Less than three months into Mike Johnson’s tenure as speaker of the House, some House Republicans are already experiencing buyer’s remorse.

Texas Representative and Freedom Caucus member Chip Roy on Monday publicly raised the possibility of dumping Johnson as speaker.

        • @Coach
          399 months ago

          Shouldn’t it read “grifter”?

          • @[email protected]
            249 months ago

            Funny, I just looked into this last night! Apparently he’s actually a ‘grafter’

            The grifter is a small-time confidence man, a carnival swindler, or thief of some sort or other. The grafter may be most of these things, but also may be someone who engages in the “political corruption” sense of the word graft (which we define as “the acquisition of money, position, or other profit by dishonest or questionable means, as by actual theft or by taking advantage of a public office or a position of trust or employment to obtain fees, perquisites, profits on contracts, or pay for work not done or service not performed”).

            -Merriam Webster

            • @uid0gid0
              249 months ago

              A gifter? A grafter?
              They’re all a bunch of bastards.
              What can we do
              but give them their due
              with ridicule and laughter.

            • @topinambour_rex
              29 months ago

              In secobdlife grifters was people using scripts for crash servers.

    • @cm0002
      169 months ago

      Who’s got the popcorn this time?

  • @fluxion
    719 months ago

    This is nothing to cheer for. He worked out some semblance of a deal with Biden, whereas they want someone who will refuse any cooperation whatsoever and burn the government to the ground in hopes of getting a Republican president elected.

    Hopefully instead they vacate themselves this election so the rest of the county doesn’t need to be part of their internal clown show.

    • @friend_of_satan
      9 months ago

      I will cheer for the expulsion of a Christian nationalist of this caliber. There is so much wrong with this guy.

      • @Bernie_Sandals
        449 months ago

        You did see what happened after the kicked Kevin out though right? We all thought Kevin was a horrible pro-maga sleezeball, and yet they found someone worse.

        I really don’t want to underestimate their ability to do it again.

        • @[email protected]
          279 months ago

          Nah, it’s better to have them wasting their time on kicking out their own speaker. That takes time away that they could be using to get organized. Either outcome (he stays or goes) means that Republican voters and representatives are creating enemies in their own party. That’s good for Democrats.

          • @matjoeman
            69 months ago

            Unless the government shuts down because they can’t pass a budget and voters blame Biden.

              • @[email protected]
                79 months ago

                Exactly. Republicans will always blame Democrats but voters in the middle (uninformed) will just blame the side going nuts over it.

                Look at what Hunter Biden did today. House Republicans were trying to hold him in contempt for not testifying (in private). He showed up at the hearing and offered to testify publicly. Republicans looked like fools. They went nuts.

            • @[email protected]
              69 months ago

              Those people aren’t paying attention to what’s going on anyway. It’s at a point where people are either informed/informing themselves or their heads are stuck in the sand believing whatever their chosen side/representatives feed them.

        • @kmartburrito
          149 months ago

          That’s a fair take, but also maybe we would be lucky enough to have more of them resign/retire due to their frustrations, if there was a silver lining pathway out of it.

    • @kromem
      109 months ago

      I mean, at a certain point legacy conservatives are going to have to realize they need to throw in with the Democrats and🖕MAGA even if it costs them a primary if they care at all about the survival of the United States.

      • @Veneroso
        69 months ago

        Or resign and give the majority to the Democrats…

    • @ReluctantMuskrat
      -29 months ago

      Just like McCarthy’s ouster was nothing to cheer for. Sure, he was a horrible person in many ways but less horrible than his replacement. Even though I understood why the Democrats were tempted to go along with it due to the sheer stupidity of the Republicans, at least McCarthy understood there needed to be compromise to get anything done. Dems shouldn’t have participated in his ouster, and shouldn’t probably in Johnson’s case either. His replacement will likely be worse.

      Be careful what you wish for.

      • @Dead_or_Alive
        39 months ago

        McCarthy was no friend to Democrats . He made deals and reniged on the terms. He also openly bashed Democrats after getting cooperation on major votes.

        Fuck that guy, Republicans won’t change unless you let them put their own people in place and watch them fail.

        • @ReluctantMuskrat
          -19 months ago

          Do you think Johnson was an improvement? Do you think his replacement will be?

          • @Dead_or_Alive
            39 months ago

            No, but Democrats have no business looking out for Republican interests. They should go for the jugular every time.

            • @ReluctantMuskrat
              09 months ago

              But we the public may pay the price. A prolonged government shutdown won’t resolve itself positively. Having an angry, unreasonable Rep in charge could be a disaster for the country, and there’s no telling who’ll cave in first in such a horrible game of chicken. I’d bet the Dems and if so, it won’t be good for the country.

              • @not_again
                19 months ago

                “Some of you may die, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take”

          • @[email protected]
            39 months ago

            Let them keep showing their ass to the public, make it clear to the “centrists” who they are.

  • @carl_dungeon
    369 months ago

    The GOP should do this every 3 months!

  • FuglyDuck
    349 months ago

    We going for another ouster here?

  • partial_accumen
    339 months ago

    As a cost cutting measure to save tax dollars while the GOP hold the majority in the House, I move that the plaque above the door naming the of the Speaker of the House’s office be replaced with a small white board. Instead of new signing being ordered and installed, a member of the custodial staff can simply wipe the board clean and handwrite the name of today’s current speaker.

    • @[email protected]
      29 months ago

      May there be a few more Republican retirement.

      I’ll even pray for that to happen as a non-believer.

  • @Stovetop
    279 months ago

    If they dump Johnson, hopefully some of the more moderate Republicans would agree to back Jeffries just for some semblance of stability.

    • ThrowawayOnLemmy
      209 months ago

      It’ll never happen. They want to oust Johnson for working with Democrats. What makes you think they’ll vote for a Democrat?

      • @[email protected]
        109 months ago

        “They” is a minority of House Republicans. The majority of House Republicans are also frustrated with them. However, since the Republican majority is so razor thin, they are in a ‘most intolerant wins’ situation; where the most obstroctionist minority dictates what happens. If they can get a deal with even a few democrats, they can break the dynamic. Even the credible threat of doing so might be enough to pull everyone in line.

        Having said that, the more plausible path is a deal where a more moderate Republican gets Democrat support (likely in exchange for rules changes giving the minority party more power)

      • @Stovetop
        9 months ago

        I also assume it’ll never happen, but just bear in mind that the people looking to oust Johnson would be different from the people who might hypothetically be convinced to work with the Democrats.

        The republicans have a very slim majority, needle thin. The reason why the vocal MAGA republicans can wield all this power to remove someone from the speaker position is that they can initiate a vote to remove a speaker for being too cooperative with democrats, while the democrats themselves will support any move to remove a republican from being the speaker. A somewhat ironic situation given that the MAGAs are basically working with the democrats to make this happen.

        If the democrats can work with a group of moderate republicans to elect their preferred speaker, however, the MAGA republicans lose a lot of their power. They’d no longer have support from the democrat half of the house to remove the speaker and would instead need to somehow convince the moderate members of their party to follow their lead on any further attempts to oust the speaker, which they likely would not accomplish.

      • @Burninator05
        49 months ago

        The Republicans who want to oust Johnson are different from the Republicans who are willing to reluctantly work with the Dems on basic governance.

      • @JeeBaiChow
        19 months ago

        So they can blame the democrat speaker for why nothing got done in the last 4 years?

    • @captainlezbian
      129 months ago

      Yeah my hope is that their absolute clown show costs them some seats. Cooperation won’t happen. But they’re betting on this hurting the Dems more

    • billwashere
      79 months ago

      I’d put money on Trump actually serving prison time before any R votes for a democrat. Party before country always.

      • @Stovetop
        19 months ago

        If the body in the chair is favorable to democrats, the MAGA crowd longer have the means to remove anyone from power unless they can convince the rest of their party, moderates and all, to follow their lead.

        The only way they have been able to wield the power they have so far is because democrats have been supportive of any measure to remove a Republican from the position. They wouldn’t be able to get anywhere without the votes from the democrats.

  • @Railing5132
    239 months ago

    The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire

  • Flying Squid
    219 months ago

    Good. Good riddance to him. Can’t wait to see what idiot replaces him. It won’t make a difference.

    • @Jimmyeatsausage
      139 months ago

      “Interstate child sex trafficker nominates literal potato with a swastika carved into the skin for House Speaker…details at 9.”

    • Ook the Librarian
      29 months ago

      Texas Representative and Freedom Caucus member Chip Roy on Monday publicly raised the possibility of dumping Johnson as speaker.

      Good. Good riddance to him.

      That’s how you know it won’t happen. Chip Roy is incapable of doing good.

  • gregorum
    149 months ago

    Well, it’s not as if they were actually governing or anything.

  • @TheJims
    99 months ago

    The Republican Treason Caucus hands yet another stunning victory to Putin and Americas enemies. Are there any real Americans left in the Republican Party? Who the fuck elected these assholes?

    • @A_Random_Idiot
      9 months ago

      American conservatives have never given a single actual fuck about America. They want today, what they’ve always wanted… Which is power, and money. Becoming Dictators over Americas ruins would be a happy bonus. They have never been on the right side of history on any issue.

      It was just always hidden behind plausibly deniability and flowery language.

      They just dropped the charade, and got loud and proud about it after Obama won the election.

  • @CharlesDarwin
    29 months ago

    They made a deal with the Devil - actually two of them. When they forged a pact with the crazy evangelicals, but also forged an alliance with what would constitute most of the teabaggers and qtards back when they made common cause with the Birchers - they thought they could contain that toxic material. They thought they could just calmly collect their vote every election cycle and keep the howler monkeys and the christofascists at bay.

    Now the xtian nutcases and the teabaggers are basically running the show. And even a christofascist like the weird little man that is Mike Johnson is not enough for them…