigger tmpfs.
        Anyway, the other day I set up a simulation of this cluster I’m configuring, just kept piling up virtual machines without looking cause I knew I had all the ram I could need for them. Eventually I got curious and checked my usage, I had just only reached 16 gigs.

        I think basically the only time I use more that the 16 gigs I had is when I fire up my GPU passthrough windows VM that I use for games, which isn’t your typical usage.

    • Kairos
      74 hours ago

      16 MiB is enough depending on what you’re running.

    • ugjkaOP
      85 hours ago

      lightweight usage https://i.imgur.com/SMAwCa0.png

      • @[email protected]
        133 hours ago

        That doesn’t mean anything. If you have tons of free RAM, programs tend to use more than strictly necessary because it speeds things up. That doesn’t mean they won’t run perfectly fine with 8GiB as well.

        • ugjkaOP
          02 hours ago

          deleted by creator

      • @jroid8
        33 hours ago

        What distro are you using? What apps are open?

            • ugjkaOP
              22 hours ago
              [ugjka@ugjka Music.Videos]$ free -h
                             total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
              Mem:            29Gi        17Gi       1,8Gi       529Mi        11Gi        11Gi
              Swap:           14Gi       2,0Gi        12Gi
              • @[email protected]
                132 minutes ago

                I was wondering if your tool was displaying cache as usage, but I guess not. Not sure what you have running that’s consuming that much.

                I mentioned this in another comment, but I’m currently running a simulation of a whole proxmox cluster with nodes, storage servers, switches and even a windows client machine active. I’m running that all on gnome with Firefox and discord open and this is my usage

                $ free -h
                               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
                Mem:            46Gi        16Gi       9.1Gi       168Mi        22Gi        30Gi
                Swap:          3.8Gi          0B       3.8Gi

                Of course discord is inside Firefox, so that helps, but still…

                • ugjkaOP
                  16 minutes ago

                  about 3gigs goes to vram as i don’t have dedicated card yet, but i’m getting 16 gig dedicated gfx soon

  • pacjo
    74 hours ago

    I don’t know. I’m running 16gb with 8gb of swap just fine.

    Couple dozen tabs open in librewolf (across multiple windows), android studio with an emulator and some other utils. All under KDE Plasma on nixos unstable and it’s fine. It could be better, but it’s good enough.