Data Analysis (Graph = #s, not empty thought bubble to be dismissive and hand wave) and Database of the viol-ated (Violence+Sex) where LE is the convicted perp. US Citizens have been heinously violated by the cops and it seems like no one understands this reality because the data has not been conveyed to the masses. There should be a universally accessible site with graphs charting all parameters which demonstrates how bad the cops have been for decades. @DevCat and Paragons of Virtue exposed this pattern along with other communities and threads on lemmy which are a good start, but there is nothing like a comprehensive, rolling update quantifying this pattern of abuse by LE and Force organizations and entities. How about including paramilitary private security that are being contracted out these days to avoid lawsuits, for instance, as well as military sexual violence? The pattern is a neuro-societal axis of men who are told they are “dominant” so they behave like a predator upon civilians who have no arms to defend themselves. These Force predators have rendered the civilian population defenseless and have cowardly rapist psychologies, thinking of us as small, weak prey.