• @Xaphanos
    781 year ago

    This one seems to exceed some threshold for me. The ones that try to buy cars with nonexistent money are bad, but sort of pass as misguided. But this seems like premeditated theft. He went to a rental agency, intending to keep it.

    • @NegativeLookBehind
      1 year ago

      Bro, he had all the right forms. And recorded trust. Why couldn’t they just let him steal it? Some things just don’t make sense.

      • @Agent641
        101 year ago

        Such a full caps thing to say.

      • @meco03211
        91 year ago

        Clearly they haven’t read Article 4.

    • @wjrii
      201 year ago

      Just the natural progression. Enterprise should seek their funding from the back taxes the Corporation of the United States owes him.

    • DominusOfMegadeus
      201 year ago

      I’m kind of shocked he had a valid drivers license that allowed him to rent it in the first place

      • vortic
        91 year ago

        That is wild! The craziest part is that he was able to convince a court that he had a right to live in the hotel for free indefinitely. If he hadn’t tried to pull the “I own this now” shit, he could have lived rent free in Manhattan forever from the sounds of things.

        This nutjob actually found a real loophole and exploited it, then shot himself in the foot by getting greedy. I assume he’s been evicted at this point.

      • @[email protected]
        61 year ago

        What the actual fuck. He successfully got the room for indefinite time, because he used a loophole, and the court agreed? Insane.

  • Norgur
    431 year ago

    Is “recorded trust” him yelling"TRUST" into a microphone over and over?

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
      331 year ago

      They believe that the government opens a secret trust in your name when you are born worth 2 million dollars, that you can charge your debt to through magical paperwork.

        • @edgemaster72
          171 year ago

          I don’t think any of them have thought that far ahead since no one has successfully charged a penny to these nonexistent trusts

      • @[email protected]
        61 year ago

        I’m confused. These people want nothing to do with government because they didn’t consent to being born under its authority, right? And they want to tap into money that daddy government allegedly set aside for them?

        On the other hand, I’m wondering if maybe all of this might be out of desperation in the broken debt system of the us? Or maybe they just want to cheat a system that they don’t respect…

        • vortic
          61 year ago

          Honestly, don’t look for consistent logic in the sov cit community. Your brain will break.

        • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
          21 year ago

          The cheating the system is what they want. They are seriously nasty people.

      • @jaybone
        51 year ago

        So for the rest of us suckers, who don’t know about the magic secret, what happens to our 2 million dollars?

        • @[email protected]
          61 year ago

          the government keeps it, silly! And does nothing with it. They just love to put seven billion dollars in three million accounts every year for no reason, and the clerks filing the ~8000 forms a day love their jobs…

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    What the fuck has been happening with these people? They used to just be weirdos that thought they could drive (travel) without a licence and didn’t think they had to comply with a bunch of laws, but mostly administrative stuff. When did they morph into a group that’s all about stealing stuff with magic paperwork?

    I used to see them as a bunch of goofs that were mostly harmless, aside from things like driving without insurance. Now they’re just a bunch of thieves trying to get over on anyone and everyone.

    • @Trashcan
      131 year ago

      It’s not stealing, it’s using “cheat codes”

      They believe that life has cheat codes that only they know about.

      Or some other middleeastern ppl in the magic land of of 'Srael knows about it, and the sov city ppl have figured it out and wants to be rich as well.

      Or “I’m smart but not rich. How come they over the are rich but dumb? Makes no sense. Except CHEAT CODES”

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
      101 year ago

      They have honestly never been harmless. Sovcits are a movement borne out of white supremacists and have become a favourite of black extremist groups too. They can be quite violent.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Guys, I’ve sent a 1099a with ALL CAPS signed name at 45° angle to slow down the rotation of the earth so that I get longer nights for longer sleeps. But they just ghosted my corporate self. Any immediate remedy suggestions?

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
      151 year ago

      Sometimes I give them bogus advice. I’m pretty good at it.

      • @Delphia
        181 year ago

        Oh you have to start screenshotting that.

        I used to have a lot of fun with scam callers with a character named “Heinrich Licksumweiner” who insisted on being called “Heinie” a character simultaneously horribly offensive to both gay people and germans but it turns out that a lot of the Indian scam callers are SUPER homophobic.

        • @meco03211
          91 year ago

          Last name is a giveaway. Gotta hide it just a tad more. Might I suggest the last name Shithead? Pronounced just like it’s spelled (shi-thēd).

          • @Delphia
            101 year ago

            I would answer the phone with “Ja, zis is Heinrich Licksumweiner, who wants a little Heinie!?!” If they cant figure it out from that then Im about to have a lot of fun with a very dumb cunt.

        • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
          91 year ago

          I enjoyed this one that I composed. Sounds sovcitty.

      • @Xaphanos
        51 year ago

        I might pay to subscribe to that.

  • @DaddleDew
    1 year ago

    Does that mean I can “buy” all of a sovcit 's belongings with fake money too? Supposing there is anything in their belongings that isn’t stolen property, that is.

    • Rentlar
      1 year ago

      No, you can “borrow” them and when you don’t give it back, just ask to put it on your tab as a representative of Uncle Sam. Or something like that.

    • @andrewth09
      1 year ago

      Why even buy them. Just take them and claim they are your legal salvage and if they want they can write an appeal to the Moorish naval courts.

  • Norgur
    231 year ago

    I love how they expect

    a) their “findings” to be secret and suppressed so they are the only ones to have “discovered” it b) some random clerk at Enterprise to be able to process their secret paperwork

    If the clerk at Enterprise knew that we all can just splurge without any repercussions because of secret knowledge… why do you think that clerk brought his own, sad, reheated microwave meal to work today instead of devouring Surf&Turf Wagyu, eh?

  • @[email protected]
    181 year ago

    I can’t believe these amateurs. He clearly forgot to file a Declaration of Impending Balance Surrender.

    • @AnUnusualRelic
      71 year ago

      He didn’t even say it was without prejudice!

  • @[email protected]
    161 year ago

    How is this shit not a joke? It’s SO hard to believe this is real. I know it is… but this pushes the envelope of what is realistically stupid.

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
      121 year ago

      And they’re so dead ass about it all too. One thing I’ve noticed is that conservatives, sovcits, and Nazis all have zero sense of humour.

  • @Red_October
    131 year ago

    They really seem to think that every business out there has just overlooked whatever secret loophole these SovCit idiots think allows them to just take whatever they want. Apparently a form 1099A is for the transfer of abandoned property, and 1099C is for dismissing debt.

    So it looks like this smoothbrain thought that the car rented to them was abandoned by the rental company, and they could also just… sign a paper that makes their own debt go away.

    I love how the SovCits also always seem to mention that they’ve never heard back from anyone who successfully pulled off this little stunt, as though that’s no sort of hint that it doesn’t actually work that way.

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
      61 year ago

      They mention this EVERY time, and are utterly bewildered by the fact that it didn’t work for them. I’ve never seen anything like it. I realize there are sovcit “gurus” on Telegram and such that tell them this, but they never seem to learn from one another and their failures. It’s wild.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        If they could learn from experience, they wouldn’t be stupid enough to believe it in the first place. Its not surprising they don’t learn, its the sole requirement for this philosophy…

  • @CAVOK
    101 year ago

    Wth is a 1099A and 1099C? Is that supposed to mean something?

    • @BedInspector
      281 year ago

      I just looked this up and they are actual gvernment forms you’re supposed to fill out if your business acquires property (A) and to discharge debt ©. So I guess they think these forms somehow allow them to magically steal stuff.

      Here’s a pdf from the IRS site: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/i1099ac.pdf

      • @CAVOK
        91 year ago


        Must be exhausting dealing with these people.

      • @[email protected]
        81 year ago

        IIRC they use the discharging debt one to discharge debt that other people hold over them. So they borrow money and then try to forgive their own debt.

  • JackbyDev
    61 year ago

    I submitted my W2 to the IRS and they said I still owe taxes.