No video released yet but the right wing blog-sphere is already claiming it’s AI. Put on your seat-belts and keep your hands inside the car at all times.

  • themeatbridge
    2775 months ago

    Maybe there’s a video, maybe there’s not.

    But nobody is saying “No way! Trump would never do that!” or “This is a shocking scandal that nobody would have believed!”

    • @bassomitron
      5 months ago

      That’s the sad reality of it. The sadder part is that, even if it’s true, his cult still won’t care.

      And, of course, the minor being groped won’t see any justice.

      • Omega
        615 months ago

        I think what’s even sadder is that so-called moderates and centrists won’t care. Trump didn’t win in 2016 due to his cult. He won because everyday people recognized how fucked up he was and decided they didn’t care.

        • @GardenVarietyAnxiety
          285 months ago

          And don’t forget the “huhuhuhuh imma vote for him as a joke, bro” crowd.

          • @Furbag
            235 months ago

            There are a lot of people who went for Trump in 2016 that he’s never going to get back again. The “I only voted for him as a joke because I thought he had no chance and I didn’t like Clinton as a candidate” folks are real. I know one in real life and he’s very repentant. Voted for Biden in 2020 and will be voting for Harris this November.

            He’s no longer an unknown quantity, so people voting for him because they were giving him the benefit of the doubt have had an entire Trump term to have that doubt stripped away. I think they’ll avoid making that mistake again, just like they avoided it in 2020.

            Then there’s the accelerationists who thought voting Trump in would be the quickest way to bring about a rapid collapse of the shitty duopoly and convince both parties that they need to reevaluate their platforms. As it turns out, it just dragged both parties even further right, so those guys can safely stay home knowing that handing Trump a second term isn’t going to further their agenda in the slightest.

            I’m sure there were a lot of people who were just duped with misinformation and bullshit, and I hope those guys still remember how they were tricked last time and vote accordingly.

            Lastly, I still believe that there are American voters out there who drew lines in the sand, said they were uncrossable, and meant it. Things like staging a coup to remain in power, getting impeached twice, threatening to end the constitution, and threatening to use the military against his political opponents. Those people have to step up to the plate now more than ever.

            • @Feathercrown
              55 months ago

              As it turns out, it just dragged both parties even further right, so those guys can safely stay home knowing that handing Trump a second term isn’t going to further their agenda in the slightest.

              If lemmy comments are anything to go by, they haven’t learned.

          • Queen HawlSera
            75 months ago

            Thankfully those only voted Trump in 2016 and quickly found it wasn’t funny

            • @ilinamorato
              155 months ago

              There are plenty of kids who just turned 18 this year. They were 9 when Trump began his first campaign, and certainly don’t remember any political reality before it.

              I don’t think enough of them will be voting for lols this time to matter, but it’s worth noting that every electorate for every election is distinct.

        • RickRussell_CA
          175 months ago

          That was my reading in 2016 – before the election, I realized that the “thrill vote” would go to Trump, and the average folks were going to sit it out because Hillary Clinton couldn’t energize anybody.

          I’m getting a lot of those feelings around KH too. I just hope folks come out for the anti-Trump vote, at least.

          • Queen HawlSera
            35 months ago

            “Finally getting Trump out of the News Cycle” isn’t motivating!?!

            • Gumby
              45 months ago

              Do you honestly believe he’ll be out of the news cycle if he loses?

              • Queen HawlSera
                35 months ago

                Yes actually, well he wouldn’t be in it as much as if he were the President (…again)

                Actually given his advanced age and delirium I wouldn’t be surprised if the loudest news stories besides “He did 1/6 again…” and “Trump Voters don’t approve of Kamela, I wonder what reason totally not related to her skintone it could be, let’s just ignore the elephant in the room like we did with questioning why they didn’t like Obama back when they were the Tea Party” would be…

                “He had a stroke and choked on a hamberder”

                I’m only being slightly cynical since he’s doing shit like falling asleep at rallies, this man’s body is trying to die and he’s fighting it to run for President. That’s a man on borrowed time if I ever saw it. It’s also a man who has nothing to lose and is a heartbeat away from putting Vance in charge, both of those are scary potential realities if he’s President.

      • @[email protected]
        35 months ago

        And, of course, the minor being groped won’t see any justice.

        Not only that, she’ll get death threats.

    • barnaclebutt
      365 months ago

      I grabbed her titty. She asked me too. With a tear in her eye she said please please please Mr. Trump touch my titty. I obligated. I couldn’t help it. I had to. She was so innocent. It was a perfect titty touch.

      • ditty
        5 months ago

        “When it comes to fondling tits, everyone tells me I’m the best - that’s what they all tell me. I can’t help it - I see a beautiful woman and I have to do it, and they let me, you know, because I’m famous and they love it, they’ll let you do whatever you want. My friend Jeffrey Epstein always said that, and boy we had a lot of fun, he really knew how to find em, the greatest most beautiful young women, whenever we wanted we’d grab em and kiss em and anything else, though none of them could compare to my beautiful Ivanka… anyway Alexa play Ave Maria”

    • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
      185 months ago

      As hard as it is to listen to talk radio it’s also kind of fun to catch the nuances in their bullshit. Someone accuses Trump of praising Hitler and immediately they say, “Wow! This is such a desperate play from the Democrats!”

    • @[email protected]
      05 months ago

      I hate the man and I’m saying I don’t think he’s this stupid. He wants to get re-elected too much to do something so reckless.

      Has he assaulted other women? No fucking doubt. But not two weeks from the election at a campaign event with a ton of reporters around him. It’s not believable.

  • @DarkCloud
    5 months ago

    If anyone produces multiple bowls of spaghetti from behind their backs we’ll know it’s AI… Otherwise it already sounds like plausible behavior for someone who bragged about “grabbing 'em by the pussy”.

    That’s the thing to remind people about - he’s already said he gropes women. He’s already said he walks in on minors at teen beauty pageants.

    • Omega
      615 months ago

      For accuracy’s sake, he said he walked in on the adult pageants. He was also accused of walking in on the teen pageants.

      I’m 100% certain he did both though.

      • @DarkCloud
        5 months ago

        You’re right about that minor detail, I must have misremembered - because it’s actually multiple minors who have spoken up as victims of his predations:

        On the heels of the damaging videotape on which Trump and former Access Hollywood host Billy Bush salivated over Days of Our Live actress Arianne Zucker, and joked about sexually assaulting women, came allegations that Trump entered the Miss Teen USA changing room where girls as young as 15 were in various states of undress.

        Mariah Billado, Miss Teen Vermont 1997 told BuzzFeed, “I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here.'” Three other teenage contestants from the same year confirmed the story.

        He’s so prolific in being a known rapist and molester that Wikipedia has a page for the receipts:

        …and their issues with the page (from the tags at the top) are too often it uses Trump’s own admissions as the source, and that it needs to be updated. Both of which indicate just how into doing this sort of stuff he is.

  • @inb4_FoundTheVegan
    885 months ago

    You are about to see insanely desperate stuff from Democrats. Expect fake AI generated crap about Trump coming soon. Stay focused AND VOTE!

    -Charlie Kirk

    Hasn’t even seen the video, but already dismissing it as AI. Anything that the right doesn’t like is fake.

  • @[email protected]
    745 months ago

    It never happened.

    It’s AI.

    She lied about her age.

    Everyone would have done the same.

    Actually pedophilia is OK now.

    • @StupidBrotherInLaw
      355 months ago

      Mrrrmmm, ACKchyually, she’s over 15 so it’s EPHEBOphilia. They’re two very different things, thank you very much.

      /s, kiddie diddling is kiddie diddling.

      • @[email protected]
        165 months ago

        kiddie diddling is kiddie diddling.

        Absolutely 100%. Taking advantage of a minor is wrong no matter what.

        However, the word you used describes an attraction, not actual rape. And in that case there is a big difference because being attracted to mid to late teens, which is a perfect normal and healthy sexual attraction, and pedophilia, which is a disorder. This is the same science that confirms homosexuality and trans identity are perfectly normal, and rejecting this science is no different than rejecting that people can be gay and trans.

        I know I’ll be piled on because of the pedophile panic that has gripped so many people, but I don’t care because I think it’s important for people to understand this. After watching the suffering of gay and trans people, first hand, being treated like deviants or that there is something wrong with them I can’t stand by while people treat other normal and healthy people as if they are fucked up. It’s not right.

        • AmidFuror
          65 months ago

          People keep saying diddling is diddling, but then they still seem to get progressively more outraged as the age of the victim goes down. I think it’s normal to get more horrified the younger and more “innocent” the victim is. It doesn’t mean that raping a teenager is no big deal if you think raping an infant is an extra level of depraved.

      • Final Remix
        -35 months ago

        Ugh… I can practically hear the reddit leaking out of this comment.

        • @Buddahriffic
          15 months ago

          Pssst… It’s not Reddit, it’s the people. The Reddit bullshit was what came from the admins. Everything else, the users and the mods, were just people being themselves.

    • peopleproblems
      125 months ago

      No no no no. The last one isn’t true.

      The rich can do whatever they please, that’s their right for being rich (/s).

  • @rsuri
    5 months ago

    Why would they tease it and not release it? Where does this claim even come from? The article just says the sources are “Several social media users, including commentators and reporters”. Then it seems like all the people tweeting about it are right wingers. I’m suspicious. Could be a distraction from the more credible stories about Trump loving Hitler and shitting on a slain soldier for having an expensive funeral for a Mexican.

    • @BoddhisatvaOP
      145 months ago

      It would be a wild choice for a distraction. The rumors claim that the person with the video is shopping it around. They want a payday before they give the video to anyone. Sadly, that means that a deep-pocketed Trump ally could do a catch and kill and never release it.

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    As someone who had to sit through a seemingly unending stream of videos of Biden sniffing hair etc, none of which were as damning as the people boosting them claimed, I really hope they either don’t release this, or it actually is what it claims to be, not some similar crap.

    “Donald Trump loses his balance and accidentally makes contact with a girl’s butt” or similar ambiguous clip is probably not going to do anything except make me have to start ignoring videos of Biden sniffing hair again when magas start posting them in retaliation or whatever.

    • @RagingRobot
      -35 months ago

      I loved the Biden sniffing hair videos!! They were so creepy but also funny. I was hoping he would keep doing it after he was president lol.

      I also voted for Joe biden. Only because of the sniffing actually lol

      • @bitjunkie
        45 months ago

        I can’t tell if this post was intended as satire, and that actually makes it even more amusing.

    • archomrade [he/him]
      -155 months ago

      Same with “Trump speaks slowly and closes his eyes for a couple seconds” being paraded around as him being ‘exhausted’ or even ‘sundowning’.

      None of it could possibly sway voters, it’s just to make the voting base feel good about their choice of support.

      • @LovableSidekick
        185 months ago

        “Closes his eyes for a couple seconds”? Yeah, Trump spending a half hour of his rally walking the stage aimlessly to music was probably just his whimsical side, not a sign that his mind is anything less than razor-sharp. Libs these days will exaggerate ANYTHING!

        • archomrade [he/him]
          -35 months ago

          Even if he was dead on his feet, how does that change anything? The only people who care about the optics of it are libs who already find him gross and disturbed… It makes dems feel better about their candidate’s chances (“look, he’s tired and on the ropes, give him the haymaker!”). If anything, him being a tired sleepy old man undercuts their message that he’s a vindictive and dangerous fascist who’s losing touch with reality. It wouldn’t surprise me if his change in demeanor is an intentional choice to make him look more chill and reasonable.

          You hear how republicans reacted to that town hall? They fucking loved it, they talk about it like it was a birthright trip or something.

          • @LovableSidekick
            75 months ago

            Yes I agree it won’t change anything. Everybody is pretty much decided at this point, and the whole neck-and-neck race thing is basically clickbait for ads.

            • @bitjunkie
              25 months ago

              It was neck-and-neck according to the polling in 2020 too and as unenthused as most of us were about Biden, he fucking smoked him even in the EC

              • archomrade [he/him]
                05 months ago

                People might not have been enthused about Biden in 2020, but there was at least some hope for him after the extremely progressive primary campaign.

                There’s none of that hope or excitement for this year - there was no primary to push Harris to run on progressive issues. If there’s any election that bears a resemblance to this year, it’s 2016, not 2020

            • archomrade [he/him]
              15 months ago

              the whole neck-and-neck race thing is basically clickbait for ads.

              Yea, I kinda hate that attitude, too, honestly. True enough that polls are already like trying to read tea-leaves, and there’s ample motivation to play games with the results to skew a particular way. But people tend to apply that analysis selectively so that they don’t have to confront the possibility their candidate/political calculations aren’t popular. When our media circles are being blasted with petty reporting about one candidate or the other taking a dookey on stage or whatever-the-fuck, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep expectations reasonably close to reality because you’re ignoring about half the signs and granting too much weight to the signs you actually do see.

              The race is neck-and-neck, by just about any reasonable projection. But the margin of error is something like ±3/4%, and that’s assuming a healthy sample and is just a snapshot that is still weeks away from election day. A poll on the day of the election that has Harris -1 in Michigan could end up being Trump +3 or vice-versa, and that’s completely within the margin for that poll.

              But if you’re not even hearing what’s being said on the opposite end of the spectrum, let alone actually trying to understand what’s being said, then you’re gonna be completely taken for a ride come nov 6. For 6 months after the election, analysts and most Americans will be scratching their heads trying to understand what happened (win or lose) because people just have no idea what the other half of the country is actually feeling. And when people are sure they had it right, and then have those expectations flipped on the day, that’s when you get people storming the capital or spending years prosecuting foreign interference that was completely out in the open the whole time.

              • @[email protected]
                5 months ago

                I appreciate and agree with most of your post, but I disagree that we are all so disconnected from each other’s feelings. Perhaps it’s a regional thing, but many of us have relatives, if not friends, who deeply disagree with our politics. We not only get exposed to the others’ views through social interactions, but we also absorb any political media they have on in the background on holidays and other get-togethers. Some of us also want to understand what the other end of the spectrum is exposed to and seek out some content from these sources for a variety of different reasons.

                I don’t understand the mindset and thinking of people in my life that are so far on the other side when it comes to these issues, but I don’t write them off or feel disgusted by them as people unless and until they start promoting hate speech in most cases.

                I’m also not experiencing any delusions about inevitable outcomes on election day. I’m preparing for either reality, but I’m more actively preparing myself for the opposite outcome of what I’m hoping for. Lemmy does a great job of reminding me how possible this is in comment sections every day.

                I’m doing what I can by helping and encouraging friends, coworkers, and my partner to vote. He even requested an absentee ballot after months of telling me he wasn’t going to vote. I didn’t push, and I don’t consume most news media when we’re together. He has just had a harder time ignoring the evidence of his eyes and ears lately.

                Nothing is decided. If we care at all about not feeling the gut punch that was November 9th of 2016, if not worse, then we should do what we can to prevent that from happening again.

                • @[email protected]
                  05 months ago

                  We not only get exposed to the others’ views through social interactions, but we also absorb any political media they have on in the background on holidays and other get-togethers.

                  Maybe it is regional… But my experience has been that it is just one “side” that are the type to play cable news in the background of holidays and family get togethers.

                • archomrade [he/him]
                  05 months ago

                  We don’t experience the same media onslaught as they do. We might hear their perspective from talking to them, but we don’t understand the extent of the warped reality they experience, and we don’t understand how the same news events get communicated to them very differently.

                  Just looking through the reporting shared here, you get the distinct feeling that Trump is on the decline and he’s in big trouble. But any other media environment paints an extremely different picture - and any alarm or skepticism raised here in the comments is not very well received. The polls that show trump extending leads in swing states are suddenly not at all unbelievable once you anonymize your internet browsing and see what’s being presented to the median american.

                  I’m just commenting on what I see. The vibe here feels very similar to 2016, and I’m bracing myself for the media collapse that happens the day after.

          • @michaelmrose
            65 months ago

            Being a tried sleepy old man doesn’t prevent one from being a dangerous fascist. Source prior dangerous fascists who continued to be so long after they got old.

            • archomrade [he/him]
              35 months ago

              Of course not, but people don’t think of tired sleepy old men as dangerous fascists.

              The optics are mutually exclusive, even if the qualities themselves aren’t.

            • @bitjunkie
              25 months ago

              I agree with you, but you seem to be confusing optics bullshit for the base with anything remotely resembling rationale

      • @bitjunkie
        65 months ago

        Bro he can’t hold a plastic water bottle with one hand, he’s definitely sundowning even if the claims about those clips are (pardon the pun) trumped-up

        • archomrade [he/him]
          -25 months ago

          That’s the point though, those clips just make it seem like we’re exaggerating all of his behavior.

        • archomrade [he/him]
          -25 months ago

          The more you amplify ordinary behavior as somehow exceptional, the less people will actually listen to the exceptional behavior.

          There’s an endless stream of videos hyper-analyzing footage of Harris or Biden doing ordinary things, making them seem like egregious examples of derangement or ill-health. It’s what the conservative base is exceedingly good at.

          It’s far more effective to make fun of them as obsessive weirdos than engage in the same petty psychoanalytic rhetoric as they do. The latter isn’t going to move any voters and is only going to excite the weirdos on the other side.

  • @MehBlah
    495 months ago

    His sycophants forgive any crime he commits. They will blame the minor not him.

    • @FrowingFostek
      125 months ago

      Riley: Oh, yes, the victim! At what point does personal responsibility become a factor in this equation?

      Dubois: I don’t think that’s–

      Riley: I see piss coming, I move.

      Huey: mmm

      Riley: She saw piss coming, she stayed.

      Dubois: Yes, she did, but–

      Riley: And why should I have to miss out on the next R. Kelly album! Just for that?!

      • @MehBlah
        35 months ago

        Is this a transcript? Please tell me it isn’t.

          • @[email protected]
            5 months ago

            It’s become relevant again as a fringe group of people are defending their favorites that got implicated in the diddy parties. At least this time it seems like much less people are on the offenders side, but maybe thats because there are so many offenders that the misplaced support is more distributed than when it was just R Kelly or just Bill Cosby.

        • @Maggoty
          25 months ago

          It was the last episode of boondocks for many people.

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      Oh no, they don’t forgive. They don’t allow it to get that far. They ignore the crime completely and will tell you it straight up never happened

  • @[email protected]
    485 months ago

    They didn’t care when Jeffrey Epstein hooked Don up with a 13-year-old at his private minor rape party. Why would they care about a boob grab?

  • @Burn_The_Right
    395 months ago

    This could actually get him more votes. After all, the GOP is the Party of Pedophila.

    • @WoahWoah
      185 months ago


      • @Sylvartas
        95 months ago


        Always weirds me the fuck out when I see this stuff. Like, my dude, pedophiles are quite universally reviled, even amongst hardcore criminals, why the hell do you feel the need to loudly signal this ?

        • @WoahWoah
          65 months ago

          You know why they feel the need to loudly signal it.

          • @Sylvartas
            35 months ago

            Yeah that is definitely a rhetorical question here

        • @[email protected]
          35 months ago

          , why the hell do you feel the need to loudly signal this ?

          Same reason they always do this: projection

  • @[email protected]
    375 months ago

    This is just conspiratorial garbage. That article is garbage. I would love for something like this to take him down, but if you think this has any credibility, please realize that your ability to critically analyze new information is ridiculously clouded by confirmation bias.

    • @[email protected]
      105 months ago

      It’s such a waste of time

      “Without proof, claims of video of event exists”

      And then it’s just random people on twitter

    • @psycho_driver
      95 months ago

      Did Charlie Kirk tweet that? If so, I’d believe it’s 100% for real and they’re trying to get out in front of it. Like many posters below point out, his base won’t care.

      • @ATDA
        25 months ago

        I have a hard time discerning if Kirk knows this, or if he’s just projecting after the Swift AI nonsense.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        The tweet is vague. We’ve seen ai been used already in this election to spread misinformation, so it’s saying Democrats might do so could refer to literally anything.

        But when put in the context of this supposed tape, it dishonestly makes it sound like they are talking about it.

        Don’t get me wrong, I’d be happily wrong about this, but this is literally nothing right now.

      • @WoodScientist
        15 months ago

        I would just as rather believe that the whole thing is a right-wing plan:

        1. Get conservatives to harp about an incoming deepfake.

        2. Get liberals thinking talking about it, condemning Trump for something they haven’t even seen yet.

        3. Release a video, that actually is a deepfake, a deepfake created BY conservatives.

        4. The deepfake is quickly discovered, and conservatives accuse liberals of trying to frame Trump for sexual assault.

    • @WoahWoah
      5 months ago

      The fact that the some of the most immoral spin-doctors that aren’t directly related to the Trump campaign – Posobiec and Kirk for starters – are clearly trying to get out in front of some sort of bad news that, based on their comments, appears to be a video grants more weight to claims than this random article.

      That being said, whether there is actually a video or they’re reacting to the same rumored threat is unknown. Even if it were true, I honestly don’t know if it would make enough of a difference for Trump’s supporters. And, again if true, the longer they hold the video and allow advance spin and damage control to run unopposed, the less effect it will have. The simple fact is that Trump supporters would then be looking for any reason to simple dismiss/ignore it, and they will undoubtedly be given many reasons by affiliates of Trump’s campaign.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        are clearly trying to get out in front of some sort of bad news that, based on their comments, appears to be a video grants more weight to claims than this random article.

        This is a lot of assumptions. They are constantly saying Democrats are about to do something bad. It’s part of their shtick, and they are just trying to keep people afraid.

        But even if we agree and they are clearly trying to get out in front of something that doesn’t make anything we put into that hole “has more weight.”

        • @WoahWoah
          25 months ago

          Trump spin-doctors are specifically referencing that democrats are going to release an “AI-generated” piece of media. I’m assuming that means they’re worried something might be released soon. That’s it, I’m not putting anything in a “hole,” I’m just waiting to see what they’re trying to get in front of.

          • @[email protected]
            5 months ago

            We have two people, who often claim Democrats are about to do something bad, tweeting that Democrats are about to do something bad. This isn’t “clearly getting ahead of something” it could just be their typical fear mongering.

            You also said that this “fact” gives the claim more weight, but it still could be referring to literally anything.

            All we have is some “social media users” saying there is a tape and misleading via context claims that 2 of the hundreds of right wing spin doctors are vaguely referencing a video.

            It’s absolutely nothing at this point

    • Sippy Cup
      -25 months ago

      Sure there’s video. There’s a pee tape too. Just like the tooth fairy and a politician that cares. They all exist.

      • @fluxion
        125 months ago

        Yes, it makes no logical sense in this physical realm… and they still won’t question it

        • @pigup
          25 months ago

          Is this that 5d chess I’ve heard so much about?

      • @Burninator05
        105 months ago

        Clearly you don’t eat the baby skull so it is left for punting.

        • Jerkface (any/all)
          5 months ago

          Clearly you don’t eat babies! The whole point of eating babies is the skull comes apart.

        • @[email protected]
          45 months ago

          Pff. Who brought the new guy right? It’s getting to the point you can’t have Sunday afternoon baby BBQ and skull football game anymore. Whats happened to us these last few years?

          • @Masta_Chief
            25 months ago

            Because satire tends to be lost on conservatives nowadays:

            The above comments are SATIRE, meaning we are JOKING and DO NOT bbq, eat, or punt babies, because killing babies is BAD.

            And before some smartass points to abortion rights as “killing babies,” well you’ll be shocked to hear that adding restrictions to reproductive care actually INCREASES infant mortality (which means more babies die, which is BAD).

            • @wolfpack86
              15 months ago

              But if the baby is already dead, no harm no foul

  • @IndustryStandard
    365 months ago

    If they want evidence of Trump abusing minors there is an Epstein case they might want to mention.

  • HobbitFoot
    365 months ago

    He’s bragged about doing it before. I don’t see how this would affect his popularity.

    • Queen HawlSera
      105 months ago

      It isn’t, in fact despite the video not being released it’s already being “debunked” as AI on Far Right websites.

  • @inclementimmigrant
    5 months ago

    This fascist POS was literally found to be a credible sexual abuser and it did nothing.

    This too, if proven true, will also do nothing because Republicans endorse this type of behavior.

      • shoulderoforion
        85 months ago

        Stacey Williams was born in 1968 which would have made her 25 years old in 1993 when this groping took place, so I believe I’d prefer some source other than timesnownews for a story about Trump groping a minor, before sinking my teeth into an October surprise that clearly has no basis in discernible truth yet

        • @vxx
          5 months ago

          The article posted here isn’t about Stacey Williams, it’s about an alleged tape where he gropes a minor.

          There’s no other source on this that I can find though, so I’m not holding my breath for that video to exist. The source is some twitter accounts.

        • @[email protected]
          95 months ago

          According to the Forbes article she later received a postcard in 1993, not that the groping occurred in 1993.

          • @idiomaddict
            15 months ago

            A former model has accused former President Donald Trump of groping her in 1993 during a visit she made to Trump Tower while in a relationship with late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, suggesting the interaction was part of a “twisted game,” in the latest accusation of sexual misconduct against the ex-president, which his spokesperson called “unequivocally false.”

            I’m just starting the article, so I might have to eat crow in a sec, but it looks like all the accusations are 1993.

            • Nougat
              35 months ago

              I also love getting downvoted for “quoting sources” and “stating facts.”

        • @SassyRamen
          45 months ago

          That’s probably the plan “trump groped a minor” “She was an adult! Therefor your argument has no legs!”

        • @FlowVoid
          15 months ago

          I just gave you two sources other than timesnownews

    • Nougat
      45 months ago

      Yeah, Chrome is telling me that HTTPS sends an invalid response (maybe the site is overloaded?), and my TP-Link router is telling me that the HTTP site is on their malware list.