‘I think the bigger problem are the people from within, we have some very bad people, sick people, radical left lunatics,’ Republican candidate tells Fox’s Maria Bartiromo

“And it should be easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military,” he said.

“I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within. Not even the people who have come in, who are destroying our country.”

It isn’t clear under what circumstances Trump would view it justifiable to call in US troops against his own countrymen.

But his comments mark a baseless attack and a particularly hollow one coming from someone whose supporters violently attacked the US Capitol in an attempt to stop him from being thrown out of office three years ago.

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  • @[email protected]
    244 hours ago

    This is EXACTLY what the Founders Intended! George Washington LITERALLY said that the US Military should be used on US Citizens and that Children should be Gunned Down in School!

  • @InverseParallax
    435 hours ago

    And polls continue to call the race a tie.

    At some point we have to acknowledge that roughly 30% of our population are just evil, fascist monsters. Having lived in those states, this isn’t a surprise.

        • Cethin
          33 hours ago

          Still counts more in fact. Our system is broken.

          • @InverseParallax
            128 minutes ago

            The system in question:


            There was one difficulty however of a serious nature attending an immediate choice by the people. The right of suffrage was much more diffusive in the Northern than the Southern States; and the latter could have no influence in the election on the score of the Negroes. The substitution of electors obviated this difficulty and seemed on the whole to be liable to fewest objections.

            The south has a massive advantage in the electoral college because they demanded to be able to launder slave votes.

      • @InverseParallax
        215 hours ago

        Been in their churches, you hear the chorus loud and clear when he talks about ‘taking the country back from the powers of satan and other elitists’. He doesn’t mean Olympic athletes.

  • MobileDecay
    327 hours ago

    Didn’t he try to use the military the last time and he was told no? What a psycho.

  • JaggedRobotPubes
    318 hours ago

    He’s crying.

    He’s falling apart and going more batshit as his last-ditch attempt to grab power before crashing permanently.

    • @Etterra
      106 hours ago

      More that he’s trying to stay out of jail.

  • @njm1314
    469 hours ago

    For the millionth time all leftists should be armed. Cannot stress enough how important that is.

    • @[email protected]
      -1018 hours ago

      lol, leftists here are doing everything they can to take away the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

      • ProdigalFrog
        175 hours ago

        The old saying is; if you go far enough left, you get your guns back.

      • @D1G17AL
        7 hours ago

        That type of comment may have gone over well back on reddit but, sir, we are not idiots here. UTTER BULLSHIT, LEFTISTS DO NOT WANT TO TAKE AWAY YOUR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. We want that right too. We just don’t want mentally ill people having access to assault weapons with which they can kill many, many people with significantly reduced effort. Someone going on a rampage with a pistol or a shotgun is far less deadly than someone with a long rifle of any type, especially automatic rifles. BULL-FUCKING-SHIT LEFTIST DO NOT WANT TO TAKE THAT RIGHT AWAY.

        • @angrystego
          45 hours ago

          But if they did, it would be ok too.

      • @aimizo
        368 hours ago

        Democrats are not leftists.

      • @brucethemoose
        258 hours ago

        Military weapons? Yeah. They should be.

        Pistols? Shotguns? Not really. And yes, you can point to more extreme cases of ‘liberals’ who do want to amend the constitution, which is about the same thing as calling anyone even slightly conservative on one issue a fascist.

      • @njm1314
        38 hours ago

        Well liberals certainly are, I don’t know if I’d say leftists are.

  • @[email protected]
    167 hours ago

    And this is exactly why I registered as an independent once Trump hit the scene and I still don’t feel safe with just that. I’m not some big brain smarty-pants, but I could see this piece of shit going full Nazi from a mile away, not to mention the frothing rage Fox news has kept The Base in with regard to anyone on “the left.”

    It’s kinda sad to know that there really were only 2 people in our entire country who really would have tried to kill Hitler and one was a damn kid.

  • @mkwt
    18811 hours ago

    This is a reminder to American service members:

    Your oath of allegiance is to the United States, not to Donald Trump, Joe Biden, or Kamala Harris. You have a duty to obey lawful orders issued under the authority of the commander in chief. But it is your duty to disobey unlawful orders.

    • @[email protected]
      167 hours ago

      Heritage Foundation: Hold my beer, SCOTUS ASSEMBLE! You know what to do.

      SCOTUS: it’s legal now.

    • @[email protected]
      9211 hours ago

      The oath is actually to the Constitution of the United States. So it’s not even the country or the government but the idea, the founding document.

      • masterofn001
        4611 hours ago

        Is it the current one, or the originalist one, or the supreme court interpretation one, or the cherry picked and misunderstood one, or?

          • Billiam
            3610 hours ago

            No, it’s a very serious question. What happens when Trump gives an illegal order, a soldier refuses to obey it, and is arrested? What do you think John Roberts’ SCOTUS will say? You think it’s too far-fetched for a 6-3 ruling saying “Well, the Constitution says that the President is the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces therefore there exists no mechanism nor rationale for any member of the armed services to disobey” to happen?

            • @[email protected]
              1910 hours ago

              Hell, what do people think will happen if, let’s say hypothetically:

              1. Trump organizes a civilian militia to attack the country
              2. Trump actively refuses to order the military to protect people from said militia
              3. Said militia isolate and attempt to murder basically everyone else in the government who can provide those orders

              But nah, that would NEVER happen. And people totally wouldn’t brag about the military waiting to see how things shake out was their god given duty.

              • Billiam
                88 hours ago
                1. Trump actively refuses to order the military to protect people from said militia

                Actually, it could be even worse than that. Trump could theoretically order the military to not interfere at all.

              • Billiam
                1410 hours ago

                Speaking of bad-faith posters…

              • @[email protected]
                1210 hours ago

                No, they’re saying that any law asking people to disobey the institutions propped up by that same law in case of them being unjust will always ring hollow, because the courts that decide if that point of legitimacy has been reached will be staffed by the very same people you’d be disobeying.

                No court will rule that rebellion against the state is justified. It’s either ‘not legitimate yet, because other options are available’, or it’s too late, because independent courts have been abolished.

    • @njm1314
      169 hours ago

      The military has never had any hesitancy at all in murdering American citizens when told to. They will not stand up.

  • @BadNewsNobody
    6011 hours ago

    “There’s a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people.”

  • Flying Squid
    12012 hours ago

    It isn’t clear under what circumstances Trump would view it justifiable to call in US troops against his own countrymen.

    Isn’t it though? He would view it justifiable to call them in for literally any reason.

    • @[email protected]
      8 hours ago

      The media, as usual, talks as if they’re trying to discern his secret, rational plan. Even when he spouts fascist threats of mass oppression and murder, they discuss him as if he’s just another politician with policy proposals. It’s unclear under what circumstances he’d call in troops against Americans because he’s psychologically chaotic, fragile and highly volatile. Anything could trigger him to do so. The only thing that’s consistent is he threatens retribution against immigrants, trans people, Black people, women, and anyone who doesn’t worship him enough.

  • IninewCrow
    3810 hours ago

    This is the collective stupidity of America

    It isn’t about Turnip making dumb comments like this or suggesting making fascist government


    It’s about how America just sits around and listens to all this stupidity and accepts it all as a regular normal part of the political conversation.

  • @givesomefucks
    9012 hours ago

    "I don’t think [immigrants] are the problem in terms of election day,” Trump told Bartiromo. “I think the bigger problem are the people from within, we have some very bad people, sick people, radical left lunatics.”

    At that point, he suggested a seemingly sinister solution.

    “And it should be easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military,” he said.

    “I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within. Not even the people who have come in, who are destroying our country.”

    He’s called Biden a “radical leftist”, it’s anyone who won’t vote for him…

    • SatansMaggotyCumFart
      6512 hours ago

      If anyone actually believes Biden is a radical leftist it has to be a combination of a failure of the education system and systemic brainwashing.

    • @Rhoeri
      11 hours ago

      "I don’t think [immigrants] are the problem in terms of election day,” Trump told Bartiromo. “I think the bigger problem are the people from within, we have some very bad people, sick people, radical left lunatics.”

      And yet there are SO many “radical left lunatics” right here on lemmy that seem to think both sides are equally as bad.

      • @TheDemonBuer
        28 hours ago

        Let Trump round them up then. Problem solved.

      • @[email protected]
        -38 hours ago

        Trump being a lunatic doesn’t automatically make the Democratic party the good guys. We don’t live in a Marvel movie.

        • @Rhoeri
          57 hours ago

          Do you live in such a nuance-less world that you automatically assume that if someone is saying that Trump is exponentially worse than Harris- what they really mean is that Harris is the epitome of all things good and can do no wrong?

          You should maybe look into fixing that.

          And marvel movies are hot garbage. So, I’d never compare anything even capable of being somewhat mediocre with them.

      • @givesomefucks
        -811 hours ago

        I don’t see that often.

        What I see a lot of is accounts that say Kamala has to be “conservative” on some issues to get votes, but can’t give a valid reason why Kamala sticks with unpopular policy like pro-genocide or pro-fracking.

        But she doesn’t take the threat of trump seriously enough to make her want to aide with the platform of her own goddamn party. She like genocide and fracking too much apparently, and it would be cynical to imply it was the donations and not her genuine feelings on the issues

        • @Rhoeri
          10 hours ago

          Not a single person is saying she needs to be conservative. You know this. Everyone knows this. So, nice bad faith straw man there.

          What people are saying is that she needs to play the centrist game to garner support. It’s a known thing that any candidate that dabbles in “leftists” territory is unelectable. Maybe it’s the stink of delusion and ignorance, or maybe it’s their lack of any semblance of organization.

          My guess if asked, is that no one takes their embarrassing “pRo GeNoCiDe” accusations seriously.

          You don’t get to threaten candidates with your sad little withheld votes and demand them to kiss your asses while they jump through your single-issue hoop.

          That’s not how politics work. It’s not how politics ever worked, and it’s not how politics ever will work.

          She’s trying to save democracy. With, or without your help.

          • @givesomefucks
            9 hours ago

            Not a single person is saying she needs to be conservative

            So why is she for:

            1. Fracking

            2. A border wall

            3. Coninuing support for genocide

            People defend her move to the right on those three and more fucking daily…

            Like, you think no one is pressuring her into that and she is willing to risk trump by being more conservative than the Dem voter base because she believes in those three things that much?

            If you want to “save democracy” you’d be doing anything you can to get her more votes, that means dragging her back left towards the party base.

            She keeps going right, and her numbers keep dropping. It ain’t a coinky dink bud

            • @[email protected]
              89 hours ago

              Be against fracking and lose Pennsylvania.

              Genius move there sport. It’s a wonder you aren’t a political consultant.

              • @[email protected]
                07 hours ago

                You’re right. It’s better that we keep pandering to the lowest common denominator time and time again and lose Pennsylvania to something else like a massive hurricane because at least then we can say we won some contests along the way.

            • @Rhoeri
              48 hours ago

              So… since you’re incapable of having a discussion without resorting to accusing people of supporting genocide- I’m going to end this here and flag you as a bad actor.

              • @[email protected]
                -17 hours ago

                accusing people of supporting genocide

                They say just as it’s announced that the US is sending troops to Israel.

                Also, I find you trying to minimize genocide down to something akin to legalizing weed and mocking the OP as a “single issue voter” to be quite abhorrent. If Harris loses the election, it’s going to be in part to disgusting viewpoints such as yours.

                • @Rhoeri
                  7 hours ago

                  Yawn… I’ll be nice to get some peace and quiet come November when you all vanish- as you do every election.

    • @[email protected]
      13 hours ago

      It’s actually uncommon to refer to the November pogrom as Kristallnacht in German because it’s the positive spin the Nazis put to that. It’s not outright taboo but it can be a dog whistle