The father of a Baraboo High School graduate blocked his daughter from shaking the hand of the Black superintendent as she graduated, video of the incident shows.

The school district, which has had repeated problems with racism and antisemitism, held its graduation Friday. The father was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, Wisconsin News reported.

The father, who has been identified as 49-year-old Matt Eddy, jumped on stage, grabbed the superintendent and began dragging him to the back of the stage.

  • @[email protected]
    2929 months ago

    I wish the Headline was more accurate.

    Reading the story, he wasn’t arrested for blocking a handshake, he started forcibly dragging the superintendent to the back of the stage

    • @stoly
      979 months ago

      That’s also called assault. Even blocking the hand would have been assault.

      • @geekworking
        359 months ago

        It’s more likely battery than assault. Battery is just putting hands on. Assault generally needs higher threat level and/or more violent actions.

        • FuglyDuck
          9 months ago

          assault and battery are both vaguely termed legal definitions that depend on what state you’re in.

          in MN, there’s no legal definition for battery, with assault being defined with multiple levels ranging from ‘mere’ threats through “poked me on the arm” to beating the shit out of someone.

          In WI, where this happened, it seems they’re the opposite with the only mention of ‘assault’ be related to sexual assault. and battery being similar to MN’s assault charges. Though, I only took a cursory look through their laws.

        • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
          19 months ago

          not “than”, but “and”.

          Assault is getting in the way.

          Battery is touching him.

          (though, as mentioned, laws vary by location, but generally speaking…)

        • @[email protected]
          29 months ago

          Oh agreed it’s still could be a crime, but the headline makes it sound like all he did was block a handshake, when really he did a lot more

        • @Nurse_Robot
          329 months ago

          I assume you’re speaking about how it’s absurd to assault the superintendent in this circumstance, but your wording is concerningly vague

        • @ReluctantMuskrat
          99 months ago

          If you did the same to a police officer you can be sure they’d charge you with assault, after taking you to the ground and pummeling you no doubt.

  • nkat2112
    1169 months ago

    So glad to hear the racist was arrested. Beautiful news!

    I feel sorry for his daughter, because she’ll be remembered in the community for having a racist father. I imagine there will be lasting harm from that.

    • ALQ
      549 months ago

      I mostly feel sorry for the man who was attacked, and glad he wasn’t further harmed. I also feel bad for the daughter, but I think it’s sad that most of the comments on the YT video don’t even mention the victim while sympathizing with the daughter.

    • Seraph
      399 months ago

      Even if the community doesn’t hold it against her, and I hope they don’t, she’ll never be able to forget.

        • FuglyDuck
          9 months ago

          it is Wisconsin.

          perhaps more pertinently, small town Wisconcin. Baraboo has like 12k. Sauk County has 60k

  • @barsquid
    719 months ago

    That sounds like more of an assault than a disorderly conduct.

    I cannot imagine being so racist that I would leap on stage to stop a handshake. I also have to wonder at the misogyny, like does he think a handshake will defile his daughter? Must be dozens of delusional ideas just bouncing around in a racist’s head like DVD logos.

    • TurtleJoe
      139 months ago

      That sounds like more of an assault than a disorderly conduct.

      This is one of those situations where I like to imagine what would have happened if the guy did that to a cop. Likely a litany of charges, including assaulting an officer, and would have had the shit beaten out of him.

      • @j4k3
        69 months ago

        And if the father was black and it was a white cop on stage, the father would be dead.

      • @Maggoty
        29 months ago

        They’d have shot him. They would have escalated the fight and then shot him if they were losing.

      • PirateJesus
        29 months ago

        would have had the shit beaten out of him.

        It depends on how situation aware the cops are about all the cameras and witnesses. In an ideal case, they’d realize there are a lot of voting community members around them who made the time to attend a ceremony. Not a situation where people will just turn up the volume on their television sets.

    • @[email protected]
      279 months ago

      Her reaction is absolutely predictable for “My dad is always making an ass of himself and decided to even be an ass at my graduation.”

      • @Seleni
        139 months ago

        ‘Why does my daughter never call or visit anymore!?’

    • @nothingcorporate
      189 months ago

      You are the hero we need.

      Opposite of that girl’s dad.

      • @CoffeeJunkie
        9 months ago

        "That’s the correct spot in the video.

        I don’t want him touching the video progress bar!!"

    • @[email protected]
      119 months ago

      Drinkwater is a funny surname.

      Also, that girl’s face tells me she isn’t unfamiliar with how her dad is. Seemed really embarrassed that it was happening but not really surprised. Man, what a dad

    • @jumjummy
      59 months ago

      Oh that poor girl. Seeing the confusion, shock, then sadly understanding flash across her face is just sad. This asshole ruined this moment in her life and made it memorable in a completely different, shitty way.

  • @UnderpantsWeevil
    539 months ago

    blocking black superintendent from shaking daughter’s hand

    is something of an understated headline. Looks like he straight up assaulted the superintendent.

    • @Yawweee877h444
      299 months ago

      Yeah if the roles were reversed it probably would have been worded very differently.

      • @jenny_ball
        229 months ago

        if it were reversed he’d be on the ground with a knee on his head.

  • @JPSound
    9 months ago

    So, I’m from Baraboo. Though I haven’t lived there in well over 10 years now, I still have friends and family who reside there still. The day after this happened, the video was already making its rounds in our various discord servers, getting texts from family members with the original video link and it was all around big deal. Everyone was fucking pissed at this guy and there were soooo many people in my circles that wanted to see him named, shamed and royaly buttfucked by the court of public opinion. It didn’t take long at all for someone to go, “hey, I know that guy. He works at so and so” and I’m happy to see that the cat is out of the bag here. It seems he has been fired. His employer is well aware at this point and have scrubbed all mention of him from their website.

    The one and only way to unfuck my hometown’s garbage residents is to hang them out to dry in public and I’m glad this is national news. When someone wants to pull some racist shit, let it be known that we’re gunna make sure their racist bullshit will be put on display for all the world to see and the consequences shall be their’s and their’s alone to bare for their stupid bullshitery. Baraboo is such a cute little town but GODDAMN some of these motherfuckers are an embarrassment to our town, our state and our county.

    • @Kayday
      59 months ago

      This just makes me sad because until today my only association with Baraboo was whimsical childhood memories of the circus there.

  • ChihuahuaOfDoom
    409 months ago

    What are the odds he has the word “blacked” in his PornHub search history?

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      This whole “all the homophobes are closeted gay men|all the racists secretly fetishize black men” thing is reductive, unrealistic, and unproductive. This dude is gross as fuck and I’m glad he’s getting charged with something at least, but chocking these things up to underlying latent sexual urges is weird and doesn’t solve anything. I’m going to pivot to homosexuality as it think it’s a clearer example now: yes there have been a number of bigots who have turned out to be closeted gays in denial, but concluding from that that all bigots are closeted muddies the water and prevents us from tackling the real root causes of bigotry and, frankly, makes “our side” (for lack of a better term) seem unnecessary sexually-obsessed.

          • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
            29 months ago

            it’s not weird at all. it’s completely likely. Conservatives tend to project.

            what they claim to hate, they usually are.

            • @[email protected]
              9 months ago

              Alright okay, I get it now. But it’s still (imo) eh, because it calls back to the “gay haters are gay” thing which I don’t think is great. Do you get what I mean?

              • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
                19 months ago

                I’m sorry that reality isn’t to your liking. Would you like to speak to a manager about a refund?

  • @[email protected]
    369 months ago

    The article also mentions that it may have happened because the father was unhappy with how the superintendent had dealt with the daughter being bullied.

    • @givesomefucks
      689 months ago

      I mean, that’s what he said.

      But he didn’t care about the white principal…

      And he didn’t just stop a handshake, he bullrushes the guy off the stage.

        • @[email protected]
          399 months ago

          Superintendents don’t really get involved with things like bullying or discipline unless some felony level laws have been violated. That’s something handled at the school level

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          Then why specifically the superintendent? Even if this was a bullying issue with an unsatisfactory conclusion, there’s no way he would have engaged with the superintendent of the district without engaging with the principal first. They would both have failed to resolve the problem, so why would he have gone after the superintendent specifically and left the principal there to shake his daughter’s hand?

          And, of course, the other issue is, even if that was true, that doesn’t make what he did OK. He’s marginally less shitty by virtue of not being openly racist, but he still made sure that his daughter’s last memory of high school is him getting arrested for assaulting the district superintendent and embarrassing her in front of the entire graduating class and their families.

            • @[email protected]
              9 months ago

              Because even a moment’s consideration will tell you a situation where the district superintendent and only the district superintendent is responsible for poor handling of a disciplinary situation is extremely fucking unlikely.

              You are going out of your way to give a psychotic parent who assaulted a school official benefit of the doubt that he has not earned.

                • @[email protected]
                  9 months ago

                  Again, you’re giving massive benefit of the doubt by assuming the psychotic parent is not racist and that he’s telling the truth about the bullying situation, especially when his actions don’t seem to match his words.

                  Just because he says he’s not racist, doesn’t mean he’s not racist. And his actions look pretty damn racist.

    • @[email protected]
      399 months ago

      Local station News 3 claimed that social media comments say that the father was angry at the way the district handled bullying issues related to his daughter.

      “Social media comments” = some redditors making shit up because they can’t admit that racism exists.

      • ✺roguetrick✺
        9 months ago

        It doesn’t matter the source. Could be Facebook friends of the racist. A school superintendent does not handle bullying issues other than setting a general policy, being in the loop for expulsion/lawsuits, and firing negligent principals. It’s horse shit however you slice it. I think I met a superintendent once or twice.

        • @Modern_medicine_isnt
          19 months ago

          And of course every school district is identical.

          Bottom line, we don’t know shit about his motive. But ooh soo many people are so sure they somehow know.

    • @DarkCloud
      9 months ago

      “I was unhappy with how he was a black guy when dealing with it.”

      -the father probably.

    • @son_named_bort
      129 months ago

      If that’s the case he picked a pretty bad time, place, and method of dealing with it.

    • @KuroiKaze
      29 months ago

      Thank you for being one of the only people to show they actually read the article. You can remove black from the headline and this changes how everyone will react. It’s hard to tell if it’s racially motivated or he and this guy have had beef and he didn’t want the guy in the video/picture they were gonna hang on the wall.

      • @itsgoodtobeawake
        19 months ago

        Yeah I was looking for someone to mention this… Like, sure, the guy could be a frothing at the mouth racist, that’s certainly possible. Or… There is some personal beef, without more information I dunno how everyone is so sure. He doesn’t say anything overtly racist, we know what it looks like but that isn’t the only possibility. Is there something I missed that justifies everyone’s confidence here?

  • @Jumpingspiderman
    329 months ago

    My god, that level of racism is stunning. I just can’t believe it.

    • @KneeTitts
      129 months ago

      have ya met maga folks? they cray

    • @Thespiralsong
      -109 months ago

      You can’t believe it, because it’s probably not what happened. The real story is probably stupid and boring. This story however, gets clicks.

  • SeaJ
    329 months ago

    Local station News 3 claimed that social media comments say that the father was angry at the way the district handled bullying issues related to his daughter.

    I don’t buy that. She seems surprised and embarrassed. And I would think you would have an issue with the principal rather than the superintendent.

    Also, whose social media comments? His? Random people?

    • @GroundedGator
      29 months ago

      Not saying it’s justified to bully anyone, but maybe the fruit has rotted with the tree.

      A more hopeful part of me believes that she’s been saddled with a toxic family and has suffered for it. And now she’ll be able to escape and be free.

      • SeaJ
        99 months ago

        I tend to think the latter considering she at least had the social intelligence to just GTFO of there after putting her hand on her forehead in embarrassment.

  • 🔰Hurling⚜️Durling🔱
    289 months ago

    That poor kid, I trully feel for her since this day was a huge deal and her Racist dad just permanently stained it for her, on top of the embarrassment that girl had with her peers.

  • @Starkstruck
    259 months ago

    Racists are getting way too emboldened

  • @CoffeeJunkie
    229 months ago

    I call bullshit on the claim it’s “because of how bullying cases were handled”. Looks pretty straightforward, racist AF to me.

    And even if that were true, or more likely he was a racist dickhead, either way: if he had such a big problem, if he wanted to protest…you don’t have to publicly cross the stage at graduation. Not that he’s smart enough to reason this out. But crossing the stage is a privilege, it is public recognition, it is a community event. The graduate need not be compelled to participate; she could have received her diploma in the mail (like most do, anyway) & stayed home.

    Although judging by the girl’s reaction, her father was acting off-the-cuff, alone, and without her knowledge. I’m hoping that’s the case. Racism is fucking stupid.

    • @Dkarma
      129 months ago

      The girl looks confused and mortified. Poor kid just wanted to graduate…

    • @[email protected]
      59 months ago

      All he had to do is wait it out one more night and they would never have to see the scary man again. Instead, he announced to the world what is going on in his head and there’s nothing good in there.

  • @RedWeasel
    169 months ago

    Disorderly conduct? Shouldn’t that be assault?