• Lev_Astov
    9 hours ago

    At 10kV, a random stick would be all it takes to start an arc. He knows what he’s doing.

    • @stupidcasey
      7 hours ago

      True, True… Hay who thought it was safe to run 10,000V Wire through a flammable overgrown jungle?

  • @Bertuccio
    3110 hours ago

    I invite you to touch an electric fence with a stick then.

    • The Picard ManeuverOP
      126 minutes ago

      You’re describing my pre-internet childhood.

      (It wasn’t a 10k volt t-rex fence though)

    • @[email protected]
      44 hours ago

      I’ve installed a few, and you do have to test them somehow.

      Best way is a long piece of grass, hold it about 30cm down and touch the other end to the fence. Most you get is a little tingle

  • @captainlezbian
    4112 hours ago

    Yeah that’s people with PhDs in my experience

    • @finitebanjo
      79 hours ago

      Yeah, in this case it’s so high voltage that the resistance of the dry stick wont mean as much.

  • @[email protected]
    2611 hours ago

    I don’t remember the scene, but personally I’d test an electric fence with a nonconductor. You’ll probably get some sparks but won’t die. You do you, ppl in this thread.

  • billwashere
    89 hours ago

    Yep. Very domain specific knowledge but couldn’t pour piss outta a boot with the instructions on the heel.

    • @essell
      23 hours ago

      The first film paints a different picture.

      The whole point of his story in that film was his growth and development, started saying “kids smell” and ended holding two of them safe.

      He was the one throughout who kept his head, stayed competent in the face of fear and dealing with chaos.

  • @[email protected]
    16317 hours ago

    As a PhD who has tried doing home improvement projects, it’s the most believable thing in the film.

    • @[email protected]
      1012 hours ago

      Some pleeb shouted at me, “I thought you were an engineer!” And I shouted back, “A software engineer!” while I hammer a nail with my shoe.

      • @captainlezbian
        512 hours ago

        I’m a regular engineer and yeah I pull such shit. Listen, there’s a reason I tell everyone not to do what I do.

        • skulblaka
          711 hours ago

          The difference between a regular idiot doing a dangerous job and an engineer doing a dangerous job is the engineer knows which parts of the job he’s risking imminent death on. There may often be no other difference.

    • Bob
      2715 hours ago

      Actually some of the most naïve people I’ve ever met were theretofore academically successful.

    • @[email protected]
      16 hours ago


      Genuinely asking, I’m just an engineer… with very very bad grades. Passed was enough for me.

      Once a professor asked me if I wanted to take the exam again because it was clear that I knew more than what I showed on the exam (a lot of 2 + 2 = 5 mistakes, I was fairly good at that and owe most of my low grades to that). I asked him if I passed, he said yes. Fuck that shit, I’m taking that grade and parading it across town, wooohoo 🥳.

      • GreenPlasticSushiGrass
        2916 hours ago

        As they say, a PhD is about learning more and more about less and less. Some of the smartest people at conferences I’ve attended legitimately risk death crossing the street.

  • Björn Tantau
    14317 hours ago

    A high voltage electric fence. At some point even standing in front of the thing is enough.

    • @SzethFriendOfNimi
      4217 hours ago

      Air only has so much resistance itself. High enough voltage and the closest path to ground is where the charge will go.

      Just like with Lightning

    • @[email protected]
      2817 hours ago

      My arm once got pulled into an electric fence when I was a kid and I couldn’t stop getting shocked until someone physically pulled me away. It was more of a self-control issue than accidentally bridging the gap.

      That was the day I learned that some pain can be pleasant. The owner of the property didn’t seem as pleased with my discovery as I did. He had to shut off the fence and yanked my arm away and then told me to go explore my perversions somewhere else. I was too young to understand the word “perversion,” and I’m now eternally grateful to that poor unprepared rancher.

      • @[email protected]
        513 hours ago

        You find it enjoyable? I regularly touch electric fences, but not because I want to but because I’m too stupid to think of another way to figure out if the thing is working. I find it to be the opposite of pleasant.

        • @[email protected]
          611 hours ago

          Oh. Here’s your fix:

          A longish piece of green grass. Hold it by one end, then slide it on the fence wire like the grass was a violin bow, getting your fingers closer and closer to the fence. At some point you notice a pinging, or your fingers are touching the fence.

          You can use this to gauge, very roughly, how powerful the charge is at that point.

        • @[email protected]
          3 hours ago

          I never said it was pleasant. But sometimes some types of pain are the right kind of pain.

          Example of the opposite: when I’m swapping a switch in my old-ass house, sometimes I’m too lazy to turn off the breaker. When I inevitably shock myself, I say “dammit” because I’m trying to concentrate, not discover my preteen proclivities.

          Edit: well slap me silly and call me a liar, I literally said the words “some pain can be pleasant.” I blame this error on undeserved confidence and complacency.

      • Björn Tantau
        1016 hours ago

        For more fun form a chain with other people and be the furthest from the person touching the fence.

    • @[email protected]
      1415 hours ago

      At approx 3kV/mm, you would have to be pretty close to a 10kV fence.

      Humidity plays a big role as does the frequency that the fence is running on. But you would be pretty safe standing a meter away, on that dry sunny day in the picture.

      Also above a point, the high voltage causes the conductors to buzz.

    • @ArbiterXero
      1016 hours ago

      With enough voltage, everything is a conductor.

    • @[email protected]
      1016 hours ago

      I have a 10KV electric fence. 5KV to 15KV is typical electric fence voltage in a farm or bear prevention fence. Can’t feel a thing unless you actually touch it.

      They are also not lethal. Very low current, just very high voltage. So it only hurts like fuck, but won’t kill a human, cow, or any other mammal that touches it.

      • @[email protected]
        411 hours ago

        They can kill an animal (including a mammal) if they become entangled and give up out of suffering, though.

        This is pretty rare, but can happen.

        It’s virtually zero risk to a human, though, who can cognize things like getting their hand disentangled from a string (even in a panic situation), or to most mammals, which tend to jerk backwards on contact.

      • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
        715 hours ago

        They can’t kill you, but I know from experience that they can knock you out for a bit if you get shocked through your head.

    • @[email protected]
      817 hours ago

      This is why you should never try to remove a tree from a power line yourself.

      Electricity always takes the path of least resistance back to the source. A tree, and possibly your body, may end up being the “path of least resistance”.

      You won’t know if YOU are the path of least resistance or it the line is even energized until it’s too late.

  • @LEDZeppelin
    5016 hours ago

    Clearly his PhD is not in electrical engineering or biology

    • The Picard ManeuverOP
      3615 hours ago

      It’s actually a PhD in trombone. Someone misheard it one time, and nobody has ever thought to follow up.

      “Oh, Alan? Yeah, he has a doctorate in bones or something.”

  • @[email protected]
    5116 hours ago

    IIRC, he was messing with the kids and knew it was off because the lights were off. He proceeded to put his hands on it and convulse wildly as a joke.

    • Seraph
      116 hours ago

      He was messing with the kids when he grabbed the wires, not when he threw the stick.

      • @[email protected]
        613 hours ago

        I always saw it as being part of messing with the kids, he looks at the warning lights on top of the fence first. And for my headcannon at least, Grant is savvy enough to know that’s no way to test if the fence is live or not, lol.

  • @[email protected]
    6017 hours ago

    Just because you’re very good at one thing doesn’t mean you’re good at another. Sometimes the further you go down one path, the less you know about everything else.

    • @ceenote
      517 hours ago

      He must be a real good paleontologist to forget that wood is a bad conductor.

      • @[email protected]
        1317 hours ago

        He was so good that John Hammond sought him out to invite him to the park to check it out before it opened.

        • @[email protected]
          816 hours ago

          Hammond didn’t pick him, the insurance company did. The company insisted on only him, likely because he was a notorious skeptic who would be able to look past the sensationalism of the dinosaurs to let them know a realistic risk assessment. The dinner scene where he and Ellie criticize Hammond is exactly why they wanted him there.

          Point being, no indication is actually given that he was smarter or more published than the others in his field, because that isn’t really what the insurance was after.

            • @njm1314
              110 hours ago

              No it’s the insurance company. It’s that scene the very beginning where the lawyer is going to visit the the guy digging for Amber. He’s the lawyer for the insurance company, he mentions that he’s going to get Grant. Then the other archaeologist says he won’t get Grant cuz Grant’s a digger. Which now I think about it I guess means that Hammond is interfering with the impartiality of the evaluators by bribing them.

      • @Rolando
        116 hours ago

        They didn’t have electric fences in the jurassic era, duh. /jk

  • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
    815 hours ago

    Even throwing a metal pipe against it won’t do anything. Electric fences have one electrode in the ground, and that’s how your body makes the circuit. If they had run and jumped onto the fence, then jumped off on the other side they would have been fine with the fences still active.

    Source: I’ve set up an electric fence and been shocked multiple times, once through my head.

    • @Agent641
      110 hours ago

      You’re assuming the dinosaur fence operates on the same principal as a regular livestock electric fence. I put it to you that the Dino enclosures use alternating positive and negative stringer wires, where touching one won’t do anything, but touching two will make a short circuit.

      • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
        10 hours ago

        That would make a lot of sense, but as we can see the stringers are connected together, meaning they’d just short out if they were alternate polarities. To me this indicates that it’s like a standard livestock fence, with an electrode in the ground somewhere and the circuit completing through the animal.

        However, considering my 16’x48’ pig enclosure required a three-foot rod to be grounded, a system large enough for a sauropod would need a lot of grounding. Considering this, the fact that they used a circuit-through-animal design indicates it probably wasn’t the best way to do it.

        Spared no expense…

        • @Agent641
          8 hours ago

          Maybe the stringer spacers are polymer though. Like those separation bars you see on residential power lines

          • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
            17 hours ago

            Maybe they’re polymer but they look pretty metallic and there’s an awful lot of them. Plus if the stringers are under enough tension for a full grown man to climb them they wouldn’t need separators.

    • @[email protected]
      213 hours ago

      Yet Tim gets shocked when hanging on the fence when it turns on while he’s climbing down. I trust movie science far more than your acquired knowledge. Your ignorance is probably what’s holding you back from full blown deity.

    • @[email protected]
      214 hours ago

      uhm, I’ve seen (touched, oops) electric fences (low power tho) with both conductors in the wire, uncovered but not touching.

    • @Agent641
      410 hours ago

      The higher the voltage, the less the electricity cares how good a conductor something is. Air is a shitty conductor, and yet, lightning doesn’t give a shit.

    • @[email protected]
      14 hours ago

      How good of a conductor wood is depends on its state. If it is very dry and not salty, this should be safe (although he could have taken the piece of wood more at the end to increase the distance between him and the fence and the length=isolation through the piece of wood). If it is wet and salty, it might be dangerous.

      • @WhiskyTangoFoxtrot
        110 hours ago

        There was a major storm just a few hours before this, so the wood is likely wet. However, he threw it against the fence; he wasn’t touching it when it made contact with the wires.

    • @Opisek
      414 hours ago

      Yeah. Therefore the wood won’t do anything.