• slingstone
    277 days ago

    Also, Goliath was the bad guy.

    • @[email protected]
      16 days ago

      Well, the antagonist of the story at least.

      The Israelites genocided the Philistines every chance they got… Whose name Palestine is descended from btw.

  • @madcaesar
    47 days ago

    How does somone so stupid put something like that into the world so confidently…

  • @conundorum
    37 days ago

    At this point, the phrase “David and Goliath” is basically a meme, and there are a lot more people that know a short guy named David fought a giant named Goliath than actually read 1 Samuel. And for that matter, more than know how the fight actually played out.

    Heck, there are a lot of people that probably only know about it from The Simpsons, that episode with the skits that cast the kids as Bible characters and basically parodied the stories they were based on… I think it had Bart as David, probably Nelson or one of the other bullies as Goliath, and Ralph killing one of Goliath’s brothers with a sling and a modern tombstone? That’s probably about as much as a lot of people know about David & Goliath, honestly.

  • Riskable
    1828 days ago

    So what they’re saying is that Canada can win this fight if they’ve got good aim and a minimal arsenal of tools at their disposal. Got it.

    • @acetanilide
      7 days ago


      I assumed this was someone being funny at first but since I have learned they are serious…well it’s still funny

      (edit to select the language)

        • @P00ptart
          318 days ago

          The rest of the world: yeah we already knew that, though.

    • @Hikermick
      858 days ago

      During Trump’s first term, Trudeau had to remind him that Canada has the deficit in trading with the US. This is probably retribution for embarrassing him. I wish I was kidding

      • @Draces
        228 days ago

        I think it’s more an attempt to replace income tax since it acts like a sales tax like they’ve been drooling to do for years but now they don’t have to say the word tax

        • @[email protected]
          8 days ago

          People should just start referring to Tariffs as “import taxes” (which exactly what Tariffs are) , as in " Trump raise the import taxes on Canadian goods".

          Then just let people reach the natural conclusion from the pain on their wallets.

    • @[email protected]
      378 days ago

      It’s a strongarm tactic to negotiate something else they want or they’re trying to spoil u.s.-Canadian relations.

      • Queen HawlSera
        88 days ago

        At this point I legitimately want Canada to Annex America, we cannot be left to our own devices.

    • Bakkoda
      138 days ago

      Our president is a baby. Everything is unfair. Diapers? Unfair. Hurricanes? Unfair.

    • @rayyy
      98 days ago

      Most in the US don’t see how Canada is being unfair. Maybe he is using “unfair” like he uses it when his assault victims sue him.

    • @blazeknave
      48 days ago

      You’re trying to reconcile a dude who thinks Goliath is the hero?

  • @[email protected]
    908 days ago

    Also, remind me Jack, whose side was God on in that fight? Because if I remember correctly it might have not been Goliath’s…

  • Lad
    828 days ago


    USA: How dare you. Trade war it is

  • Queen HawlSera
    758 days ago

    It’s often been pointed out that Right Wing Media Literacy is poor.

    We see this often when they root for villains or characters intentionally unsympathetic, like Bojack’s Dad, Homelander… heck Trump’s 2020 Re-Election team compared him to Thanos, saying he was “inevitable” and making gifs of him as Thanos snapping the DNC away.

    So this isn’t anything new in theory, but it’s amazing that this “They’re rooting for the bad guys because they don’t know how media works” problem extends to the FUCKING BIBLE!

    The Heroes of the Bible are intentionally meek a lot of the time, the point is that even when you aren’t powerful yourself, your dedication to your Faith and standing up for what’s right should be enough to make up for your shortcomings, for the Lord will lift your burden.

    It’s why “Proud Christian” doesn’t make any sense, it’s a very Pro-Humility faith!

    • bizarroland
      248 days ago

      I mean, David literally had a thousand wives and concubines and he still had to go and fuck one of his best soldiers’ wives.

      He got her pregnant and then orchestrated the guys desth to cover up his sin, the baby was cursed to die, and the second the baby died, he was just like, “Okay, cool, I’m over it” and he’s still considered the beloved of God.

      The gist of the story is that people that are pointed to high places and have heroic unbelievable achievements can make horrible mistakes and still be forgiven by God as long as they repent.

      Nobody is perfect, not the undefeatable giant Goliath, nor the beautifully-hearted musical genius hero warrior king David of Israel.

      Anybody whose understanding of David stops at, He killed Goliath with a slingshot" doesn’t deserve any sort of authority when it comes to interpretation of the Bible.

      • @[email protected]
        128 days ago

        My interpretations of the Bible are as useful as my interpretations of any other fantasy series. Just because something has a deeper meaning doesn’t mean it is useful, correct, or should be followed. Every episode of South Park ends with what lessons they learned. It’s also more up to date and in tune with the realities of the world around it. The reason people don’t worship South Park is because they haven’t been systematically brainwashed to do so.

        How I know this: god told me so

      • Blaster M
        7 days ago

        The Bible’s track of history is unique in that it doesn’t just show when the people written about did good, it also shows when they did bad. David was good, until he got into that affair with Bathsheba, and indirectly got her husband killed in battle. He was called out on that part by a prophet speaking in behalf of God, and the only reason he lived was that he repented, but he still lost their first child because of it.

        Solomon was the king with a thousand wives. He asked God for smarts when presented with an option to ask for anything and be granted it, and he was granted that and more for thinking spiritually and not materially, but then he started getting into the whole wives and concubines thing. Another example of “started out good, but then got sucked into doing bad”, as he was given advance prophecy that Israel would be broken into pieces over this. Which happened when his son took over and made things worse.

        • @captainlezbian
          17 days ago

          And one could look at both of them as following in the traditions of the judges in that way. They were people who needed power to protect their people, obtained it, used it for good, abused it, then suffered.

          I was always taught it was meant to indicate that God and it’s followers would always have this push and pull relationship, but I think it’s just that power makes you suck

    • @AnUnusualRelic
      88 days ago

      I’ve been saying it for a while, but a lot of the US so called Christian groups actually aren’t. I’m not really sure what they should be called. Pseudo Christian maybe?

      • Enkrod
        108 days ago

        Sure, their fundamentalist, militant beliefs are not rooted in any intelligent reading of their scripture, but, in my opinion, just like humans can not evolve out of our ancestry (humans are apes, are monkeys, are primates, are mammals, are chordates) movements cannot escape the roots of their religion. And they constitute a vast, but for it’s size relatively homogeneous, culturally distinct sect of Christianity. So let’s not create a “true scotsman” here, just because they don’t abide by your (or my) interpretation of their faith doesn’t mean they aren’t Christians, similar differences in belief exist in many religious sects in many different religions. And at least they violently “claim” to be Christians and will defend that position with vigor. Something apparent in all the big american sects that, from the outside, seeem to have little to nothing to do with the teachings in the New Testament. Like Mormonism.

        Just like Christianity, Judaism and Islam are still abrahamic religions, those new american sects will always remain christian in their roots.

        For this sect, Christian trappings have fused with the American Civil Religion, the Red Scare and the “Lost Cause”-myth. In this worldview, the defeat in a holy war (American Civil War) facilitated the struggle between evil, socialist, secular, globalist, minority-loving, weak liberalism and the good, pious, capitalist, nationalist, exceptionalist, (mostly white) red-blooded conservatism.

        This might actually constitute a new kind of religion, but it is heavily blanketed in pseudo-christian trappings and lots of old-testament fire and brimstone. And this mind-virus relies on the widespread christian beliefs in the US to spread into new hosts. A lack of (objective, comparative) religious education with, at the same time, a deeply religious habitat is the fertile ground that allows this to spread. What you or me would interpret as a “correct” (or “less wrong”) christian faith, if followed culturally or blindly and without haven given it enough thought, actually aides in the spread of this militant, nationalistic, chauvinist movement that has infected the US and is (imho) at the root of Reaganism, the Tea-Party and the entire Maga-Movement. It has been mutating and getting more malignant for a while now and I honestly have no idea how this could ever be excised from the US.

        • @captainlezbian
          17 days ago

          I think you’re absolutely right. I imagine in 20 or so years all this will be seen as heretical by the more organized Christian denominations. Really I see two ways for it to go: mormonism or positive Christianity. And that really depends on how well things go for them

        • @AnUnusualRelic
          18 days ago

          Your take on it is interesting and probably quite close to the truth of it. Those sects are now part of the US identity for many and are there to stay despite their continuing mutations.

      • @Soggy
        78 days ago

        Many of them could pretty accurately be called Mammonites.

        • @captainlezbian
          27 days ago

          I’d argue that the American Civil religion is dedicated to the dual gods of Columbia and Mammon. Those are the only two things they consider truly sacred

    • @[email protected]
      8 days ago

      he point is that even when you aren’t powerful yourself, your dedication to your Faith and standing up for what’s right should be enough to make up for your shortcomings, for the Lord will lift your burden.

      Really? And here I thought it was just another awful story from an awful book that nobody bothers to read.

      Please, tell me how the book of Job is all about being faithful to god, even during the worst times. And completely ignore the premise of the book, and the horrific things visited upon the man for simply being “god’s most faithful servant”. Oh wait, no that wasn’t enough. God had to murder his family and destroy his life because he made a bet with the literal devil. What a cool guy.

      Your book is garbage and you should feel bad.

  • acargitz
    398 days ago

    Bitch, the “unfair treatment” you are going on about was the one proposed by Trump in 2018.

  • @[email protected]
    388 days ago

    Maybe he should blame the guy who last negotiated such a bad trade deal, which would be… checks notes… Donald Trump during his first term! 🤦

  • @[email protected]
    378 days ago

    This has very much the feeling of ‘they need us more than we need them’

    I’m in the UK and some people voted for Brexit saying the same. Look how that turned out for us over the last five years.

    • @Pofski
      128 days ago

      I know this is sidetracking a bit, but i just wanted the chance to ask somebody who is actually from Great Britain, how is it there.? Without having to look for information online that could be propaganda as we don’t really know which information source is reliable or not. How are you guys holding up?

      • @eyes
        108 days ago

        Bad, I’m lucky and live in a fairly afluent area of the south (but outside of London) but decades of conservative cuts have left our local government councils broke. My best friends moved to Europe because one of them worked in the arts and there’s not enough jobs to support them in just the UK. The new Labour government is an improvement but has shifted significantly to the right in their policies and feels like Conservative Light and is actively persecuting Trans and immigrant people through it’s policies to appeal to ex-conservatives. They’re starting to seek closer ties to Europe again but everything feels pretty hopeless.

        • @captainlezbian
          17 days ago

          I’ve been watching labour’s right turn from over here in antagonismland, and I’m baffled by it. Like first of all, they won because the Tories were a parade of buffoons at best and actively destroying the UK whenever they managed to do anything. Like, all you have to do is say “these decisions have been bad for the British people, it’s going to take some time to get results from us actually attempting to govern, but we promise we won’t do what they did”