
Anti-Trump Americans, especially on the left, are showing a more subdued response to Trump’s 2024 reelection compared to the activism of 2016.

Exhaustion, disillusionment with repeated setbacks, and negative media coverage have led many to disengage from politics or shift focus to personal priorities.

Activist groups, like Women’s March, are planning protests but acknowledge lower enthusiasm and more localized efforts.

Experts suggest this “tune-out” may be a coping mechanism, with some hoping new, non-political participants will lead change.

Many feel drained but believe activism will eventually regain momentum.

  • @Warl0k3
    2 hours ago

    The fuck am I supposed to do? I’ve been organizing, I’ve been to protests, I’ve done everything I can to head this disaster off. I’ll be fine throughout this and I’ll do what I can to take care of the innocents who’re going to suffer, but what the fuck else is there to do? Clearly people either want this, or don’t care enough to try and stop it. So, fuck it. They can reap what they sow. Maybe this will wake some of them up, or they’ll all fucking die of the next big pandemic and then they won’t be a problem any more.

    • Jesus
      432 minutes ago

      It’s ok to take a break to recharge for a bit, but know that the right has been pushing on this for decades, and they only win when we stop pushing to protect people who are vulnerable and in need.

    • @horse_battery_staple
      142 hours ago

      Support mutual aid networks locally and keep moving forward. The only way we can solve this is by local support. National politics have become a distraction. Fuckit, help your neighbors and conserve your energy for those you can actually help.

  • @[email protected]
    192 hours ago

    I get the inflation and low-information voter angle, but watching Trump win by such a wide margin was just straight disheartening. At least with Hillary losing, you could complain about the electoral college and how few votes could have flipped it. Trump ran the table this time. His people showed up, and ours didn’t. Democrats are completely lost. They can’t craft a narrative that sticks in people’s heads to save their lives. “Weird” got traction, but “weird” doesn’t do shit for working people, who are struggling with no end in sight.

    Plus, I’m waiting to see what happens. Trump is older and angrier, but he was always lazy. I’m hoping he spends all his time golfing and rage-tweeting while accomplishing very little. He’ll cut taxes for rich people and appoint shitty judges for sure, but hopefully he gets bored quickly and focuses on personal grift over wrecking the country long-term.

    • classic
      71 hour ago

      Trump doesn’t need to do much because he’s got a whole team behind him to get things done. He’s just some shitty Trojan horse

  • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
    483 hours ago

    I’m sick of hearing about the asshole, and sick of hearing about him getting “slammed” by some celebrity or politician, and sick of hearing how he’s a huge threat so we need to send a sternly worded letter.

    Getting upset over this is so draining, especially because there’s nothing we can do to stop him in the short term.

    • Chainweasel
      333 hours ago

      Getting upset over this is so draining, especially because there’s nothing we can do to stop him in the short term.

      For me personally, I think the most draining part of the whole thing is that nothing was done to stop him in the 4 years he was out of power.
      1,461 days, all of them spent listening to people talk about how horrible it would be if he got back into power, and yet absolutely fucking nothing was done in that time to prevent the horrible things we were warned about from happening.

      • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
        153 hours ago

        Exactly. Breathless emails and texts talking about how we have to defend democracy from fascism (by giving them money) but no real action on their part for four goddamn years.

  • @MeekerThanBeaker
    21 hour ago

    Until Democrats stop being Republican-lite, they’ll never learn. And this is what they get. Apathy and disillusionment.

  • @[email protected]
    203 hours ago

    Merrick Garland and the $upreme Court slowly snuffed out any hope for America with a pillow over her nose and mouth

  • @[email protected]
    3 hours ago

    People don’t feel the need to riot or protest or anything, no amount of activism could provide the painful lessons this country needs better than the chaos and ruin the incoming administration will bring

    If we survive maybe we can rebuild in the aftermath, but the time to fight is probably over. Country voted for this so why not just sit back and watch the FAFO happen

    That’s how I’ve been feeling anyway, probably not the only one

    • @Donjuanme
      163 hours ago

      I worry that by not demonstrating we’re fucking around.

      But I’m done, almost half of the country voted for this.

      My neighbor’s voted for this.

      I used to want to be helpful and a good member of my community, now I just have regret for my past actions. I’m jaded.

      • @paddirn
        92 hours ago

        1/3rd of voters voted for Trump, a 1/3rd voted for Harris, and a 1/3rd just couldn’t be bothered to vote. It’s not that Trump got a groundswell of support (he got +1million more than 2020, not a huge increase), it’s that Harris didn’t get the same number of votes as Biden got, she got around 7 million less votes than Biden got. It’s that Democrat voters didn’t turn out in the numbers they needed to.

        • @[email protected]
          119 minutes ago

          Americans know nothing of hardship. They take their way of life for granted. And will continue to bury their head in the sand until the sand itself is poisoned.

          The fact of the matter is Americans have been lulled into complacency. Both before and after the election. This should all be completely unsurprising.

          The 1/3 of voters that can’t be bothered to cast a vote have abdicated their voice. Now they have to suffer the consequences of that choice.

  • @[email protected]
    133 hours ago

    The older I get and the more things I witness like Citizens United happen, the more economically rightward both parties become, the more ruthless the Republicans become to be rewarded by The Base, the more feckless the opposition becomes. The more we vote and Democrats do nothing, or just enough Republicans win to stop them. We vote and the people we vote for suddenly go “oops I was actually a consevative the whole time!” The more time passes the more I realize organized violence or riots are really are more than likely the only things that will actually change anything. The older I get though the more I realize that will never happen.

    We’re all far too “civil” and hope voting for the oligarch lite will save us. We’re far too propagandized and are denied the only real changes we need to how we vote to stop this trend. We will have to be pushed until it’s really really really bad for anyone to actually organize a revolt. By then it will be far too late.

    Apathy helps the oppressor, but engagement hasn’t shown to have much of a positive affect either. :/

    • @Eatspancakes84
      22 hours ago

      Why do you believe organised violence/riots help? Not that I have good ideas, but I am pretty sure that violence will further cement Trump/GOP rule.

      • @[email protected]
        21 hour ago

        I think if anything the riots/strikes would be better than actual violence. Basically any direct sustained threat to their incomes will force some kind of change… anything short of that and these people will just continue to buy elections and buy the people who run. Threats to life might make things worse, but I think the “ownership class” need to be reminded that they can only fuck around so far until they “find out.” The only meaningful changes in society in relation to the owning classes came from violence.

    • @Sanctus
      12 hours ago

      Well pass on that knowledge then cause I’m just getting starting. We got a world to save and not a whole lot of time to save it. Do whatever you can to put rockets on the elbows of those who are oppressed and misrepresented. The time to realize the monopoly on violence, and why that is was yesterday. It is now time to disobey.

  • @CharlesDarwin
    62 hours ago

    Pretty much the majority of Americans.

  • @[email protected]
    01 hour ago

    I’m going to go ahead and respect democracy. Trump won fair and square. He should be able to implement his policies because that’s what the majority wants.