    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

      • @[email protected]
        491 year ago

        I work with Americans and this hits home hard. It’s especially infuriating when they format their dates. “I had a meeting with so-and-so on 4/5” and nobody has any fucking clue what they mean.

        The worst part is how hopelessly oblivious they are about it. It’s not even like they don’t care that nobody does things their stupid way - it’s the fact that they’re so insulated that they can’t even fathom that nobody does things the same way they do. It just goes to show how clueless they are about the rest of the world and how little they get out of their neighborhoods.

        It drives me mad. At this point, it’s just offensive how ignorant they can be sometimes. If you have to work with other people, you should at least make an effort to be aware of the fact that others do things a different way and try to avoid situations like this, but they just refuse to do so.

        Apologies… /rant

        • @tamiya_tt02
          201 year ago

          I’m American and always use 30 Dec 2023 as my date scheme. It makes much more sense. I also work in a multicultural laboratory, so there should be no question as to what date it is, but some of my colleagues still use mm-dd-yy.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            some of my colleagues still use mm-dd-yy.

            That makes it even worse. When the date uses slashes I expect it to be American, but with dashes anything other than yyyy-mm-dd doesn’t even read as a date to me

          • @[email protected]
            31 year ago

            Thanks, I appreciate it! I also try to use the name of the month instead of the number as frequently as possible. To be honest, it’s not really the order of the fields that matters - format it whichever way makes you happy! Just make sure it’s not ambiguous so other people can tell what you mean. And be aware that not everyone interprets things the same way you do

        • @RBWells
          151 year ago

          Like the American below, I generally use 30-December 2023 partly because I work with an international company but mostly because after the century rolled over and we had years that looked like months I got confused.

          Had a boss that formatted all dates as YYYY-MM-DD because that makes them sort correctly in lists.

          • 𝕽𝖔𝖔𝖙𝖎𝖊𝖘𝖙
            191 year ago

            Had a boss that formatted all dates as YYYY-MM-DD because that makes them sort correctly in lists.

            That’s how you know it’s the correct date format

          • @[email protected]
            61 year ago

            I work in an international company too! And yet, this confusion persists :-/

            I also format everything YYYY-MM-DD for my personal use too. When writing prose, usually some other format is just fine, but I really would love if everyone did year-month-day

          • @utopianfiat
            -61 year ago

            I insist on YYYY-MM-DD because it allows me to use “MM-DD” for short and piss off the euros

            • @orosus
              61 year ago

              The MM-DD format, as a euro, pisses me off. I use YYYY-MM-DD though. It’s the recomended format by ISO, and it allows me to name files with that format and sort by name.

        • @[email protected]
          131 year ago

          Everyone should be using ISO8601 anyway. yyyy-mm-dd is superior to both and leaves 0 ambiguity to the reader no matter where they’re from.

        • Lemmy See Your Wrists
          91 year ago

          Besides the dates, I also still don’t know if 12am is noon or midnight. Do Americans know? Is there a problem with simply counting to 24?

          • @Rehwyn
            1 year ago

            12:00AM is midnight because AM is morning, and it’s the beginning of the morning.

            Using 12-hour time is just a historical artifact from all our analog clocks having 12 hours on their face and not wanting to have to add 12 to the number on the clock for half the day.

            • @Akareth
              51 year ago

              Where I’m from, 12:00 a.m. (00:00) is the middle of the night (we call it midnight here), and morning begins when the sun rises (and we say “good morning” during our mornings).

              • @Rehwyn
                31 year ago

                Put more specifically, A.M. and P.M. are abbreviations for “ante meridiem” and “post meridiem”, which are Latin for “before mid-day” and “after mid-day” respectively. Since a new day begins at midnight, it follows that midnight is 12:00 A.M. since it’s the 12 o’clock that is before mid-day.

            • @[email protected]
              51 year ago

              12:00AM is midnight because AM is morning, and it’s the beginning of the morning.

              That doesn’t make it less confusing, it’s the beginnng of the morning but uses the highest available number.

            • @misophist
              31 year ago

              Yes, it makes perfect sense to count our hours as such:

              12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11


            • @Akareth
              1 year ago

              deleted by creator

          • @[email protected]
            51 year ago

            12AM is midnight. As for the other part I have this mind blowing concept for you, our culture is not the same as yours. We have our own ways of doing things, just like you.

            • @Sanyanov
              21 year ago

              Why should anyone cut time in two zones? How does it help or benefit anyone? If anything, it only serves to add extra confusion. In the era of electronic time keeping, there is a wonderful opportunity to ditch an extremely stupid decision that was proliferated by analog clocks.

              We have 24 hours in a day, just count them one by one. Boom. Problem solved. No confusion, no complications, no nothing.

              • @[email protected]
                -21 year ago

                Because unless you live underground, are blind, or live so far north or south that the day night cycle loses cohesion it’s literally as easy as “Can I see daylight?” If you really want to fix it round hours out to 20-30 for easier conversion between days and smaller units, 7 day weeks? That’s backwards and hard to convert mentally, make them 10 days. Months are just tied to the lunar cycle we can do better surely. Years are stuck though unless we speed up or slow the Earth’s orbit. While we are at it, one time zone, if everyone is on identical clocks it’ll save so many issues, I don’t want to know when 21:00 is in Hong Kong, I’ll just call at Universal 11:00

                • @Sanyanov
                  1 year ago

                  Sure, there’s a lot wrong about the way we work with time and date. Months are not even tied to lunar cycles, we have around 13 of them in a year.

                  But conversion from 12 to 24 hour format is already there and easy to switch to without losing anything. Let’s start going rational.

            • @[email protected]
              31 year ago

              Exactly and it’s such a minor thing to bitch about, I understand the date system frustration but over using AM/PM vs 24?

            • @Deme
              1 year ago

              The notations can be confusing, especially around noon and midnight. Is midnight am or pm when it’s equally distant to both the previous and the next noon? Why does 12am not follow 11am???

              Where I live we use 12hr time in casual spoken language but pretty much always specify the time of day as well, like eight in the evening or twelve at midnight. But for anything written or even remotely formal, 24h time is used for obvious reasons.

            • @Akareth
              21 year ago

              Where I’m from, 12:00 a.m. (00:00) is the middle of the night (we call it midnight here), and morning begins when the sun rises (and we say “good morning” during our mornings).

              • 𝕽𝖔𝖔𝖙𝖎𝖊𝖘𝖙
                11 year ago

                So if you worked at a hotel or airport or a coffee shop or something and you saw someone shortly before sunrise you would say “Good night” not “Good morning”?

                • @YoorWeb
                  51 year ago

                  Not all languages work the same way as English does. You shouldn’t think in English terms in this case. His language may use hello as a rule in these situations or have a completely different word without equivalent in English.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            Agreed. I’ve never understood the logic of splitting the hours of the day in half. 1800 is so much nicer than 6PM.

            I don’t think that’s purely an American thing though. If I had to guess, I’d say that most of the world uses 12-hour clocks instead of 24-hours. I could be wrong though. Nevertheless, I usually write all times in 24-hour format. But it always sounds awkward trying to use it in speech. I haven’t figured out a good way to do that yet.

              • @Sanyanov
                11 year ago

                Please, correct the link, cause now it has closing bracket included.

                On substance - even that makes more sense, with 4 zones designating morning, afternoon, evening, and night. 2 zones conflate them.

            • @Sanyanov
              01 year ago

              In my country it’s normal to pronounce time in either format, and it doesn’t make any confusion.

              Also we don’t use AM or PM when using 12-hour format: we say night/morning/day/evening. Like “3 in the day” means 3PM, or 15:00.

              “Fifteen-o-o” works just fine as well.

              • Captain Aggravated
                11 year ago

                In America you’ll hear “It’s three in the morning” or “It’s four in the afternoon.”

                • @Sanyanov
                  11 year ago

                  “Three in the morning” is super weird, like, it’s not morning, this thing is called night :D

        • @mmagod
          41 year ago

          heck even inside these borders… the concept of timezones blows their minds at work lol…

          them: “yeah let’s set a meeting at 9am!”

          me: eastern? pacific? central? help me… heeeelllp meee

        • @platypus_plumba
          31 year ago

          Yes, we’ll have the meeting on 3/2/2023

          And I’m like… FUCK. I’ll have to ask again.

          • @Sanyanov
            21 year ago

            And get answered like: “2nd of March, DUH”

        • @AWittyUsername
          21 year ago

          I hate when software is hard coded either those stupid fucking dates. I generally uninstall

        • @books
          11 year ago

          I do everything like this 2023-12-24

      • @[email protected]
        201 year ago

        Isn’t basing a temperature scale on the freezing and boiling points of water a bit arbitrary in and of itself?

        The reason they are arbitrary numbers in Fahrenheit is because they weren’t considerations when the scale was made.

        • @Deme
          121 year ago

          Water is everywhere.

          Cooking, weather, etc. You are also water.

          • @[email protected]
            111 year ago

            Except that water boils at different temperatures when exposed to different amounts of pressure.

            So this works pretty universally on earth… Near the ground/ocean level (plus or minus a few hundred meters). Once you get outside of that specific condition the numbers move.

            So yes, fairly arbitrary.

            Let’s all switch to Kelvin.

            • @[email protected]
              121 year ago

              The nice thing about celcius and kelvin is that they’re the same scale, but celcius is just shifted 273.15 units. And it’s more intuitive for humans to work with smaller numbers with bigger relative differences. But yes, kelvin would be a lot better to work with, especially considering stuff like doubling temperature (doubling energy) would actually work correctly in kelvin.

              But if there’s one thing that makes a lot of sense to base temperature enough for human use, I would indeed say it’s water, because all life uses water, we are completely surrounded by it, and it’s super important to nearly everything we do too.

            • @Deme
              41 year ago

              Sure, but the vast majority of people live in low lying areas and even then it doesn’t shift that drastically. You need to climb a mountain to see the difference when it comes to applications of daily life.

              Although now that I think about it. The same criticism applies to pretty much every definition of temperature that is based on the behaviour of matter. This also applies to Kelvin. Temperature is a property of matter and every type of matter behaves differently.

            • @seth
              11 year ago

              deleted by creator

              • @assassin_aragorn
                21 year ago

                it can be just as strange to have to think in terms of adjusting for 273.15K for the misleading “freezing point of water” or 298.15K for STP, another arbitrary standard of measurement. Kelvin is no better than Rankine

                This touches on something important, which is that Celsius is based on an arbitrary pressure. It’s based on an elevation that suits the region which defined it.

        • @BluesF
          81 year ago

          It is, but if you look at how Farenheit was conceived it’s absurdly nonsensical. 0°F is the freezing temperature or some mixture of chemicals, and 90°F is a guess at human body temperature lmao.

          And the freezing/boiling points of water are arbitrary except in that they are used to actually define both scales. They provide easily measurable standards.

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            No, 0° was the lowest temperature recorded in the city Fahrenheit lived, and 100° was considered normal body temperature, with the quality of thermometer available at the time.

            It’s quite arbitrary, but ends up mapping pretty nicely to comfortable ranges for humans.

        • @force
          1 year ago

          Well TECHNICALLY it’s not based on the state change of water.

          It’s based on the formula C = K - 273.15 where K = 1.380649×10^−23 / (6.62607015×10^−34)(9192631770) * h * Δν[Cs] / k where k is the Boltzmann constant (1.380649×10^−23 J * K^-1), h is the Planck constant, and Δν[Cs] is the hyperfine transition frequency of Caesium

          So even MORE abstract and unrelatable

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            This makes no sense. K is not a constant. Is there a variable in there?

            Temperature is a measure of entropy. It depends on the disorder in a system somehow.

            • @assassin_aragorn
              51 year ago

              Temperature isn’t a measure of entropy, but the internal energy of a system. Internal energy is the total energy sum of kinetic and thermal and gravitational energy.

              You might wonder how that’s calculated, and the short answer? It isn’t. We rarely look at the actual value. This also goes for enthalpy and entropy. What matters most of the time is the difference in enthalpy/entropy/energy. If you take a look at various enthalpy numbers across textbooks and software and steam tables, you’ll see the value vary significantly depending on what they use as their 0 point. No matter where the scale starts though, the difference between two distinct points will remain the same.

              • @assassin_aragorn
                11 year ago

                From what I can tell, you’re using definition of the units? In that case K doesn’t equal that equation, but it is in units of that equation.

                • @force
                  11 year ago

                  I’m not sure of the semantic difference. When I think “a meter is the distance travelled by light in X seconds” I think m = c/299792458 s, same with Kelvin.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Every scale and unit is, ultimately, arbitrary. We all do have a very good understanding of what freezing and boiling water is, though, we don’t have a good intuition of “coldest day in some random place in some random year” is. Then there’s a couple of other common points of orientation: 20C is room temperature, 37C body temperature and thus warm baths and “it’s too bloody hot outside” hover around that (you actually want wet-bulb temperature for that, but it’s still a point of orientation), another point is about 60C which is the hottest you can have a beverage and drink it without excessive slurping. Also a common temperature in cooking as that’s when a lot of stuff starts to denature, e.g. egg white is about 62-65C, the temperature you want to hit for carbonara to not get scrambled eggs.

          Practically everything we deal with in everyday life (short of winter weather) is within that 0-100 range. Which is due, to, well, water being liquid in that range.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          If you want to be radical, use Kelvin. At least it scaled identical to C so it’s easy to comprehend.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        I would like to dump on America for this but as Scotland is in the UK we have some unholy abomination of in between when it comes to our measurements.

      • @KISSmyOS
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

    • Resol van Lemmy
      101 year ago

      I’ve never been to a sauna before, but are you guys okay with boiling yourselves and then immediately freezing yourselves? Doesn’t that seem very painful? Are you guys used to being Wim Hof all the time?

      • @Deme
        1 year ago

        The thing to remember is that air is a great insulator. Air at 100°C isn’t nearly as bad as say water or metal at the same temperature against the skin. In fact, the air that comes in contact with the comparatively cold human skin will cool down rapidly, forming a layer of cooler air around you and lessening the sensation of heat further.

      • @[email protected]
        61 year ago

        100°C is a quite hot one. It could hurt your nose and ears a bit, especially if they having a steaming session.

        The cold water (normally ~10°C) does not hurt at all. The first minute your brain is not able to differentiate the temperature at all. After that it gets quite quickly into: ohh I should leave!

        Btw: you should try sauna at some point. Especially with the steaming it’s amazing. There are also milder ones with ~80°C, I would recommend at the start.

        • @Deme
          31 year ago

          100°C is nice. And what’s a steaming session? Throwing water onto the rocks for steam every now and then is just standard operating procedure.

        • Resol van Lemmy
          21 year ago

          Hmm, I think I’d rather try that at some point.

      • DrMango
        51 year ago

        Yes. It’s wonderful. It feels great physically and mentally. Wim Hoff is a bit crazy tho tbh

      • @Agent641
        1 year ago

        Wim Hof, the guy who shredded his intestines by giving himself an enema from a public water fountain while waiting to meet his estranged son?

    • asudox
      61 year ago

      I object. Kelvin is the superior one.

      • Resol van Lemmy
        201 year ago

        Hmm, I sure love adding 273.15 to literally every single temperature I encounter

        • Sippy Cup
          51 year ago

          Oh sure, so what are you, a Newton scale guy? “What is it outside? 6? Lovely. High of 12? Fuck that noise I’m staying inside at a nice comfortable 5.”

        • @Aux
          11 year ago

          Adding 273.15 is much easier than fucking with F.

    • @Telodzrum
      561 year ago

      Yeah, I’m not going to the beach at 50F, but I can hike, golf, just hang out outdoors, etc. If it’s sunny 50F can even feel rather warm.

      • @xpinchx
        251 year ago

        Perfect running weather.

    • TheHarpyEagle
      41 year ago

      I don’t touch a jacket until 40, 50 is perfect.

  • @ChicoSuave
    851 year ago

    Fahrenheit is like school grades: 60 is minimum tolerance and beyond 100 adds nothing but misery.

      • unalivejoy
        41 year ago

        With school grades, when you get >100, you get bullied by your peers

    • @Zehzin
      1 year ago

      Anything past 85F adds nothing but misery.

      About 30C to the people who use real units

    • Dharma Curious
      131 year ago

      Between 50 and 63 I’m in heaven. Anything higher than that and all i want to do is go swimming, which as an adult with responsibilities, i never get to. Anything lower than that, and i have to wear more clothes and look fatter than i am.

      • @[email protected]
        101 year ago

        What the fuck, aren’t most buildings kept at 72? How do you exist anywhere except in a walk in fridge?

          • Dharma Curious
            41 year ago

            Believe it or not, i did used to work in a walk in fridge, and the shifts typically ran 16 hours, but 24 wasn’t unheard of.

        • Dharma Curious
          41 year ago

          I never said i got these temperatures. I just said I’m uncomfortable otherwise.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          Depends entirely on where you live. Surprising what people will accept as normal when their gas/electric bill is on the line.

        • @aulin
          11 year ago

          64-68 °F is fairly standard here. No more than 68. (18-20 °C)

    • @bmsok
      1 year ago

      I agree in Midwestern as I put on my shorts and tshirt (I’m not fat, BTW… you just sort of get used to those balmy 50° days)

      • @dingus
        1 year ago

        As a former Midwesterner (grew up there and lived there for 26 years), I never got used to the cold so I eventually moved South.

        But turns out now I get cold at anything below 70F lol.

  • @[email protected]
    481 year ago

    Not to defend Fahrenheit, it’s a nonsense scale, however: As with most subjective scales the entire scale can be split into good and not good. The top part is good and the bottom part is not good. The middle of the top part is seen as average good.

    So around 75 degrees would be perfect, which is close enough for something as subjective as temperature.

    This is why in things like movie or game reviews a 7/10 is seen as average. Like it’s good, in the good part, but right in the middle not anything special. A 5/10 or lower is seen as not good, not worth seeing, not worth your time etc. This works for reviews, grades, person attractiveness rating etc.

    • Norgur
      281 year ago

      Yet, Temperature is not a nonlinear star-rating by IGN, is it?

        • Norgur
          111 year ago

          The flooding of Amsterdam was really epic, 10/10 IGN

      • @[email protected]
        -11 year ago

        Why not? Most people only meaningfully engage with temperature scales when checking weather forecasts. It’s all pretty subjective.

        If course there’s a need for Celsius or Kelvin in scientific applications, but that’s not for the overwhelming majority of people.

        • @psud
          11 year ago

          but that’s not for the overwhelming majority of people.

          Surely you’re aware that the overwhelming majority of people do not live in the US. Nearly everyone is fine with Celcius. Billions of people, as opposed to a few hundred million that have been socialised to using the other scale

    • @jenny_ball
      21 year ago

      i appreciate your level headed analysis

  • @EyesInTheBoat
    471 year ago

    Every time someone brings this up, another decade gets added until the US switches to Metric

    • @elscallr
      1 year ago

      Weather/room temp wise we probably never will. I’d rather think of my environment in terms of 0 to 100 than in terms of -18 to 38. For science and engineering, Celsius is ideal, and I can convert between the two in the very rare occasion I need to because I’m not an idiot who can’t do basic math.

      • @Sanyanov
        1 year ago

        That’s entirely a matter of habit. There is nothing special about 0°F (random point in the cold range?) or 100°F points (random point in the hot range?), you’ve been lied to.

        We don’t think -18°C to 38°C, we think -50°C to +50°C (regular Celsius weather thermometer, covers almost any temperature observed on Earth), with 0°C differentiating between snow/ice, “wintery” weather, and rain/mud, “non-wintery” one. That’s how we know whether to take umbrella (no point if it snows, hat is your best friend), what kind of shoes are the best fit - cold-resistant or highly waterproof - or which kind of jacket is gonna fit the situation. Melting point of water is actually incredibly important weather-wise and entirely ignored by Fahrenheit scale.

        When it’s not winter, normal range is 0-40°C, with 20°C designating comfort temperature.

      • Baŝto
        71 year ago

        For science and engineering, Celsius is ideal,

        The SI base unit for temperature is Kelvin with 0 K being the coldest possible temperature. 273.15 K is the melting point of ice. But it’s a lot better suited for temperature differences. Celsius is only a derived unit.

        And well, all units and measurement systems had a lot of changes over time because some things turned out to be impractical or inaccurate.

        Initially Celsius had 100° as the freezing point of water, 0° as the boiling point of water. Fahrenheit had 0° as the coldest temperature he could produce and the (wrong) average human body temperature at 90°. Kelvin was initially defined via Celsius, that got reversed, they have the same scale. There is also Rankine, which starts at 0 like Kelvin, but uses the Fahrenheit scale.

        And the US partially uses SI units anyways, all units are derived from them to use their superior base unit definitions. This system came into existence to have unit definitions that are better reproducible and change less over time. Since everything was redefined and all numbers changed anyways, they also tried to make use of the “new” decimal representation of numbers. And new unit names were nice to create some general units, in contrast to foot and pound, which were always different from place to place, at times even from city to city.

        I don’t expect the US to ever switch. The US switched to international yard and pound instead of switching to a decimal system. After US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa agreed on that one, all countries who remained using these units had a uniform definition for them. Since then you don’t need to know any longer which yard or pound it was. Though not all units got standardized by that.

        And some countries didn’t drop all old units and metricized some instead. Even SI kept the ton(ne). You can’t know what 1t exactly means without knowing the context, it can be 2240lb, 2000lb or 1000kg (~2204.6226lb).

      • Captain Aggravated
        41 year ago

        Aviation is already backwards; aviators give distance to travel in nautical miles, visibility in statute miles, altitude and runway length in feet, speed in knots, weight in pounds, volume in gallons, and temperature in celsius. My favorite is the standard adiabatic lapse rate is given as 2°C/1000 feet.

      • @[email protected]
        -111 year ago

        Celcius us a horrible scale for science or engineering. The world literally explodes when water freezes.

        • @elscallr
          21 year ago

          Oh shit I better pull that ice out of my freezer then, I about blew up the world

  • @[email protected]
    471 year ago

    There are many people (particularly in northern regions) who would consider 50° to be quite mild/pleasant

      • @CaptPretentious
        131 year ago

        Minnesota checking in. This is exactly correct. Great time for sitting around a fire.

          • @StephniBefni
            161 year ago

            It is actually, literally freezing, then again temperature feeling is a bit relative. Anything under 20 is chilly to me.

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              I’m in Winnipeg. I saw an old buddy today grabbing some beer wearing shorts and a t shirt. He walked past the cars when we left, I assume he was walking home.

              It was -4c today. My kid took his gloves and jacket off at the park. He’s 2. We were there for over an hour.

              It’s not really cold around 0c. It’s definitely manageable if you’re moving around.

        • @angrystego
          51 year ago

          It can be much more freezing than that.

            • VaultBoyNewVegas
              21 year ago

              I was on holiday at Disneyland Paris at 14 in December or January one year and it was -14/15 °C and it was the coldest place I’ve been and it definitely felt like it. I’m from Ireland for reference so winters are pretty mild here.

              • @[email protected]
                11 year ago

                It was -28°C the night I was born, 1st of February. People around here don’t remember a winter as cold as that one.

                Maybe that’s why I like the cold, IDK.

              • @[email protected]
                1 year ago

                That is true. Would like to experience that one day, I was thinking of moving to Alaska or Canada in the not so distant future, somewhere very cold.

            • @n0m4n
              11 year ago

              -40°C and -40°F is where I take the kiddos outside with a cup of boiling water and let them make snow.

        • TheHarpyEagle
          21 year ago

          Depending on where you live, going below freezing, even down towards 0F (-18C), is common. I’d say things don’t go into “too cold to go out” territory until the single digits for me.

      • credit crazy
        91 year ago

        Tbh all I care about with wether temp is wether it’s possible to snow or not. So on that front Celsius is quite intuitive and useful.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          1 or 2 to about 5°C is snowing temperature. Yes, I agree, quite intuitive.

          I like the snow. I like cold, in general. I hate summers, I’m always too hot and sweaty.

    • @Siegfried
      221 year ago

      45 is very hot, 0 is very cold, 22.5 is ok

    • @[email protected]
      211 year ago

      In a few years, with global warming on the rise, we may be saying that 50C isn’t that hot.


    • @zik
      11 year ago

      We see 50C in Australia from time to time now thanks to global warming.

  • @hark
    431 year ago

    If you score 100 on a test then that’s a perfect, therefore 100 is the perfect temperature.

  • @[email protected]
    331 year ago

    Don’t impose your imperialistic temperature views on the rest of us! Leave us cold lovers alone!

  • @Maggoty
    311 year ago

    50 is indeed perfect.

  • @Wilzax
    1 year ago

    Indoor temp? No. Outdoor temp? Yes!

    • @Aux
      11 year ago

      No and no.