meme made by me using free libre open source software aka Gnu Image Manipulation Program (ak… aka GIMP) uwu

(Lemmy original meme fr)

  • @mlg
    253 hours ago

    Torvalds is a C programmer who didn’t even consider himself accomplished until he made Git, long after Linux.

    Sebastian is a warehouse manager who still thinks he’s better than everyone else because he worked at NZXT lol.

    • Amon
      75 hours ago

      Hey, but he admits it!

    • @chonglibloodsport
      277 hours ago

      At least he wasn’t caught promoting a browser extension that turned out to be a huge scam that stole money from both regular people and other content creators trying to earn some affiliate revenue.

      • @[email protected]
        265 hours ago

        A lot of creators were tricked into that. The problematic part was that they realized the issue and completely went silent about the issue instead of raising awareness of the scam. Alerting about that fact would have been a great tech tip.

        • @[email protected]
          125 hours ago

          I think they were not aware of the scam that screwed over users at the time, only the one that screwed themselves over

          • @[email protected]
            114 hours ago

            Absolutely, that may be important. LTT were only aware of the extension screwing over the creators, not that the customers were also getting screwed.

            • @[email protected]
              33 hours ago

              They said they found out at around the same time as all the other creators, so breaking it into a video wouldn’t have mattered for anyone. The people they assumed were affected at the time already knew and were dropping the sponsorships.

        • @chonglibloodsport
          25 hours ago

          Right, and we don’t know why anyone would choose to remain silent if they’re aware of the issue, unless they were paid to sign an NDA.

  • @TrickDacy
    13111 hours ago

    People always call Linus Torvalds an asshole, but I’ve yet to see anything from him that didn’t make sense. And the fact that he eventually took community feedback and decided to take time off to deal with his anger issues is commendable.

    Linus TT can go and fuck itself though.

    • @sleepmode
      5 hours ago

      He’s definitely a fuck your feelings type. No nonsense and sometimes harsh but like you said it’s almost always justified. I’ll take that over fake ass, greedy LTT Linus “oops I got caught so now I’ll apologize or try to hide it and then apologize” any day of the week.

    • DarkSirrush
      128 hours ago

      For an embarrassingly long time I thought they were the same person, and I wondered why anyone would look up to that tool, and call him a genius, when he couldn’t even benchmark an HDMI cable correctly (literally the only video of his I watched, and yes, I know that it wouldn’t have mattered even if he did do it properly).

      Now that I know that its 2 separate assholes, I feel like LTT is even more of a tool who leans into the identity confusion on purpose for more internet clout.

      • @TrickDacy
        6411 hours ago

        That may be, don’t think I’ve heard him talk about anything else. One of my favorite clips ever is his message to nvidia. Some things are worth being angry about. And because of his angry public reaction, I became aware of nvidia’s anti-FOSS efforts. So it’s not all bad imo.

      • TimeSquirrel
        2410 hours ago

        You spend all your adult life nurturing a baby like the Linux kernel, a lot of it unpaid, and you’ll be a bit touchy about what goes into it too.

      • @TrickDacy
        8 hours ago

        He did a video about trying out linux from a novice perspective. It felt pretty disingenuous and likely led many people to conclude they shouldn’t even try it for themselves. The part that was most egregious is that he installed steam in a weird way and on that particular OS config there was a warning that said essentially “IF YOU INSTALL THIS YOUR OS WILL PROBABLY BE BRICKED. CONTINUE?” He concluded a regular user wouldn’t read that message, which I find not believable. It was a very scary warning. He continued with the install and then acted surprised when the system wouldn’t boot anymore afterward, citing it as evidence that linux was not good for the average user. Many pointed out that if he’d installed steam in several other more common ways of doing so, none of that would’ve happened. I think he was doing it exclusively on cli, which a novice would try to avoid.

        Also I saw a couple videos others did showing how LTT had hired someone from a big hardware company (forget which) and around that time started giving better reviews to that company’s products and fudging benchmark numbers of competitors to look worse. When others couldn’t recreate those benchmark results and released all the data to prove it, he shrugged it off without really admitting wrongdoing at first, vaguely talking about how they’d done their best. That was a pattern of behavior.

        Also one of their former employees felt uncomfortable as a woman in their workplace, saying it felt really toxic and bad for mental health. Fuck that guy and that company.


        • @[email protected]
          5 hours ago

          He concluded a regular user wouldn’t read that message, which I find not believable

          Oh boy I’ve worked with IT professionals like that. Something unexpected happens and they completely fail to read or understand what text they’re presented with. This is especially common with those not comfortable in a shell

          • @TrickDacy
            75 hours ago

            Sure – but would they then respond to a prompt reading…

            And then typing out that full exact phrase? I might do that, but only expecting/understanding that I may fuck my OS.

            • @JcbAzPx
              14 hours ago

              There’s a reason windows flatly refuses to do some things no matter how much you may want to. It’s people that would do exactly that without any thought or hesitation.

              • @TrickDacy
                14 hours ago

                I prefer a system that warms me but lets me do what I want with safeguards. But I don’t buy for a second that many people would do this dumb shit. It requires too much effort for one.

                • @JcbAzPx
                  23 hours ago

                  I too prefer that. However, I also know there is a large subset of computer users that just want their magic box to work and I don’t think it would be a bad thing if there was a Linux distro they could use.

        • @[email protected]
          218 hours ago

          one of their former employees felt uncomfortable as a woman in their workplace,

          All the other stuff is 100%

          This particular one is 50/50.

          He did halt production.

          He hired a CEO to manage him.

          They did put policies in place to make sure this didn’t happen

          That’s a reasonable response. Better than I expected honestly.

          We’ll never know if the investigation was viable. They either buried that stuff so deep it couldn’t come back up, or the other employees are okay and maybe she was oversensitive. If he had a decent number of women on his productions, I might even give him the benefit of the doubt. It might be that it’s a boys club and they’re all used to toxic ribbing. We don’t know, we can’t trust the investigation as truth.

          In a vacuum, each of the individual items is just a red flag. When you put them all together, it does seem to form a pattern.

          • @TrickDacy
            108 hours ago

            Yeah, I don’t know either. It’s always possible that one complainer is the issue, but like you said:

            When you put them all together, it does seem to form a pattern.

            • @[email protected]
              87 hours ago

              I find it likely that she felt the environment was toxic. I don’t think she was lying; she probably knew she’d be making a lot of enemies.

              Based on all the constant ribbing between the different teams on the show, I find it likely that there’s a lot of masculinity to go around.

              When you’re running a business, it’s important to prevent people from making each other uncomfortable. Everyone you hire has a different tolerance, and it’s management’s job to ensure that reasonable expectations are met and people feel safe and valued.

        • Dhs92
          148 hours ago

          To be fair, as someone that works in IT…most people would ignore that pop up

          • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
            55 hours ago

            One of my favorite sayings at work is “you can’t make people read.” Some workflow has changed, and management wants to alert everyone? They’re very quick to go “oh just post a sign or send a memo.” No, you can’t make people read. People will miss it, even if it’s a gigantic flashing neon sign.

          • @TrickDacy
            108 hours ago

            Yeah, I maintain that it’s not realistic that a person new to linux would do what he did here. I mean, sure, some people might, but the warning on the screen is really fucking clear it’s not a good idea, and it’s not the kind of “OK” modal that people are used to safely dismissing without reading.


            • @[email protected]
              115 hours ago

              Counter point: The removal of your desktop environment should not under any circumstances be within the possibility space of side effects for trying to install a common piece of desktop software, regardless of the warnings provided or confirmations required.

              This was an issue with the OS, and the Pop_OS! team fixed it in an update very soon after this. A month earlier or later and Linus would not have encountered it.

            • @MadBigote
              88 hours ago

              So he nuked the OS on purpose and then blamed Linux.

              • @[email protected]
                68 hours ago

                So he nuked the OS on purpose and then blamed Linux.

                No, he nuked the OS because he’s one of those people who shuts down all thought when they’re outside of their depth and smashes buttons. His impression of OS’s is that recovery will always be there to save you.

                For a beginner, he had no business digging that deep into the terminal without reading. They were trying to speedrun using Linux with no knowledge.

                And this was early in Wayland, a lot of shit didn’t play nice yet. Hell some of it still doesn’t play nice.

                If his goal was to install an OS, install steam, install OBS and play some games, he NEVER should have run into most of these issues.

                At the time he installed it, there was probably a dep issue installing steam from his package manager. He could have installed it one of a dozen different ways. He wasn’t intent on making it work he was intent on showing it was out of the reach of the command user.

              • @IndustryStandard
                36 hours ago

                The OS did not work out of the box. He manually used the terminal because it did not work.

              • @TrickDacy
                08 hours ago

                Exactly. And for the record I’ve been gaming on pop os since around the time he made the video I linked in this thread and I did not run into that error he got, nor did I ever get presented with a choice to possibly nuke my OS. I don’t get what weird thing he did here.

          • @TrickDacy
            7 hours ago

            It was not a popup. It was a message in a terminal window. Which not only would most users not use, you’d definitely think they would rapid-fire Y when there is scary message in all caps right about the “y/n” prompt.

            Edit: it wasn’t even pressing Y. To proceed, he had to ignore the warning which was pretty clear, then type out manually “Yes, do as I say!” then press enter. Regular users who aren’t total morons asking for trouble wouldn’t do that.

          • @[email protected]
            58 hours ago

            On a video card driver install in text mode?

            Nope… I’ll bully through an install, but when something says WARNING or CRITICAL, I read that shit. Nobody spends any time on error messages. If you see a long error message telling you it’s important, it didn’t get there by accident or an overabundance of caution. It got there from having to listen to a hundred people bitch about an unexpected result.

        • @[email protected]
          48 hours ago

          The Linux thing pissed me off. He went out of his way not to follow instructions and tried to windows bully through shit, then called it out as unusable. Then he repeated the same garbage in different distros like he wasn’t the problem.

          Then there was when he had Honey for a sponsor, found out that they were link-jacking people, dropped them as a sponsor, and never said a word about it. He was the reason thousands of people were using the platform that was stealing from people and couldn’t be bothered to mention it on the wan show? When he dropped a VPN because they doxed someone, he had no problem with calling them out.

          Then there is this whole spat between him and gamers nexus where his current response is well yeah I did wrong stuff, but they didn’t give me warning and a chance to do damage control which is unethical.

          He tends to blow people at conventions off with “who are you and why should I care” meanwhile Luke is nice and amicable.

          He refuses to own being wrong. He’s childish. and every damn time I go back to try to listen to WAN show to get news, he comes out with some other piece of crap.

          Torvalds and Sebastion are both assholes.

          His channel brings news in, turns it into a digestable feed for the masses. That’s commendable.

        • @IndustryStandard
          -16 hours ago

          That was an amazing video showcasing how bad Linux is for the average user.

          • @TrickDacy
            25 hours ago

            Probably block this community then, unless you’re a troll in which case I assume you’ll let me know here.

    • @[email protected]
      -38 hours ago

      I think the way Torvalds treated the Russian kernel maintainers that got silently removed from development (a situation that, by itself, was completely mishandled) was awful to say the least. In a interview, he said they were all Internet trolls, and referenced conflicts between Finland and Russia to “explain” his disdain for Russians. Say what you want, but I usually call a person that judges others based on their country of birth alone, an asshole. Not just that, but such behaviour sounds extremely ungrateful when we are talking about people who contributed in extremely important ways to Torvalds’ biggest project of his life. I used to have a positive view of Torvalds, but this kind of ruined it for me.

      • @[email protected]
        145 hours ago

        He didn’t call the maintainers trolls.

        In brief, the creator and lead developer of the Linux kernel stated that the dismissals were simply made in line with the policy of sanctions on the Russian aggressors in the Ukraine war.

        Moreover, Torvalds didn’t pull any punches when he said “lots of Russian trolls” were working to make the recent decision look unpopular. Torvalds directly accused Russia of wielding its army of social media bots in an attempt to fake a grassroots campaign and reverse the Russian maintainer cull.

        This tracks with other Russian social media efforts.

      • @marcos
        1810 hours ago

        “He doesn’t think he should fight it as a top priority” is not the same as “he supports it”.

      • @TrickDacy
        8 hours ago

        I looked at the wiki page, but I’m still not sure why/how he supports that. Got a link I can read up on?

        Edit: read some more and googled more and I don’t see him supporting it, rather it seems he takes issue with trying to dictate to hardware makers what they can do.

  • Cyborganism
    369 hours ago

    “ThE aLlEgAtIoNs WeRe PrOvEn To Be FaLsE By aN iNdEPeNdEnT tHiRd-PaRtY iNvEsTiGaTiOn.”

    • @woelkchen
      11 hour ago

      Torvalds’s history of verbal abuse is well documented in public mailing list archives.

      I can’t speak about whatever happened behind closed doors at LTT nor am I defending anything by LTT but Torvalds is not sunshine and rainbows either.

      • @monkeyman512
        52 hours ago

        I think a group of people found a dead horse they like beating. They enjoy it, so they will keep going.

      • NιƙƙιDιɱҽʂ
        6 hours ago

        Open up to some third party coming in and publicly investigate and share their findings. Wasn’t this entire investigation behind closed doors with LMG giving the final “Yeah they said we’re good” message?

        If that’s the case, that’s like me being accused of a crime and hiring my own prosecutor, judge, and jury in a closed court. No shit I’m gonna say I did nothing wrong lol.

        • @chiliedogg
          62 hours ago

          Have you ever worked in a professional environment?

          Random people have absolutely no right to see the details of that report.

          Shit - I work in the public sector where people can demand to see the co tents of my phone, but there are classes of information we do not share. Specifically, we don’t share details regarding active litigation, property negotiation, or personnel matters.

        • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
          6 hours ago

          Ah yes. “Someone said she was harassed. Let’s post all of the investigation details publicly.”

          That will go well. There’s zero chance that it could backfire and turn a victim into a target, or suppress future victims from speaking out because the last person to do so got doxxed /s

          Situations like this need to be handled with discretion so that you can avoid re-victimizing anyone who was wronged. Even if the original victim was found to be crying wolf, there’s still a victim somewhere who was wronged; The person/people they accused, for instance.

          • NιƙƙιDιɱҽʂ
            75 hours ago

            Okay, fair. When I said public, I didn’t mean to say publicly share every single detail. Obviously, there needs to be discretion. That said, the fact that all flow of information was via LMG themselves means there’s absolutely zero chance they will say there is any wrongdoing.

            • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
              3 hours ago

              Another way to look at it is that they already had a media company with an established viewer base and reach, and they used it to broadcast the investigation details as widely as possible while still maintaining privacy for everyone involved. What would you have them do, get the investigation company to post the “all clear” message somewhere that nobody will ever see it? They already had a soapbox, so they used it; They likely didn’t see any need to reinvent the wheel when they already had a way to broadcast the message.

        • @[email protected]
          96 hours ago

          You can’t share that kind of stuff. There is a victim somewhere, if it’s the accuser/ accused being the victim or the accuser being a victim of their own behavior.

      • @dwalin
        55 hours ago

        Thats how that works no? Who should pay for it?

        • DarkSirrush
          35 hours ago

          Preferably, these 3rd party investigations should be done by a regulated entity, chosen by a 3rd party that the business being investigated has no say in, with no contact between the chosen investigative party and the business being investigated until the investigation has started.

          So yes, you are correct that LTT needs to be the ones to pay for the investigation, but they shouldn’t be allowed to know who they were paying until after the fact, and they certainly should not be allowed to choose who they paid.

      • @David_Eight
        148 hours ago

        A former LTT employee made claims of sexual harassment and poor working environment. LTT paid a third party to investigate those claims and unsurprisingly didn’t find evidence that supported those claims. A lot of LTT stans use this as “evidence” that the accuser was lying. Assuming that is clearly false logic, investigating yourself isn’t proof of innocence.

        • Dran
          358 hours ago

          When you’re the size of LMG you don’t hire investigative law firms for PR; you do it for liability. The goal is to limit corporate liability by removing individuals likely to get you sued, and most importantly to distance leadership from it with plausible deniability. The firm also has its own reputation to consider, and wouldn’t let a client get away with materially misrepresenting their results.

          I don’t think its unreasonable to suggest that a positive finding from an investigative firm is evidence to support their position that they, materially, did nothing wrong. The fact that no one was fired as a result of that investigation is a good sign externally, as it would open them up to more liability if they knew about it and did nothing.

          • d00phy
            107 hours ago

            Adding to this, at least publicly, they stated that regardless of the outcome, the situation highlighted changes that needed to be made within their organization. IIRC, they didn’t produce anything for bit while they “addressed the issues.” I recall a YT video of Linus explaining all that. Take it for what it’s worth.

            Personally, I think it’s likely that something happened that offended a former employee. That thing may or may not have been a misunderstanding, but either way, the employee felt harassed. I can’t fault how LMG handled it. Any other company would’ve responded similarly. I’m not saying they did the “bare minimum.” I’m saying, to me, their response seemed reasonable.

          • @David_Eight
            -16 hours ago

            Not being held legally liable ≠ Nothing happened

            Afaik the report that was done was not made public. If one side paid for the investigation and controls all the info in said investigation then it can’t be used as proof of innocence.

            The firm also has its own reputation to consider, and wouldn’t let a client get away with materially misrepresenting their results.

            Meaning what? What would the company doing the investigation do is if the claims that someone said:

            I was asked about my sexual history, my boyfriends sexual history, “how I liked to fuck”.

            I was asked to twerk for a co-worker at one point.

            I was told I was chunky, fat, ugly, stupid. I was called “retarded” I was called a "removed

            Where true? How would one even prove that actually happened to them? The Investigation Company surely signed an NDA and had no legal ability to release any info found in says investigation right? If they started releasing info that accusations where in fact true they would lose all their business immediately right?

  • @grue
    6210 hours ago

    LTT needs Emily back in front of the camera to provide a proper Linux perspective.

    • @[email protected]
      298 hours ago

      I pretty much stopped watching after Emily stopped being on camera and unsubbed entirely after the harassment and overworking allegations came out.

      And I’m not even a Linux person 99% of the time! I do run a home server, but my daily driver is windows. Emily was just one of the only people on the channel that not only seemed to know exactly what she was talking about, but also didn’t behave like a total tech dude bro the entire time

      • @grue
        127 hours ago

        Sorry about that. I don’t know the right way to reference a trans person who was famous under their former identity but not their real one.

        • @[email protected]
          147 hours ago

          Me neither, I think the best approach is to use the new identity always, if the person is interested they can search for it.

    • Flax
      510 hours ago

      Representative of the Linux user base as well 😂

  • CodexArcanum
    3710 hours ago

    Uhm aktchewally, its the GNU-Linus Tech Tip system, a complete free software advice and content engine

      • @[email protected]
        72 hours ago

        All these things listed are blunders (some quite big ones) but I think the person who responded to that comment with the opposing view makes a lot of sense. They added the nuance to the situation that the comment you linked to I think glasses over since they obviously don’t like Linus. Personally their (the response comments) take is where I stand on these issues too.

        Obvious, as LTT has grown they have made mistakes but they have always explained their reasoning or otherwise apologised and tried to make things right.

        Overall I think they are a force for good in the world. They teach millions about tech, how to use it, and how you can save money. As they become more corporate their passion may fade but I think it’s still there and I’ll probably keep watching their stuff for the time being

        • @monkeyman512
          32 hours ago

          But you don’t understand. This is the Internet. You are either a saint or the anti-christ. There is nothing In-between and nuance is propaganda. And if you don’t agree with my currently held emotionally charged position, you are what’s wrong with (fill in the blank).

      • @[email protected]
        88 hours ago

        The work load stuff they seem to have improved (from what I can tell) but the result of the sexual harassment investigation they had been carried out is unknown to the public as far as I know (I assume by now it’s concluded). Not sure we’ll ever know what really happened cause that sort of info probably won’t become public.

        Given there are other women what continue to work there (I implore them to speak up if they feel the same) hopefully it was just an isolated incident and whoever was responsible was fired.

    • @EtherWhack
      28 hours ago

      From what I’ve discerned, the fame; internet clout; and money got to their heads to the point they drifted from mostly impartial and helpful information to a more biased perspective, with which benefits their sponsors more than their viewers or the community as a whole.

      • @[email protected]
        32 hours ago

        Tbh, I don’t think I agree. The only times I feel they can’t really be impartial “even if they say they are” is when they use a sponsors parts to build something. Or otherwise the whole video is sponsored but they kinda are reviewing the fevice. I don’t really like those videos but they are very clear about the fact that it is sponsored so viewers can at least down some salt whilst they watch the video. They also do state some issues they have with the products when they arise which is good (though obviously they may not say everything that’s wrong with it)

    • unknown1234_5
      39 hours ago

      they’re probably just mad that his Linux videos do a terrible job representing Linux.

      • @[email protected]
        78 hours ago

        I watched his videos on Linux and tried using Ubuntu myself a little while back and tbh I kinda had a similar experience to him.

        Being asked to restart fairly often and finding it difficult to instal more niche things with command line even if I could just copy paste stuff. I like the lack of Microsoft bullshit but the programs I used for uni and games weren’t compatible at the time.

        That being said I tried about a year before steam deck became a thing and I got that a year+ ago and haven’t had too many issues like that (still some though). Looking forward to general steamos release cause I definitely want to try again

        • unknown1234_5
          16 hours ago

          Ubuntu isnt very good, but a lot of people recommend it because it used to be good. use something else that has an Ubuntu base (for app availability). I would recommend tuxedo os for kde plasma and pop os for a gnome-like experience but a little better. a lot of people recommend mint but I wouldn’t, though the reason I wouldn’t doesn’t really matter to newer users. the most important thing to consider (assuming you’re choosing something with an Ubuntu base ther handles drivers normally) is what desktop environment you want. Ubuntu is a modified version of gnome. gnome is kind of like the computer equivalent of how phones work (in a good way). kde plasma is visually a lot like windows (pre 11)by default, but has enough customization that it can look however you want (mine is set up with a windows 10 style taskbar, tiling, and gnome-like handling of virtual desktops). pop shell (what pop os has) is a modified version of gnome that is kind of in between gnome and a conventional desktop, and they are working on something new called cosmic that is even better. remember you can always use a virtual machine to test without affecting your normal system.

          edit: forgot to mention cinnamon (mint’s desktop). it looks pretty much just like windows 10 like kde, but it has less customization (on purpose). whether that matters or not is up to you.

          • @[email protected]
            23 hours ago

            I’m definitely gonna come back to this when I try Linux again sometime this year when I have a moment to mess around!

            Probably a dumb question but why is Ubuntu bad?

            • unknown1234_5
              12 hours ago

              It’s not ‘bad’ necessarily, but it makes a lot of controversial decisions such as it’s use of snap packages over flatpak. these decisions are harmful to the linux community as a whole and to the experience of using ubuntu, so it’s best to avoid supporting it.

              for some context on the snap thing, basically different distros use different packaging formats (.deb, .rpm, etc.) which makes it hard to distribute software. also, each individual system is set up differently and has different packages which can make fixing bugs difficult, especially for developers who aren’t very familiar with linux. to solve this, flatpak is distro-agnostic (runs on any linux) and puts the app in the same environment on every system. it’s also sandboxed, which basically means each app is in it’s own little box and it can only see/interact with things it has permission to. snap does most of that as well, but unlike flatpak it is completely controlled by a single entity (canonical, company behind ubuntu) and it means that instead of one sandboxed thing for every distro we have two, which solves nothing. there are some other issues as well, but currently the issue of snap packages is the biggest one most people have with ubuntu.

              for more information on all this, I would recommend The Linux Expirement on youtube. not by any means the only good linux channel, but my favorite. also, please ignore the tribalism. people will act like there is a best distro, there is not. people will act like a distro is useless because it doesn’t have some random tool that most don’t, it is not. if you like the distro and it works for you the it’s the best one because your use case is all that matters on your computer.

        • Tarquinn2049
          5 hours ago

          Yeah, I think most people that have 10 or more years experience with linux or unix or other forms think that it has gotten much easier to start out than when they did it, sure it was a struggle back then, but it’s been ten years and I have an easy time with all of it now, so it must be easier now. It may be a bit easier than it was 10 years ago, or 20 years ago, but it’s still very much not “accessible”. Even most steam deck users have a hard time with the very simple, presentable, accessible version that comes on that.

          It’s easy to lose track of how hard something is when it hasn’t been for you in a long time. But linux is unfortunately still very inaccessible for the vast majority of people. It is constantly moving in the right direction, and generally worth getting through the hard part to make it to the other side, but you need motivation to do so, as it will fight back for a long time. But, windows and mac have it almost as bad. Neither one is quite as hard to transition to as linux, but there is still a decent barrier to switch between them. Once linux is around that same level of barrier, that’s when we can expect the numbers to come up notably.

          • @[email protected]
            03 hours ago

            Tbh I found steam os alright mostly cause devs making stuff for it have put work into making things GUI based. That being said, I did try install some other stuff to see what I could do and it got confusing so maybe cause I only game on it it’s fine 😅.

            I have used windows for all my life but the main reason I want to try switch to Linux is cause windows has gone to shit. Literally one of the 3 largest companies in the world can’t make a file explorer that actually works correctly. Plus MS pushing their own services hard is just so annoying.

          • @[email protected]
            13 hours ago

            I see this a lot but I always wonder why is it bad? Didn’t seem that bad when I tried it

            • @[email protected]
              121 minutes ago

              snaps forced down your throat, stability issues, lots of bad decisions in the past (unity, ads in menu or terminal)

              none of that is in mint

      • @Cold_Brew_Enema
        69 hours ago

        Spouting shit and not providing any proof. Are you a republican?

        • @[email protected]
          -22 hours ago

          Like I said I didn’t have time to list them as I am traveling looking at mobile to pass time. Since you are quick to judge, are you a Republican? :P

      • @[email protected]
        38 hours ago

        Tbh, whether GN is right or not I do find his reporting practices kinda wack. Not asking for comment before a video is put out is disengenuous even if the response. Regardless of what a response to that would be I think it’s fair to ask for comment at least

        • @[email protected]
          2 hours ago

          Previously they did reach out privately (like when LTT plagiarised GN) but after Linus said something negative about GN publicly unwarranted, they had a fallout and everything is done publicly now. Seems fair to me and he always reaches out to other companies first before making a report from what I can see. I don’t remember what the drama was about but something to do with testing a product when LTT made a mistake and got too defensive when they got called out.

          Edit: found a comment explaining that with bit more detail

      • @[email protected]
        38 hours ago

        Gamers nexus was easily proven wrong too. Trusting gamers nexus on anything these days is just gonna make you look bad. Steve has clearly no problem with attacking LTT no matter what he has to make up in order to do so. LTT aren’t saints, but they aren’t making up shit in order to attack other creators. It’s just not possible to trust GN to be proper journalists anymore.

        • @David_Eight
          22 hours ago

          When was GN proven wrong and did they at least admit they where wrong? Everybody gets things wrong, it’s how often you’re wrong and how you handle being wrong that matters.

          • @[email protected]
            129 minutes ago

            The whole copper heatsink thing? Like literally all of it (like everything from that video, not just the heatsink) was immediately debunked and Steve did and said nothing to take back his comments. If I remember right he even doubled down, but I could be misremembering.

    • @Vytle
      110 minutes ago

      Honestly I didn’t really care about the allegations until Steve Burke alleged that Linus told him he’s “less autistic then he used to be”. Its also annoying how he clearly has a superiority complex.

    • My Password Is 1234OP
      06 hours ago

      Yes. I use Google because it gives me the best results of all the FOSS (but shitty) search engines I’ve tested. I won’t change the tools in my workflow until the replacements work the same or better.

      • @ViscloReader
        65 hours ago

        C’mon man DDG ain’t that bad and Google search ain’t that good anyways

  • @rickdg
    1811 hours ago

    akchually one might lead to the other

  • @LorIps
    911 hours ago

    You sound like a member of the FSF

      • @LorIps
        810 hours ago

        Um, ackshually its GNU/House

        • @[email protected]
          19 hours ago

          As in it’s lowkey crumbling, but that also allows you to tear through it to see how it’s made and make your own, modeled after it? Well, I’d just recently taken to calling it GNU + House