No video released yet but the right wing blog-sphere is already claiming it’s AI. Put on your seat-belts and keep your hands inside the car at all times.

  • @rsuri
    46 minutes ago

    Why would they tease it and not release it? Where does this claim even come from? The article just says the sources are “Several social media users, including commentators and reporters”. Then it seems like all the people tweeting about it are right wingers. I’m suspicious. Could be a distraction from the more credible stories about Trump loving Hitler and shitting on a slain soldier for having an expensive funeral for a Mexican.

  • @inb4_FoundTheVegan
    242 hours ago

    You are about to see insanely desperate stuff from Democrats. Expect fake AI generated crap about Trump coming soon. Stay focused AND VOTE!

    -Charlie Kirk

    Hasn’t even seen the video, but already dismissing it as AI. Anything that the right doesn’t like is fake.

  • themeatbridge
    1304 hours ago

    Maybe there’s a video, maybe there’s not.

    But nobody is saying “No way! Trump would never do that!” or “This is a shocking scandal that nobody would have believed!”

    • barnaclebutt
      431 minutes ago

      I grabbed her titty. She asked me too. With a tear in her eye she said please please please Mr. Trump touch my titty. I obligated. I couldn’t help it. I had to. She was so innocent. It was a perfect titty touch.

    • @bassomitron
      4 hours ago

      That’s the sad reality of it. The sadder part is that, even if it’s true, his cult still won’t care.

      And, of course, the minor being groped won’t see any justice.

      • Omega
        294 hours ago

        I think what’s even sadder is that so-called moderates and centrists won’t care. Trump didn’t win in 2016 due to his cult. He won because everyday people recognized how fucked up he was and decided they didn’t care.

        • @GardenVarietyAnxiety
          62 hours ago

          And don’t forget the “huhuhuhuh imma vote for him as a joke, bro” crowd.

          • @Furbag
            41 hour ago

            There are a lot of people who went for Trump in 2016 that he’s never going to get back again. The “I only voted for him as a joke because I thought he had no chance and I didn’t like Clinton as a candidate” folks are real. I know one in real life and he’s very repentant. Voted for Biden in 2020 and will be voting for Harris this November.

            He’s no longer an unknown quantity, so people voting for him because they were giving him the benefit of the doubt have had an entire Trump term to have that doubt stripped away. I think they’ll avoid making that mistake again, just like they avoided it in 2020.

            Then there’s the accelerationists who thought voting Trump in would be the quickest way to bring about a rapid collapse of the shitty duopoly and convince both parties that they need to reevaluate their platforms. As it turns out, it just dragged both parties even further right, so those guys can safely stay home knowing that handing Trump a second term isn’t going to further their agenda in the slightest.

            I’m sure there were a lot of people who were just duped with misinformation and bullshit, and I hope those guys still remember how they were tricked last time and vote accordingly.

            Lastly, I still believe that there are American voters out there who drew lines in the sand, said they were uncrossable, and meant it. Things like staging a coup to remain in power, getting impeached twice, threatening to end the constitution, and threatening to use the military against his political opponents. Those people have to step up to the plate now more than ever.

        • RickRussell_CA
          123 hours ago

          That was my reading in 2016 – before the election, I realized that the “thrill vote” would go to Trump, and the average folks were going to sit it out because Hillary Clinton couldn’t energize anybody.

          I’m getting a lot of those feelings around KH too. I just hope folks come out for the anti-Trump vote, at least.

    • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
      113 hours ago

      As hard as it is to listen to talk radio it’s also kind of fun to catch the nuances in their bullshit. Someone accuses Trump of praising Hitler and immediately they say, “Wow! This is such a desperate play from the Democrats!”

  • @DarkCloud
    4 hours ago

    If anyone produces multiple bowls of spaghetti from behind their backs we’ll know it’s AI… Otherwise it already sounds like plausible behavior for someone who bragged about “grabbing 'em by the pussy”.

    That’s the thing to remind people about - he’s already said he gropes women. He’s already said he walks in on minors at teen beauty pageants.

    • Omega
      324 hours ago

      For accuracy’s sake, he said he walked in on the adult pageants. He was also accused of walking in on the teen pageants.

      I’m 100% certain he did both though.

      • @DarkCloud
        3 hours ago

        You’re right about that minor detail, I must have misremembered - because it’s actually multiple minors who have spoken up as victims of his predations:

        On the heels of the damaging videotape on which Trump and former Access Hollywood host Billy Bush salivated over Days of Our Live actress Arianne Zucker, and joked about sexually assaulting women, came allegations that Trump entered the Miss Teen USA changing room where girls as young as 15 were in various states of undress.

        Mariah Billado, Miss Teen Vermont 1997 told BuzzFeed, “I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here.'” Three other teenage contestants from the same year confirmed the story.

        He’s so prolific in being a known rapist and molester that Wikipedia has a page for the receipts:

        …and their issues with the page (from the tags at the top) are too often it uses Trump’s own admissions as the source, and that it needs to be updated. Both of which indicate just how into doing this sort of stuff he is.

  • @[email protected]
    143 hours ago

    Any video of the Man who bragged about grabbing Women by the Pussy and who was friends with Jeffrey Epstein and who Perved on Underage Beauty Pageant participants is OBVIOUSLY AI! DRAG QUEENS!

    • @thesporkeffect
      43 hours ago

      I can’t tell what he identifies as, but either way he’s not even slightly passing

  • @[email protected]
    134 hours ago

    This is being pushed as the October surprise on X. The MAGA Cult is so far gone I don’t think much will change their mind at this time. “It was Gods will he groped her.”

    • OhStopYellingAtMe
      3 hours ago

      The maga cult already believes that women have fewer rights than men. A woman being groped isn’t going to sway them in any direction but even more toward trump.

      • ThePowerOfGeek
        23 hours ago

        Plus most of them believe any women grouped by Trump should feel honored that their tangerine messiah chose to assault them.

  • @nemonic187
    73 hours ago

    The guy would walk in the dressing room of the Miss TEEN USA pageant, that he owned, while they were changing. Of course he’s groped minors. Unfortunately, there won’t be a video of this happening. Guaranteed.

  • Skeezix
    154 hours ago

    He’s the Groper in Chief.

  • @[email protected]
    3 hours ago

    Nah, this doesn’t pass my smell test. If anything of this magnitude existed, it would be published before early voting started. But deepfakes, and AI are coming, well they’re here… but uhh that’s not real. So that’s not really a story.

    • @rsuri
      143 minutes ago

      I doubt it’s any more than a social media rumor like the kinds that frequently spread on X.

    • @Fondots
      42 hours ago

      My gut says that most of the people who vote early have already had their minds made up for a long time and not much would change their vote one way or the other, otherwise they’d probably wait until the day of to see what new information might come to light in case it changes their mind.

      And in general Democrats vote early in higher numbers than Republicans. This wouldn’t do much to change how the Democrats vote (what are they gonna do? Say “well I wasn’t going to vote for they guy anyway, but now I’m really not gonna vote for him?”) but you would at least hope it would for some Republicans (though that might be wishful thinking.) Since more of those Republicans are going to be voting in-person it may have made sense to hold this back so it was still fresh in their mind when they actually go to the polls.

      Just my 2¢ on the matter. Take it for what it’s worth.

      • @[email protected]
        22 hours ago

        This is a fair point, and I agree that could be the strategy. Really I just hope it didn’t happen, and there’s no one victimized, and never something that could be recorded.

        • The Octonaut
          21 hour ago

          So your version of compassion towards this woman is “I hope she’s part of an elaborate election lie”?

  • @hOrni
    22 hours ago

    You need video proof for that?

  • @Modern_medicine_isnt
    64 hours ago

    He is so lost these days he probably honestly thought her ass was the lecturn.

  • @warbond
    -12 hours ago

    Cool story, post the video or stfu