• mozz
    3 months ago

    Here’s the part I like: Biden said “if they’re serious they ought to ‘announce for president, challenge me at the convention’ or rally behind him against Trump”.

    He’s got a point. I thought the debate was a massive fuck-up, but deciding who to replace him with and then mounting a viable attempt at the replacement with that person makes a hell of a lot more sense to me than just leaning into GOP talking points about how Biden’s fuckups, however bad, are definitely worse than Trump’s objectively much worse fuckups.

    Replace Biden? Sure, let’s get fuckin busy, find a good replacement, and if doesn’t work, get behind Biden or whoever the nominee is. I still think Jon Stewart is the way to do it, but that is probably a non starter of an idea. Kamala Harris is the highest polling option and realistic. Be aware that everyone who was super panicked about Biden’s unsuitability will instantly pivot to panicking with concern-trolling about Kamala’s unsuitability, and if you fall for it right away again and start trying to replace her, I will not have a lot of respect for you or your intelligence or pattern recognition abilities.

    Keep Biden? Sure, that sounds good too. Let’s get fuckin busy, and start rallying people to help him beat the end of the world in November.

    Keep running in circles flapping our hands in the air about how something must be done because we’re definitely going to lose in November, without offering any good alternate strategy or way to get it done? That is the option that seems unlikely to cause anything good to happen. It is, however, what a lot of the Republican aligned media seems very very committed to encouraging the Democrats to do, and for some mentally challenged reason it seems like it’s winning over quite a lot of them.

    • @AngryCommieKender
      363 months ago

      Jon Stewart has said multiple times that he feels he can do more good outside of the political system doing what he does, than inside it being stymied at every turn.

      • mozz
        193 months ago

        He’s definitely not going to be able to do much good if Trump get elected, and he along with everyone else in the media who’s left of Charlie Kirk gets brought up on charges of lèse-majesté.

      • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
        43 months ago

        Jon knows how much work it took just to get help for 9/11 first responders. Getting anything else done would probably kill him.

    • @[email protected]
      33 months ago

      As much as I like John Stewart, I think one of the big issues with Trump was that he and his administration were totally unqualified for their jobs. Let’s not stoop to their level and put up someone who has never held public office.

      • @[email protected]
        63 months ago

        If we managed to get through a Trump term, with him being actively malicious and looking to do as much damage as possible, it proves exactly the fucking opposite.

        Good intentions and a willingness to listen to knowledgeable advisors (but not simply follow them, genuinely listening to their explanations and then making a decision) is enough to be a good president.

        Qualifications, like with most jobs that require all sorts of degrees and high requirements, are bullshit.

  • @Suavevillain
    3 months ago

    Don’t talk too loudly about Democrats increasing funding for cops, it helps Trump!

    Don’t talk too loudly about Biden bankrolling a genocide, it helps Trump!

    Don’t talk too loudly about the man y’all say will protect us from Trump being too incapacitated to protect us from Trump, it helps Trump!

    It is crazy to try to paint this as drama when you bring up any issues before things get bad, folks will just shout you down anyway. I’ve seen many liberals say they would vote for Biden’s corpse, so what difference does it make if it is someone else with (D) next to their name? You might as well go down swinging than on your knees.

    • TunaCowboy
      443 months ago

      Biden is just another arrogant, out of touch, privileged elite with no understanding of what the majority of Americans experience day to day.

      His hubris was on full display in Friday’s interview, the stakes are clearly not the same for him. He has enough wealth and power to weather this fascist storm, unfortunately most of us do not.

      • @dirthawker0
        93 months ago

        If Trump gets elected, I’m pretty sure Biden’s going to get a kangaroo court trial on some garbage charge and be sent to prison.

        • TunaCowboy
          53 months ago

          Worst case scenario Biden has the resources/connections to evacuate to somewhere safe and luxurious. The rest of us are stuck dealing with christofascist militias. The wealthy will continue living in opulence.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        Bro, a 25 year old who happened to get a job in tech 5 years ago is a millionaire. Baseline retirement savings is a couple million. Pretty much any upper-middle-class professional career (doctor, lawyer, finance) is going to net you a few million within several years.

        It’s not the thing you think it is. The truly wealthy are pulling in 1,000x to 100,000x that number.

        He really isn’t wealthy, did grow up in a working-class environment, and certainly is not a trust-fund baby, billionaire, or media celebrity. Kind of hilarious assertion considering the competition.

        What candidate would you like to see replace Biden?

        (weird how 15-20 upvotes is the baseline for these kind of comments.)

        • @Maggoty
          83 months ago

          I don’t think you understand how money works. You literally just described a trust fund baby because nobody is making a couple million dollars just because they got an advanced degree. Doctors that make the big bucks have to go through 12 years of schooling. And then they’re paying that back for a decade before they get to enjoy their income. So yeah at the age of 40, assuming they were successful in their residency, assuming they got a good hospital job, then they get to spend another 5-10 years saving for retirement.

          You can’t just look at the high end of a career and assume you walk into that kind of money. That’s not how it works unless you have the high level connections a trust fund baby would have.

    • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
      33 months ago

      Don’t talk too loudly about Democrats increasing funding for cops, it helps Trump!

      Don’t talk too loudly about Biden bankrolling a genocide, it helps Trump!

      That’s because most Americans like both Israel and cops. The ones who don’t lack the numbers to be worth courting.

      And, yes, it does suck to be stuck in a country with people like that, especially when they refuse to listen to reason and hold all the cards.

      Welcome to America.

          • @treeko
            83 months ago

            Asking for the benefit of your comment, friend

              • @jordanlund
                23 months ago

                Removed for trolling and admitting trolling.

              • @givesomefucksOP
                33 months ago

                I’d rather people think I am being literal and get enraged. That benefits my interests more than the karma points.



                • @[email protected]
                  -13 months ago

                  Not at all.

                  The status quo is unacceptable, and if a bit of rhetoric can jolt someone out of their slumber, it is appropriate and right.

    • @kitnaht
      3 months ago

      Because we’re all relying on historical context. No previous-loser has ever won against the person who beat them in the history of presidential elections.

      Democrats funding for cops actually helps democrats reach centrists and independent voters.

      Nobody actually gives a shit about Israel and Palestine. People bringing this up are feigning concern.

      Nobody has ever said Biden will ‘protect us from Trump’. Not voting for Trump is what protects us from Trump. Telling people to stick it to the man and vote for someone else is harmful, because it splits the vote.

      • @[email protected]
        273 months ago

        Nobody actually gives a shit about Israel and Palestine. People bringing this up are feigning concern.

        What the fuck are you going on about? Just because you’re a psychopath who doesn’t give a shit about other people doesn’t mean we all are.

        • @CharlesDarwin
          -43 months ago

          I cannot claim to know OP’s mind, but IMHO, I think those that are performatively wringing their hands and clutching their pearls over the situation in Israel right now are either a bit deluded or just out to delude others, IF they are acting like having donnie instead of Biden would make that situation in any way better. And if they are telling people to vote third party or stay home to lodge a stupid protest against The Man, they are only helping donnie. Which again, will result in things going from very, very bad to far far worse.

          • @[email protected]
            103 months ago

            Nobody is making that argument. You were the person the op was taking about. Nobody’s going to vote trump over Palestine.

            • @CharlesDarwin
              13 months ago

              Sorry, I guess I was talking about kitnaht not the OP. And people actually are making this kind of argument, including around here. These are the same types that argue donnie is for keeping us out of “WWIII” (while Hillary obviously wanted one, lol) and ignore all his statements about wanting to level Gaza, etc.

              Now, how many are trolls/bots, it’s hard to say…

      • @Suavevillain
        153 months ago

        Historical context really doesn’t mean anything here. Trump isn’t the average republican guy. He has taken over the whole party with his ideology alone. Tons of people care about genocide. Not to mention people directly affected by it. Biden’s whole pitch was he can get stuff done and be a one-term President. None of that has happened. This moment requires boldness and conviction. Biden is not the man for that at all.

        Betting all your chips on a man who is hanging by a thread is a risky gamble to protect whatever is left of this country.

      • @[email protected]
        143 months ago

        Nobody has ever done anything until they did. You’re not really saying much there.

        While we’re at it though, no previous president has ever won reelection with an approval rating below 48% either. Biden’s hasn’t polled that high in over a year and a half.

      • @givesomefucksOP
        143 months ago

        . No previous-loser has ever won against the person who beat them in the history of presidential elections.

        Biden’s current approval rating is 34%…

        What’s the last president with numbers that low he got a second term?

        Like, I don’t think people understand how historically unpopular Biden is. 34% is fucking insane for being the president that followed trump, you can’t get a better set up than being compared to that shitheel.

        • archomrade [he/him]
          93 months ago

          Liberals are so self-assured that they occupy the majority position that they simply cannot fathom that number is accurate.

          I honestly do not think there is any way to get through to those people. Everyone who disagrees is either not a real american democrat or have been duped by the fake media.

          They will drive us clear over the edge of the cliff and blame us for giving them the wrong directions.

          • @[email protected]
            43 months ago

            When I was campaigning for Bernie, I ran into two groups of people who you just COULD NOT have a reasonable conversation with… Magas and Clinton liberals… They just will not/cannot see reality

          • @CharlesDarwin
            43 months ago

            Yeah, I’m getting some real Hillary 2016 energy on this one. Instead of it being “her turn”, this time around, it’s about Biden’s “legacy”. And I’m sure I’m not alone when I say I don’t give a fuck about either of those things, I’m very much in the majority. Biden’s legacy can get stuffed just as much as any notion that it was Hillary’s birthright to be the first female American President…

            TBF, the same “deep state” that the right clutches their pearls over are the same ones that pulled the Butter Emails garbage…but still. Beating donnie should be a slam dunk. He’s basically the Washington Generals here, but somehow, the Democrats seem to do worse.

          • @givesomefucksOP
            43 months ago

            It’s just insane to me.

            Like, there’s that thread where Biden’s talking about not bowing to “elites and millionaires” calling for him to drop…

            And people are acting like that’s really what’s happening.

            The elite and billionaires are the only ones not calling for him to drop, he’s trying to frame it as him fighting for what voters want, but voters don’t want Joe as the candidate.

            On Friday when they asked him about the polls, he just pulled a trump and said they weren’t fucking real.

            Before trump in 2016, that answer would never have fucking flown.

  • @foggy
    243 months ago

    Well as long as he gives it his all between 5am and 8pm…


    • @RedditWanderer
      3 months ago

      Thats more than normal working hours. Only Boebert gives her all after 8pm

      • @foggy
        3 months ago

        He’s the president. It’s not a fucking 9-5.

        What an asinine way to justify his bed time.

        • @Buddahriffic
          103 months ago

          I mean, if shit gets fucked up because the president is sleeping, I’d argue that some things that should have been delegated weren’t rather than it being a problem that the president sleeps. If he stayed up until 1am, what if something big happened at 2am?

          The whole “what would Hillary do if she got a 3am phone call” thing was dumb. If there’s an attack, it should be military people determining the immediate course of action and the president weighing in for the longer term response. Presidents should handle strategic response, not tactical response.

          • Buelldozer
            23 months ago

            Presidents should handle strategic response, not tactical response.

            There’s more than a few things, both military and civilian, that can only be authorized by the President themselves. The Authority cannot legally be delegated to inferiors. You’re arguing that the Presidency should be able to do whatever it wants and that’s just not how it works.

            • @Buddahriffic
              13 months ago

              Then either wait for the president to authorize those actions or, if it’s urgent, wake the president up.

              Using nukes is a strategic decision, including whether to allow the use of tactical nukes.

              The tactical decisions I’m talking about are pretty much the military following their rules of engagement for whatever the situation is in the moment.

        • Jesus
          83 months ago

          Trump was work’n that 10am-2pm

          • @foggy
            3 months ago

            I mean fuck Trump but that dbag was up tweeting all night long, passing out at the keyboard mid rage-tweet.

            • @Wrench
              3 months ago

              If dicking around on social media counts as work, I’m owed a lot of overtime.

        • @WindyRebel
          33 months ago

          I’m pretty sure they were making a snide comment regarding sexual stuff. Not literally the job.

        • @RedditWanderer
          13 months ago

          5AM to 8PM is also not a 9-5…

          Also it was mostly to make a Boebert joke, I didn’t say anything controversial

  • @CharlesDarwin
    143 months ago

    I’ll still be voting for Biden even if he’s preserved as a head in a jar this fall. However, I wish it were not so, and I think far too many normies and the generally clueless (and pouty purity pony lefty dumbasses) are going to stay home, lodge a stupid “protest vote”, or vote outright for donnie if it’s Biden as the Democratic option.


  • @BassTurd
    3 months ago

    All I’ve seen is people telling him to step down. I haven’t seen a concrete solution for what happens if he does. That’s why all of this dick waving is doing nothing but hurting his chances. All you “Dems” are just regurgitating conservative talking points and doing their propaganda for them. Instead of talking about how he stumbled, talk about how Trump did nothing but lie, rape, and is a convicted felon. His showing was far worse than Biden, yet here his side is attacking him and ignoring Trump. The option to switch candidates is long gone. It’s fine to be critical of Biden, but if all you are is critical, then you are actively hurting his chances of reelection.

    It’s mind numbing how many of you are just out there actively attacking the guy that will be the candidate in November, whether you like it or not. Reality sucks sometimes, and you get stuck with a giant douche and a turd sandwich, but that’s just how it is. An awful lot of faces for leopards out there.

    • @[email protected]
      93 months ago

      Because there isn’t one. Everyone asking him to step down with no clear alternative is either stupid or acting in bad faith. The longer this BS goes on the more likely it is to turn off undecided voters regardless of the replacement.

        • @[email protected]
          43 months ago

          It’s 1968 all over again. I’m a millennial and was clearly not alive for that. But I’ve read enough about elections and talked with my parents about how Nixon won. The DNC infighting and 3rd party spoilers gave us Nixon. People are begging to do that again and going to get us Trump.

    • @Linkerbaan
      3 months ago

      There is no conservative talking points. Liberal media has brainwashed Dems to the point they won’t accept Biden is a senile joke when everyone watching a 30 second clip of the debate can observe it for themselves.

      And after months of liberal media gaslighting about how Biden is totally fine even they now have to admit he’s a senile geriatric. But since they told everyone that’s deepfake propaganda libs won’t believe their eyes and ears anymore.

      Biden can still be swapped but Dems are already in Blue MAGA mode. It’s hillarious. Biden simps will be the reason Trump wins.

      • @BassTurd
        23 months ago

        I suppose if you ignore almost everything else over the past 3 years and only look at the debate, you could make an argument that he’s not mentally cognizant. Or you could look at his track record and all of the stuff that his admin has accomplished after the disaster that was the trump regime.

        There’s no time to make a swap. If he stepped down immediately, there wouldn’t be a formal plan in place for days or weeks. After that, the execution of said plan will take months. There’s not time, that ship sailed.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          The last 4 years aren’t a great indicator of the next 4, not that theyve done a great job communicating over the former. Mental decline from dementia can be rapid and aggressive once it starts and the stress of the office is only going to make that worse.

          • @BassTurd
            23 months ago

            Which is why it’s good he’s surrounded himself with smart people that actually drive the decisions.

            • @[email protected]
              13 months ago

              Right but they’re not communicating what they’re doing which is why the voter base aren’t very informed on the merits of this administration other than that it’s not a Trump administration.

              • @BassTurd
                03 months ago

                I fully agree. His administration’s PR team sucks. They don’t need to go out and flaunt every time he had a successfully bowel movement, but at least parrot more of the everyday victories that people can relate to. Admittedly that’s not always super easy when under constant attack, but they need to be better.

        • @Linkerbaan
          -13 months ago

          If you ignore his massive gaffe’s and the media’s lies about it over the past year you could make an argument nobody saw this coming. Instead everyone calling it out got accused of clipping Biden out of context and other smear attacks from liberal media.

          The 2020 Democratic primaries ended in August. There’s more than enough time to swap Biden out. I can’t even begin to understand this line of reasoning that it’s already too late.

  • @[email protected]
    113 months ago

    I think I’ve finally figured out the Democratic Party’s strategy here. The Dems have never held the presidency through two consecutive candidates, save for the VP taking over after the president’s death. They’re pushing Biden so hard knowing he’ll die shortly into his second term, then they’ll have Harris for at least one term, giving them a slight advantage in 2028. And if they can secure a second term for Harris, that gives them eight years to mildly delay fascism, and by that point the earth will be on fire too much for any government system to matter.

    • @givesomefucksOP
      63 months ago

      Oh yeah.

      2028 is going to be a repeat of this regardless of if Biden or Kamal run in 2024.

      2028 will be a bullshit “primary”, NH will get their delegates stolen again. And the DNC will announce it’s over after 3-4 Republican states have voted.

  • @Xanis
    83 months ago

    I’ll say this:

    Whether he stays or he goes we all need to figure out a direction soon or be split when it matters most.

    • @Guy_Fieris_Hair
      23 months ago

      Stuck together now, then for the love of God split from these dinosaurs the second the election is over.

  • @JiveTurkey
    73 months ago

    Can’t wait for a repeat of 2016. Thanks Biden.

  • @[email protected]
    53 months ago

    There’s a better way to end the drama: campaign like democracy is at stake. Go on a campaign tour and turn those numbers around. Oh well …

  • @givesomefucksOP
    53 months ago

    “We have 42 days to the Democratic Convention and 119 days to the general election,” Biden said in the letter

    Sounds like we got 42 more days to name a candidate…

    Why the fuck are we pretending this is only Biden’s decision though?

    The DNC can nominate anyone they want, and Biden already said he doesn’t care if trump wins.

    So why does Biden get to insist he’s the candidate? Especially when every metric and data point we have, shows Biden won’t be able to pull it off?

    This election is more important than an 81 year olds personal beliefs and if “Lord God” has told him to drop out or not

    Pushing forward with Joe is damn near suicidal at this point.

    • rigatti
      143 months ago

      Biden said he doesn’t care if Trump wins? What?

          • @givesomefucksOP
            13 months ago

            The issue isn’t how he phrased it.

            The issue is he doesn’t really care if he loses.

            That’s not enough when we’re fighting a fascist take over of our country…

      • @Wakmrow
        33 months ago

        Genuinely curious how you’re surprised by this

        • rigatti
          13 months ago

          Why I’m surprised by a candidate saying they’re ok with their felonious opponent winning the election? I’m genuinely curious how you’re genuinely curious that I’m surprised by that.

          I think Biden’s response to the question is being slightly misrepresented, but it’s certainly not the kind of response I’d want to hear, especially as a followup to the debate.

          • @Wakmrow
            23 months ago

            Biden ran on a platform of working with the fascists I don’t know why you’re surprised he’s good with them in power.

    • TTH4P
      63 months ago

      The DNC can nominate whoever, but one point of contention will be the millions in individual donations for Biden-Harris…

      • @givesomefucksOP
        03 months ago

        Millions sound like a lot…

        But it was projected to cost 2 billion for Biden to beat Trump this election.

        But the bulk of Biden’s money is in the BVF, something that the DNC has access to as well. Lots of people confuse that with Biden’s money only.

        The majority of the money isn’t just controlled by Biden’s campaign.

        I’d like to think he’d hand it over to the new candidate, but even if he doesn’t. Dark money won’t start flowing for another month or so that’s when it’s too late to track down before the election.

        Did you hear about it last election?


        • TTH4P
          13 months ago

          I don’t know whether or not campaign finance rules allow it, I was just thinking it will be problematic to that new person’s campaign.

          • @givesomefucksOP
            3 months ago

            If Biden cooperates gracefully, every penny he has for 2024 can go to the new candidate.

            Or he can act like a petulant child and hold on to as much as he can out of spite to hurt his replacement

            I don’t think what little he could hold onto would matter. And I don’t know if he’d give it up or fight to keep the money

            But if your opinion of Biden is he will do anything to stop trump, then if he’s replaced his money isn’t an issue, he’d give it up immediately.

            • TTH4P
              23 months ago

              I haven’t told you any of my opinions, just a concern I was wondering about. I get that this topic is contentious, but I don’t know why you downvoted my comment as this is a legit question…

              • @givesomefucksOP
                -33 months ago

                The comment you’re talking about…

                I’m the only one that upvoted you, not the only one who down voted you

                Lemmy votes don’t matter. But if you really care I could upload a screenshot to imgur and give you the link I guess.

                Supposedly there’s a way to tell from Lemmy? I don’t know tho, because up votes don’t matter.

    • @BertramDitore
      53 months ago

      I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment, but technically it is entirely up to Biden, and no one else. The DNC can’t just nominate whoever they want, there was a primary to determine the nominee. Most delegates that will vote for him at the convention, must vote for him. They’re required by state law to vote with the primary’s popular vote. The only way for that to change is for Biden to decide to step aside. Then the delegates would be free to vote however they wanted.

      It’s a messed up and broken system that is hard to call democratic, but internal party politics rarely are. He needs to be the bigger person and step aside. It’s pure hubris at this point for him to think he’s the only human being in a country of 300 million who could beat Trump.

      • @givesomefucksOP
        143 months ago

        The DNC can’t just nominate whoever they want, there was a primary to determine the nominee.

        That’s not what the DNCs lawyers argued to a judge less than a decade ago…

        You’re assuming the DNC can’t just change their own rules first. Which is what the DNC is currently acting like.

        It’s not true though. They change their own rules all the time.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          You’re assuming the DNC can’t just change their own rules first.

          The DNC is a private corporation. Corporations are people too, friend.

          Everything you said checks out, sir.

        • @jordanlundM
          -43 months ago

          What the DNC lawyers say and what the general public will allow are two different things.

          If Joe doesn’t volunteer to step down, and it looks like he won’t here’s what will happen:

          1. Joe runs and loses.

          2. DNC removes Joe for Kamala and she loses because everyone hates her.

          3. DNC forces both Joe and Kamala out and they lose because the voters had no say in the process.

          Really, the only way out here is for Joe to die and get replaced by Kamala who then gets the sympathy vote.

          • @givesomefucksOP
            3 months ago

            Yeah, but polls show voters want to replace him…

            If the DNC replaced him, that’s what voters want.

            Kamala and she loses because everyone hates her.

            I’m linking this too much probably.

            But this podcast changed my mind about her. Still think she’ll be a bad president. But trump is probably the only candidate she can beat, even with the 29% approval rating. After this video I think she can beat trump.


            If you’re worried Kamala can’t beat Trump, watching the first half of that will make you feel a lot better about her.

            Because honestly, I can’t imagine the DNC let’s anyone else takeover.

            • @jordanlundM
              -33 months ago

              The polls don’t know what they want and your average voter is a moron. If they asked them “Well, what should we do?” most likely the answer would be “Well, re-run the primary!” not realizing it takes 6 months to run a primary in 50 states+DC.

              • @givesomefucksOP
                13 months ago

                The polls don’t know what they want and your average voter is a moron.

                So you think voters will do a 180 and now be upset Biden is replaced when they’ve been calling for him to be replaced?

                I don’t understand.

                There’s been no waffling in the polls, even in 2020 voters thought Biden’s age was a significant issue.

                They still do, but they used to too.

                • @jordanlundM
                  23 months ago

                  I do, because they will have had no say in who replaces him.

                  The same way the DNC forced Hillary on everyone in 2016.

  • @[email protected]
    33 months ago

    How about you first of all pull your head out of your ass and understand the existential nature of the situation, Biden? It’s starting to look like you’re one of the last people in the party that just doesn’t fucking get it. We’re probably not going to have real elections anymore if you lose to Trump, and you don’t seem to be taking that seriously. You’ve done fuck-all over your term to actually combat the rising fascism in this country, and we’re in this situation in large part because of that. Get out of the fucking way and let someone who will actually treat the situation with the seriousness it deserves have the ticket.

    • @ChonkyOwlbear
      03 months ago

      Get out of the fucking way and let someone who will actually treat the situation with the seriousness it deserves have the ticket

      Let that person step up now. Nothing is stopping them. The fact is that nobody has as much unified support as Biden.

      • @[email protected]
        23 months ago

        I’m honestly a bit surprised you’re not big mad at the prospect of the fascists winning the presidency in November

        • @[email protected]
          23 months ago

          I’m mad that that’s an option, but you’re spewing division which is the last thing we need right now. I, and many others, have been saying Biden isn’t the best choice. He should have been replaced earlier.

          But now?! That’s the last thing we need. One slightly bad debate isn’t going to make me start in party fighting. Like it or not, Biden is our best shot. Any other option shows even more weakness. He could die 2 seconds after the election and I wouldn’t care. But until then he’s the number 1 choice

          I vote for the party and it’s beliefs, not the man.

          • @[email protected]
            03 months ago

            I really don’t agree. And moreover, we have a contemporary counter example: Macron, his party, and the elections in France two days ago, in which Macron and his party willingly and openly sacrificed his party’s prospects simply to diminish the chance that the fascists would pull out a win. And it worked.

            This is an emergency situation. Treating it like any old election is going to end catastrophically, in my opinion.

            Not to mention, I pretty strongly dislike the Democratic Party for how they’ve leaned even further towards corporate neoliberal interests, but I outright revile the Republican Party for becoming theocratic fascists. There are no good choices here; only less bad ones.

            • @[email protected]
              13 months ago

              You can’t treat Frances multi party elections like our first past the line ones. That would be like saying RFK Jr should drop out so Biden has a better chance.

              As soon as Biden drops out for anyone else, the Republicans gain so much ammo in us being unprepared and confused. Gives then more ammo on why they’re better.

              Their guy can rape, lie, and cheat but it doesn’t matter. They will stick with him no matter what. Also, idk if you’ve watched him speak, he rambles and forget what he’s saying. But they will never replace him, and as shitty as it is atleast they’re strong in that sense.

              If we replaced Biden now, there’s 0% chance everyone chooses the same person and then everyone is weaker. So yeah, I think he should stay.

          • @[email protected]
            -23 months ago

            I vote for the party and it’s [sic] beliefs, not the man.

            Which beliefs? That compromising with fascism is the best way to deal with it? That the best way to move this country forward is to continually offer a “lesser evil”? That occasional lip-service to not being bigots is enough to distract us from the burning planet and infinitely yawning chasm between the owner class and the workers?

            • @[email protected]
              23 months ago

              Do you have any clue what has actually been done in the past 4 years, or would you like me to list out some stuff? Cause if you read more into politics besides “the man’s old!” he’s been doing quite a bit for the American people

              Also, if you can name a better candidate right now we would maybe be able to discuss that. But everyone is just saying ‘someone needs to replace him’ without any real answer. We all agree this isn’t ideal. But there is no genuine better solution IMHO

              • @[email protected]
                03 months ago

                Harris. Easy answer. Already has name recognition, already has been planning to take over as President (if even a single Democratic advisor isn’t brain-dead), and scares the Republicans because she’s a woman and black. Sure, she’s a cop, but there aren’t any good options in the Democratic Party, and she won’t put up with Trump’s shit.

                And isn’t past retirement age. Of course she wouldn’t have universal support, but I doubt there’s any Democrat who could have less support than Biden right now.

                As for all the things Biden has done, I have heard of a few trivial steps in the right direction his administration has done. That’s great. Why isn’t he focusing on them in his campaign? Ignore the Toupee. Tell us what empty promises his administration is going to make. Nearly every sentient being is a better option than the Toupee, that’s not a compelling reason to vote for Biden, that’s just a reason to vote for anything else.

                • @[email protected]
                  13 months ago

                  So you want to throw the party into chaos and give the enemy ammo just to elect the person that’s almost guaranteed to be in charge anyway? That seems pointless. A vote for Biden is a vote for Harris now anyway.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    23 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    He followed up the letter with a phone interview with MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” show, on which he insisted that “average Democrats” want him to stay in the race and said he was “frustrated” by the calls from party officials for him to step aside.

    Many Democrats are arguing the attention needs to be focused instead on the former president’s felony conviction in the hush money case and pending federal charges in his effort to overturn the 2020 election.

    In an effort to “get on the same page,” House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries is convening lawmakers for private meetings before he shows his own preference, according to a person familiar with the situation and granted anonymity to discuss it.

    Still other members, including Rep. Maxine Waters of California and Rep. Bobby Scott of Virginia, both leaders in the Congressional Black Caucus, spoke forcefully in support of Biden, as did Rep. Richard Neal of Massachusetts, the top Democrat on the powerful Ways and Means Committee.

    Behind the scenes is Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi, who continues to field calls from lawmakers seeking advice about the situation, and is widely viewed as the one to watch for any ultimate decision on Biden’s future because of her proximity to the president and vote-counting skills in party politics.

    House Democrats have had some of their better fundraising days yet, including a $3 million haul last Friday night after the debate at an event with former President Barack Obama and Jeffries in New York City.

    The original article contains 1,321 words, the summary contains 248 words. Saved 81%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • @jordanlundM
    3 months ago

    This is the kind of leadership he needs to show to convince everyone he’s still viable, but a letter on it’s own is not going to cut it.

    I hear he called in on Morning Joe as well, I need to run that down.

    Edit Found the clip:


    • @givesomefucksOP
      33 months ago

      I hear he called in on Morning Joe as well, I need to run that down.

      I don’t watch it, but apparently Biden watches it daily to the point it’s like Fox and Friends for trump.

      After the debate the couple who hosts split on what to do. And the one that wasn’t still Biden didn’t show to a taping after.

      There’s been a lot of articles about Morning Joe and Biden recently

    • @Ensign_Crab
      -13 months ago

      This is just pigheaded stubbornness.