• @Lon3star
    1751 year ago

    I’m surprised the judge didn’t yank him back on that statement as proof that he lied to the court and give him a longer term

    • The Quuuuuill
      311 year ago

      He’d need to be tried again for purgory which he very well might be

      • Nougat
        361 year ago

        I don’t think he was under oath at the time he made that statement, so perjury is not a concern.

        • Tedesche
          311 year ago

          That’s not how it works. His statement out of court can be used as evidence that his statements in court were false (perjury).

          • Nougat
            41 year ago

            Probably not. You’re allowed to lie in “general” speech (not a legal term). If he had made one statement under oath, and a mutually exclusive statement, also under oath, then one of those statements would be perjury.

        • @Carvex
          91 year ago

          What if he literally vomited on them? He purged all over the court

        • @dynamojoe
          61 year ago

          But an outburst in court can be considered contempt. The judge could have marched him back in for that one but it probably would have been seen as petty.

      • @derpo
        71 year ago

        Lol purgatory might be in his future anyway

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I doubt it’d be worth it to pursue. He could always argue he was changed at the time he said it but in between then and now, he changed his mind back.

  • ArugulaZ
    1491 year ago

    They need the max sentence, every time. None of them are sorry; they’re just telling the judge what they think he wants to hear. They might as well not be sorry making license plates for a decade.

  • @[email protected]
    1161 year ago

    Hopefully the prosecution saves this video and presents it at this douchebag’s first, second, nth, parole hearing.

    • @[email protected]
      381 year ago

      Federal, so he has to serve 1/3 of his sentence to get to his first parole consideration. So, a little over three years.

    • @AngryCommieKender
      91 year ago

      No need. The judge will take this personally, and call another hearing to re-sentence him. This has already happened to at least one of these chucklefucks

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I feel like immediately showing that you lied to the judge should allow for revising your sentence.

    ETA: It amuses me to think about this chud feeling like a badass with his act of defiance in the court room. Later, he has the “oh shit,” realization when he arrives at his cell.

    • tech
      411 year ago

      Dude is resting easy thinking that he’ll be pardoned on Jan 21, 2025. That’s the only reality that has any hope for him.

        • @[email protected]
          121 year ago

          Definitely not. He only remembers people who have some sort of leverage on him, like Roger Stone and Michael Flynn.

        • @macrocephalic
          91 year ago

          Trump doesn’t even remember people he actually worked with.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          If Trump wins, pardoning these people will be his first order of business. That signals to his supporters that he wants them to do it again but in greater numbers to keep him in power indefinitely.

  • @acceptable_pumpkin
    821 year ago

    Of course he’s a changed man. Before he was free, now he’s going to prison. I hope all these Proud Boys are similarly changed!

  • Eggyhead
    661 year ago


    He sure did, seeing as you and yours get your sorry asses carted off to prison while he gets to play dumb in court.

  • @ikidd
    621 year ago

    Could you fucking imagine going to prison for a decade because of that orange sack of shit? Treating politics as a religion is a complete mystery to me. Kinda like religion itself, but that’s another rathole.

    • Evie
      1 year ago

      No I can’t but they can… they have been trained to fall down for him the way they would for ’ jesus’… it’s actually very scary… I grew up Christian… one thing they taught us, was to be prepared to be imprisoned or killed of Jesus, for our faith… But to wear it like a badge for the reward in heaven… They took the teaching and applied it to trump, their antichrist and that why you see people so desperately clinging to him… they literally do think he is a Jesus of sorts, and they are more than willing to die for him and got to prison… If given the chance they will burn the whole.world down for dominance and obedience… very scary things…

      • @[email protected]
        111 year ago

        It’s crazy to me that, if you believed in that kind of thing, Trump being the antichrist seems obvious.

        • Evie
          1 year ago

          Since I was sadly raised in it and I know how they think, I think it was rather easy for them to fall for it, because they are desperate for some physical /verbal guidance after not hearing God talk to them like he did to Moses in their heads… I am glad I am not a Christian now, but being a naive kid growing up in faith cause my family forced me, wasn’t my fault… I just know how they think because of it…

          What I find the most insane part of this, is that the bible DID say that it’s own followers of Christ would turn away for an antichrist… even Jesus told them they would… many ‘christian’ people claimed to never let that happen. That they would never commit blasphemy… that they love Jesus too much. WELL we ALL watched these lies fall apart on real time and then we all saw them do what they said they would never do, praise a false god… (false by their own teachings and claims)

          The current stance of the GOP Christians today actually has nothing to do with what the Bible really said, and all the more to do with the mental illness and unchecked bafooneray these people are doing in my opinion

  • Grant_M
    531 year ago

    Trump cultists are dead-enders. No way out.

  • @JuzoInui
    531 year ago

    So this smoothbrain has his ‘I am Spartacus’ moment, his 2.5 minutes of fame. As the endorphins wear off and he comes to terms to the fact that he ain’t seeing outside past the ‘yard’ for the next decade. Assuming the genpop doesn’t try to do him for shit and giggles

    • @YoBuckStopsHere
      341 year ago

      He’s going to be with his people. Racist make up a lot of the prison population.

      • @Nastybutler
        11 year ago

        He’ll be a member of the Aryan brotherhood in no time.

    • @iBaz
      141 year ago

      He’s celebrating. He knew he was going to prison, he just didn’t know for how long. The DOJ recommended 20 years and he only got 10, which means he’ll be out in 7.5 (with good behavior and time served).

    • Altima NEO
      21 year ago

      Was this the dumbass that was crying about his daughter being all that mattered to him now?

    • @Hotdogman
      -81 year ago

      Oh, they’ll do him in the shitter and giggle about it for sure.

      • @Alteon
        211 year ago

        Ah, rape jokes. Stay classy Lemmy.

        • @[email protected]
          81 year ago

          Haha don’t drop the soap haha, whoopsies butterfingers more like buttblasted fingers amirite haha cuz he’s in prison haha rape happens in prison guys


      • @jerome
        -71 year ago

        I hope so, unless he’s into that sort of thing.

  • @anthoniix
    1 year ago

    Reminds me of when the Vice Pres. of the confederacy started lying about how the war wasn’t about slavery after he got locked up lol

  • @CharlesDarwin
    431 year ago

    They should find a way to double his sentence.

    • TWeaK
      1 year ago

      They very well might do that. It’s happened before with another Jan 6’er even. The judge basically schedules another hearing where they go over his claims of innocence based on his subsequent actions and re-sentences him.

    • @zik
      111 year ago

      Surely that adds perjury to his crimes at least.

  • @Clbull
    1 year ago

    Next year is gonna get real ugly, and I think it will all depend on who wins the Republican nomination.

    If Trump gets it, which is very likely, unless the Republican Party puts a moratorium on allowing convicted felons to represent their party in the presidential race, then Biden has a chance of winning re-election, since you’d hope that a good portion of the public would want to keep an insurrectionist out.

    DeSantis or Ramaswamy getting the nomination and effectively distancing themselves from Trump would mean Biden is in big trouble, unless Trump makes the bold move of running as an independent candidate and driving his most loyal supporters away from the Republican vote. And I think given how the Republican Party nearly got away with overthrowing the state and placing themselves in charge, America could be very close to a civil war or falling into a totalitarian dictatorship.

    • @Dkarma
      211 year ago

      First of all I think your assessment of desantis or ramaswamy is way off if they get the nod trump will absolutely run as a third party candidate BECAUSE HE HAS TO TO STAY OUT OF PRISON. There is no other option. Either trump wins the GOP nom or he splits the ticket and very likely the party.

      They say Republicans fall in line but trump may just be the exception to that rule. His base is so devoted they hate anyone who even tries to be liked him as long as he’s out there.

      • @AngryCommieKender
        51 year ago

        Trump will never fall in line. That’s why he ran R for his second and third run at the presidency

      • Meldroc
        1 year ago

        From what I saw from the debate, Chris Christie is the dangerous one.

        He’s not running for POTUS in 2024, but 2028. He was merely trying to desensitize the smoothbrains to the sight of someone daring to criticize Dear Leader, to pave the way for later.

    • @[email protected]
      121 year ago

      Ramaswamy has a 0% chance of getting the nomination. He’s an Indian Hindu, he will never be the face of the GOP. I think he’s shooting to be Trump’s VP, that’s where he’s most dangerous. He’s very smart, smart enough to play suck-up to Trump, but pull Trump’s strings behind the scenes.

      DeSantis is a really long shot. He has a surge in popularity when it looked like he could deliver wins, but his war on Disney is failing badly and he has no charisma on stage, unlike Ramaswamy or Trump.

      Most likely outcome of the GOP primary is a Trump/Ramaswamy ticket. Trump is really just a figurehead for the trump cult to rally around, publicly using Ramaswamy to refute claims of racism or white nationalism, they’ll double down hard on claims that Democrats cheated on 2020, and Ramaswamy will wield much of the actual power behind the curtain.

      • TWeaK
        41 year ago

        He’s very smart, smart enough to play suck-up to Trump, but pull Trump’s strings behind the scenes.

        But Trump doesn’t hire people smarter than himself.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          Trump can only hire people smarter than himself because he’s almost always the dumbest person in the room.

      • Cosmic Cleric
        21 year ago

        Ramaswamy has a 0% chance of getting the nomination. He’s an Indian Hindu, he will never be the face of the GOP. I think he’s shooting to be Trump’s VP, that’s where he’s most dangerous. He’s very smart, smart enough to play suck-up to Trump, but pull Trump’s strings behind the scenes.

        This paragraph gives off a ‘Games of Thrones’ vibe.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Ramaswamy is legitimately a crazy person. Like full on fucking loony tunes. He sounds articulate to stupid people, but I’m not sure I’d call him smart.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      Ramaswamy isn’t going to win, a large percentage of the right won’t turn out for him because of his skin color.

      And what scenario can someone like DeSantis win the primary? If the GOP disqualifies Trump, the MAGA voters don’t turn out for any Republican. And if the GOP doesn’t dsiqualify Trump, the only way Desantis can win the primary is if a significant chunk of the MAGA base realizes they were lied to. And Republicans that went along with Trump (like Desantis) will earn a lot of scorn from these people that realized they were being lied to. Only way Destanit wins the primary is if the MAGAs are so disgusted with the political process entirely they drop out and stop voting. But if they stop voting, how will any GOP candidate win a general?

      Sure anything can happen, but right now I can’t see a path for any GOP candidate to win the general election except for the ones like Chris Christie that have come out hard against Trump. And that’s such an extreme longshot it’s not worth worrying about much.

  • @NevermindNoMind
    211 year ago

    If I’m being generous, maybe that was his last ditch attempt to get Trump to give him a pardon. Of course that’s not going to play well with the parole board down the line, so probably not a smart play. Or he’s just a fucking moron. Yeah, probably that.