• @Tabula_stercore
    -140 minutes ago

    Please put trump in the title of the post so i can filter your garbage away

  • @werefreeatlast
    5 hours ago

    Looks like an old solarized loofah. Here’s a new loofah for comparison:

    Notice how nicely attached the hairs are? Much unlike the Trump look.

  • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
    7 hours ago

    Watching his Bloomberg interview it looks like his eyes are trying to escape his face. If it was my job to interview this pos I’d try to make him walk of stage after the first question. Which would be, “tell us about your make up routine and why you think it’s so essential.”

    Follow up, “I have a list of questions that appear on your cherished cognitive test. Since you’re so clearly proud of passing these exams would you like demonstrate your acuity for the viewerd at home?”

  • @fluckx
    2813 hours ago

    He’s starting to lose his (orange) glow it seems.

    • @P00ptart
      37 hours ago

      You try putting makeup on a ghost.

  • @[email protected]
    16617 hours ago

    I know candid HD photography isn’t complimentary to a lot of people, but holy shit he looks like a fucking zombie.

    • Diplomjodler
      10717 hours ago

      That’s pretty much what he is. That fucker is kept going by nothing but malice.

    • Aviandelight
      1313 hours ago

      Maybe if they actually used mortuary cosmetics on him he might look more lifelike.

      • @BoxOfFeet
        116 minutes ago

        Like Frank in the “Frank’s Little Beauties” episode. He just needs a song about not diddling kids.

      • @WaxedWookie
        11 hour ago

        There’s no doubt that he would.

        The makeup would at least be competently applied, and I’ve got to assume less fluorescent with none of the screaming contrast against the sickly transparent, veiny white skin of an octogenarian fuelled by hamberders, covefe, and hate - particularly for kamabla.

      • @Makeitstop
        5016 hours ago

        That’s not fair. Liches are smart and competent, and had to earn their position through hard work and dedication.

        • NielsBohron
          913 hours ago

          Oh, now I have an idea for a new BBEG: A lich that got to their position by taking advantage of their privilege and refuses to acknowledge it.

          Definitely should be fully fleshed out (no pun intended) by flavoring with historical Trump actions like blaming minorities for everything (“that jogger was violently assaulted by these 5 goblins that simply happen to be nearby”), refusing to pay contractors for services rendered (“great job building my phylactery, it would be a shame if you got deported before I paid you”), using populist rhetoric to blame progressives for the problems caused by capitalism (“Minions, I know your wages are low, but it’s those adventurers fault for donating gold to the orphanage and causing all this inflation”). When he flees the adventurers, they could be slowed by a magical spell called “malicious litigation” that functions like a web spell on anyone who is not of noble birth.

          Minions could also include a ghoul as diplomatic envoy whose hair dye leaks and who accidentally books an event at Four Seasons Total Castle Care and several half-ogre sons who think they are going to inherit his lichdom but are too dumb to see they’re first on the chopping block when the chips are down.

          • @grue
            47 hours ago

            Wait till you find out what vampires are an allegory for.

    • @Delphia
      11 hour ago

      I hope he lives long enough to lose the election fair and square.

  • Optional
    1913 hours ago

    He’s got kinda chipmunk teeth and the splotchy makeup just isn’t doing him any favors.

  • @MrMeanJavaBean
    28 hours ago

    I think that’s an older picture from last month or something. So imagine how he looks now, lol

  • @TropicalDingdong
    17 hours ago

    I mean, he’s up across the board in all the swing state polls. When you are up on points and are looking to run out the clock, you run prevent defense. Its the same reason he’s not going to take another debate; that would help Harris. Reduce surface area, reduce exposure, don’t give opportunities for mistakes.

    • @[email protected]
      6 hours ago

      No, he isn’t up in all the swing state polls. Only in some of them. It took me less than five minutes to find that you were wrong, because of course you were wrong. There are many polls out there, and you tried to claim that they all showed one thing, when of course they didn’t.

      (If you want to argue that your preferred polls show something, you can make that argument. And we could debate the reliability of those particular polls. At least then we could start with facts and disagree about how to interpret them.)

    • @Atom
      3616 hours ago

      I’m not sure why you’re getting down voted, you’re right. Going strictly by polls and ignoring registrations (which are trending favorable for R), strategy, finance, early voting, etc. Trump was neck and neck with Harris up to the debate. The debate say the sharpest shift toward Harris. Afterwards, he has been sticking to Golf and Rallies of his most loyal supporters, keeping him away from the general public. That put the polls back to a toss up.

      If he did another debate, he’s on display to everyone again and that won’t go his way. Even if Harris fucks up, he’s still a fascist in decline. His campaign knows he needs to stay in safe spaces until the election is over

      • @[email protected]
        36 hours ago

        They claimed Trump is up in all the swing state polls, but five minutes on Google shows that’s just not true. People can read, and if you lie to them, they’ll downvote you.

      • @TropicalDingdong
        -5416 hours ago

        Lemmings prefer their echo chamber, where if they just vote hard enough, they’ll be able to blame people who confronted them with evidence when they lose.

        • @Valmond
          15 hours ago

          How the hell are people changing something in politics if they don’t vote?

          Edit: incoming copy paste in 4, 3 , 2, …

          • @TropicalDingdong
            14 hours ago

            Its called rhetoric. Its the job of changing hearts and minds and its how you win or lose elections. Lemmy has disproportionately taken an abusive and diminishing stance to anyone who would bring criticism to the Democratic party, as if acknowledging that criticism in some way diminishes the Democratic parties chances in November. The perfect example of this is the “Any Blue Will Do”/ “Blue Maga” campaign that the majority of Lemmy engaged in while Joe Biden was candidate. There were bans’ about it. It was a whole thing. Short summary is that any kind of posting or discussing of Joe Biden’s adequacy as candidate was branded as “right-wing schilling” or it was suggested that by presenting things like historical analysis of polling data, the putting Biden’s numbers in that context, you were engaging in “disinformation”. And it wasn’t just on Lemmy. This was happening in mainstream new’s as well. For example, Whoopi Goldberg said she would “…vote for Joe Biden even if he (shit) his pants on stage…”. Another, more Lemmy relevant version of this discussion is happening now, where some popular posters are effectively disregarding/ dismissing the Gazan genocide because they perceive any criticism of Harris’ stance on the matter as diminishing to her electoral chances.

            So we have to ask “What are the impacts of this rhetorical approach?” Does it bring people to my side and help my cause or does it hurt it? Its obvious from the first round of ABWD/ BM under Biden as candidate, that no amount of apologism is convincing to a cohort who perceives themselves as having a valid criticism of a candidate. If anything, this rhetorical approach only further distances people from a candidate (as indicated by Biden’s polling post debate). To put this in more specific terms, if you say “I don’t care if a candidate shits their pants on stage, you still need to vote for this guy” when the criticism is “This guy is not capable of running a successful campaign and is clearly going to lose to Trump”, you cause your “team” to lose voters. Likewise, and more salient, its not convincing to some for whom a (current administration) policy of funding “the burning of children alive in hospitals” {ABSOLUTE trigger warning. Its Sky News, so its not like a jump scare, but for Christ sake, Israel is burning children alive. No one should ever have to bear witness to that.} is a bridge too far to say “But Trump would be worse”. Trump being bad isn’t a convincing enough argument to vote for a pants-shitter: Whoopi gathered exactly 0 voters to Biden with that rhetorical approach. And to extend that further, quite simply, Trump being worse isn’t a good enough response to convince someone to vote for a candidate that supports the burning of children alive.

            And so this is the impasse that we’re in. Whatever disease has stricken Lemmy (and Reddit, and Twitter, and main stream media, and on and on; its not unique to Lemmy), the majority have taken a rhetorical approach that is basically performative. The brigading, the down-voting, the trolling, is like its mostly about absolving themselves of any wrong doing with around the fact that not only is their approach to rhetoric ineffective, but it is directly undermining the performance of their proffered candidate. The downvoters here, they don’t appear interested in helping Kamala get elected. They aren’t interested in a rhetorical approach that grows the base. They want to diminish and ignore the legitimate criticism that this candidate is as pro-genocide as the incumbent, and at that that level of being pro-genocide is at least sufficient to spark a flaming hot war in the middle east. Its a kind of material denial-ism of reality that I really only thought possible by members of the MAGA cult, but because its so similar, I think that the term Blue MAGA is completely appropriate. And this reactionary approach to rhetoric that has taken hold: Its causing Kamala Harris to lose this election. It accepts the rightward shift Harris has made in these past few weeks. A rightward shift that took her from increasing her lead on DJT to losing it across all swing states. This movement accepts that because they are so scared that acknowledging the issue the candidate has will bring her downfall. But actually, by not engaging with the issues; by not demanding better from the candidate, she has been allowed to enter into a weaker, more vulnerable position electorally.

            If the criticisms are legitimate, and I think supporting the wholesale slaughter of a people is a legitimate critisim, you need to actaully address that issue head on. Burying your head in the sand, denying the issue, and as an example, a quote one from one Lemmy’s most frequent posters (their words, not mine):

            Democrats won’t deport millions of brown people and force my child and those like her into conversion therapy. So yes, Republicans will be worse.

            And this “there’s only one genocide that matters” shit is getting old.

            Makes my point for me. The goal of this kind of rhetoric isn’t to convince anyone. Its to wash ones hands.


            Ahh I see your edit now.

            Edit: incoming copy paste in 4, 3 , 2, …

            Of course you weren’t actually engaging in good faith. But thanks for putting your shame on display.

            • @Whirling_Ashandarei
              13 hours ago

              This is a very reasoned argument, I don’t understand the downvotes. Nothing said here is inflammatory or incorrect, it’s a pretty valid take on how Lemmy reacts to things they don’t want to be true, including legitimate criticisms of Harris. A lot of people seem to think anyone saying “but wait” means they’re for Trump, even if that’s not the case. I mean I get it, he was a disaster and it’s crazy the collective amnesia that half this country seems to have about it, Harris will assuredly be better than him, including with Gaza. It still doesn’t mean we should just unilaterally ban asking the Dems to do more, even if there are some that attempt to argue such things in bad faith.

              I will say “vote hard enough” could work if we actually did it, but only way may be to have auto registration at 18. But I agree, Dems need to stop courting the ever decreasing “undecideds” and actually represent something left of center-right.

              Voting is still valid though, a lot of us on the left seem to disdain voting as useless and only want to go with rhetoric, but it’s literally how MLKJ got the most done that was enforceable. Civil disobedience to get attention, million man marches to register the vote and getting people to the polls no matter what was in the way. If we ever actually did that maybe we could get some more lefty candidates on bigger stages.

              • @TropicalDingdong
                -312 hours ago

                This is a very reasoned argument, I don’t understand the downvotes.

        • @MotoAsh
          -1615 hours ago

          Heaven forbid people vote for what they want and not vote how some poll says to vote… Fucking dumbass cuck.

          • @TropicalDingdong
            015 hours ago

            Yeah I’m not sure what you are trying to say here. Polls are a response to voter sentiment. Maybe you can break down what you meant for me?

            • @MotoAsh
              -114 hours ago

              You claim 'Lemmings" prefer to vote for who they want. That not only anthropomorphises Lemmy in to something wrong (generalities are seldom accurate), but your attitude suggest that peoplewho do not vote for the most popular in the polls are dumb for voting how they want when it doesn’t match the poles. You are actually stupid if you fail to understand how pathetic your response was.

              • @TropicalDingdong
                14 hours ago

                You claim 'Lemmings" prefer to vote for who they want.

                Did I claim that? I don’t think I claimed that. If you could show me or quote me making that claim, I would appreciate it.

                That not only anthropomorphises Lemmy in to something wrong (generalities are seldom accurate),

                I mean Lemmy is a collective of people. I don’t think its wrong to anthropomorphize groups of people (because they are, well… people), and you might be arguing (not quite sure here) that I shouldn’t’ be giving human attributes of behavior to groups of humans, because fundamentally they have different behavioral models. That’s an interesting argument, and more than happy to have that if thats what you are saying here. But to be clear, I’m not arguing that a herd of cows has a collective opinion on genocide. And “generalities are seldom accurate”, I’m not sure how even to address that. The entire modern world is basically predicted on the assumption that although there is variation or noise in most systems, when you aggregate them, they collapse to the mean. So I’m not sure what to do with your statement “generalities are seldom accurate”. That seems dismissive of a couple hundred years of the scientific method to evaluating evidence.

                your attitude suggest that peoplewho do not vote for the most popular in the polls are dumb for voting

                Again, I don’t think I said that. If you could quote me directly, I think that would go a long ways in this discussion.

                You are actually stupid if you fail to understand how pathetic your response was.

                Ok. Thanks. Have a nice rest of your day.

    • Poot
      1216 hours ago

      Not sure why this is getting down voted. It’s a pretty damn good assessment imo.

      • @TropicalDingdong
        -2316 hours ago

        Lemmy is generally allergic to anything that isn’t cheer leading for Dems.

        • @[email protected]
          26 hours ago

          Instead of asking whether the claim was actually true (and it wasn’t), you decided that Lemmy is packed full of Dems (when it’s not). That’s kind of awkward, my friend.

        • @Whirling_Ashandarei
          213 hours ago

          I think there are plenty of instances that aren’t, and those don’t include the hyper tanky/toxic ones. The big instances have tended to skew neoliberal though.

          • @TropicalDingdong
            13 hours ago

            Sure, there are some exceptions. But the reality on which we sit is that Lemmy is a very, very small community. Its all basically one community right now because there isn’t really enough membership to support balkanization and still get useful engagement. I think I’m centrally arguing in this thread that we’re “beyond neo-liberalism” in whatever the central tendency of Lemmy has become. To pervert a Big Lebowski quote, “Say what you will about neoliberalism, at least its an ethos”.

            There is something that has happened on Lemmy (and elsewhere) that has taken us beyond a dispute over political idealogy. The movement we see on display here isn’t political arguments; its a form of team identity not at all dis-similar to the MAGA movement. Like, check out Michael Shure’s interviews with MAGA/ Trump supporters. Like, once you scratch past the surface, it becomes clear there is no coherent ideology under the hood. MAGA is just as much a reaction to how people feel socially, as it is a reaction based on how people feel politically. That movement is predicated on belonging to a team, and having a identity that shapes your politics. I’m making the argument that Lemmy’s allergic reaction to introspection/ criticism of their proffered team, is not at all dissimilar to the shape and dimensions of how Trump supporters form their views. They’re on a team. You are here to cheer and if you aren’t hear to just sing the praises of my team, you are my enemy. Whatever is happening online, and in America, is beyond politics at this point.

            • @[email protected]
              12 hours ago

              Absolutely. The othering is a symptom of this tribal politics-as-team-sport too. “They are bad because they are tanky/neolib/whatever”. Leads to lazy argument. Sure there are people who are dogmatic and rude, who you’ll probably end up blocking, but if we all gave each other a bit of grace the quality of discourse would surely improve.

  • @Feathercrown
    3715 hours ago

    Holy shit he looks decrepit

    His tan can only go so far I guess

    • @[email protected]
      49 hours ago

      It doesn’t even go far enough to reach his ears most of the time. Just an orange smear ending after his cheeks.

  • @makyo
    3115 hours ago

    He’s old and desperate

  • @cabron_offsets
    4417 hours ago

    He looks like cancer. Probably because he is a cancer.

      • @thesohoriots
        1016 hours ago

        And the less-than-subtle appeal to nazis.

    • @SpaceNoodle
      1417 hours ago

      A loveseat?

      If he’s as unhinged as Trump, will he attempt to install himself as the nation’s first Sofa King?

    • The Pantser
      217 hours ago

      Might be easier to Impeach JD if Trump keels over.

      • Cadeillac
        1415 hours ago

        If Americans manage to fuck this up

        As in, putting Trump in office. Trump dies, and we get stuck with the weird couch fucker

        • @[email protected]
          -1414 hours ago

          Again… if Turnip dies… THEN what makes you think JD would be the new republican candidate?

          • @Agrivar
            913 hours ago

            Reading’s not your strong suit, is it?

            As in, putting Trump in office. Trump dies, and we get stuck with the weird couch fucker

              • @[email protected]
                913 hours ago

                I’m Canadian, but the point they are making is that there won’t be another election; VP is the backup for a dead president. Not to tinfoil too hard, but placing an obvious puppet in as VP with a clearly declining candidate who is popular seems like a strategy straight out of House of Cards.

              • @Agrivar
                512 hours ago

                Is everyone from your instance of Lemmy this thick, or just the ones I interact with? I wish blocking sh.itjust.works actually BLOCKED the lot of you.