The potential future president had also told the crowd, “You know they say you gotta vote with your stomach, I don’t know if you’ve heard it but it’s a little bit true,” before launching into some questionable food inflation numbers.

“Food has gone up at levels that nobody’s ever seen before,” he declared, following up his claim with some unsupported numbers. “We’ve never seen anything like it – 50, 60, 70 percent.”

The online response to Trump’s odd claims has been relentless, with one X/Twitter user writing, “Operation let him talk is going exceedingly well.”

        • Optional
          320 days ago

          Why’s it on his head

        • @SynAcker
          119 days ago

          The engine is running but noone is behind the wheel.

      • @LifeInMultipleChoice
        320 days ago

        That’s because the pilot was drunk and harassing the passengers in the back. Maybe I misunderstood that post…

    • @roofTophopper
      420 days ago

      And yet people are peeking through the window and wanting more from the magnificent one.

  • @expatriado
    7720 days ago

    wind turbines are killing flying pigs

    • @jaybone
      3120 days ago

      But then who is making the frogs gay?

      • partial_accumen
        20 days ago

        Will buffalo wings be next?

        First they came for the bacon

        And I did not speak out

        Because I was not eating bacon at the time

        Then they came for the buffalo wings

        And I did not speak out

        Because I can take them or leave them

        Then they came for the cheesesteak

        And there was no one left

        To speak out for the cheesesteak

    • @Fredselfish
      320 days ago

      I guess it wasn’t bacon I hate for breakfast yesterday.

      • Pumpkin Escobar
        1020 days ago

        I guess it wasn’t bacon I hate for breakfast yesterday.

        Why do you hate bacon, are you a windmill?

  • @Buffalox
    6520 days ago

    Aaand Denmark the country with the highest degree of wind power in the world, is also the worlds biggest exporter of bacon.

      • @AnUnusualRelic
        3620 days ago

        Windmills, just blowing the bacon away… It’s littering the north sea and the German countryside…

      • @kescusay
        1820 days ago

        All those windmills, just sitting there, upsetting their digestion when they eat bacon. So tragic.

        • Skvlp
          1520 days ago

          It’s terrible. Everybody is saying it.

      • @P1nkman
        220 days ago

        I live in Denmark, and this statement is false.

    • wootz
      520 days ago

      Ahh well see here, this checks out you see.

      Trump said eat. We export the most bacon, but nobody talks about whether or not we eat much of the stuff.

    • @jaybone
      120 days ago

      As opposed to Denmark the periodontist?

  • @[email protected]
    5320 days ago

    Vote with my stomach? Okay, it’s on the left side of my body. Guess I’m voting left.

  • @[email protected]
    4120 days ago

    I have never in my life heard anyone say you should vote with your stomach. Like I don’t even know where to start. What a crock of shit, it’s almost an art.

    • @cheese_greater
      20 days ago

      You’re supposed to eat 45 mins before you go out voting. Thats just politics

    • @[email protected]
      1420 days ago

      Now who can argue with that? I think we’re all indebted to Gabby Trump for clearly stating what needed to be said. I’m particulary glad that these lovely children were here today to hear that speech. Not only was it authentic frontier gibberish, it expressed a courage little seen in this day and age.

  • @Rapidcreek
    3520 days ago

    “Bacon, shark, windmill, Hannibal Lector, battery.”

  • @Warl0k3
    19 days ago

    In case anyone was curious what he actually said, I’ve transcribed the provided snippet of what can be generously called his “speech”:

    "You know they say you’re gonna vote with your stomach - I don’t know if you’ve heard it but it’s a little bit true. And groceries food has gone up at levels that nobody’s ever seen before we’ve never seen anything like it fifty sixty seventy percent. you’d take a look at bacon and some of these products and some people don’t eat bacon anymore. And uh- we’re going to get the energy prices down when we get energy energy down you know this was caused by their horrible energy … wind, they want wind all over the place, but when it doesn’t blow we have a little problem. This was caused by energy this was really caused by energy and also their unbelievable spending their spending is out of… out of wealth, actually, they’re taking our wealth away, but it was caused by energy and what they’ve done is they’ve started cutting way back […] "

    It seems pretty clear to me that he’s… talking. I think he was saying that high energy prices have caused the price of groceries to go up, and that high energy prices are the result of the biden admin “spending [us] out of wealth” (whatever that means). So, you know, not literally saying wind power caused people to stop eating bacon, but that uh… wait… no that is what he’s saying. Spending on wind power is directly causing the price of bacon to go up. I’m not… just. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.

    • @[email protected]
      1019 days ago

      My eyes began to involuntarily glaze over as I read the transcript, and I barely made it through three sentences. I am not sure how a person could actively engage with this drool for hours.

      • @CharlesDarwin
        119 days ago

        I honestly wonder if donald didn’t stumble into NLP or related areas (the hypnosis thing, the NLP thing, and related systems tend to be popular with people looking to sell a load of bullshit to others - just look at NXIVM and that woman that helped to run it and her background) and pick up a kind of cadence that people fall for - it has a hypnotic type of flow even if it is batshit insane stuff and outright lying he does throughout.

        I’m actually surprised someone has not dug into it to see if donnie has been into NLP/hypnosis.

  • nifty
    2720 days ago

    He has dementia, it should have been obvious at covfefe

    • @stoly
      1619 days ago

      The funny part is that could have edited or deleted that and moved in. His ego required him to double down and make a reference about how some insiders understand the reference.

    • @[email protected]
      819 days ago

      Anyone can fat finger shit into an app.

      The disturbing part was the Redhats sagely nodding along like it meant anything.

  • @eltrain123
    2219 days ago

    Didn’t the Kroger CEO just testify that they raised prices above inflation rates because they could, based on supply and demand?

    By pointing out high food costs over the last few years, isn’t he saying that unchecked, free-market capitalism is causing the drastic rise in food prices and (he isn’t saying this part) that regulation is what will bring them back down? After all, if you can charge more for a product because of supply/demand, capitalism dictates that is the correct pricing strategy.

    Is this an anti-democrat rant or an anti-capitalism rant?

    • @[email protected]
      719 days ago

      It’s hilarious because he’s trying to repeat the narrative that ultimately allowed Hitler to rise to power and yet he and his handlers are such absolute retards they can’t even do that right.

  • @finitebanjo
    19 days ago

    For me, the weirdest claim was at the RNC convention when they brought a bunch of grieving veterans families on stage and claimed the media was ignoring soldier’s deaths under Biden…

    As if Trump wasn’t directly responsible for an incredible spike in service member deaths, a clear reversal from the Obama Era annual declines. SOURCE

    • @Zess
      619 days ago

      Don’t forget Trump thinks dead soldiers are losers and doesn’t understand why people volunteer for the military. He also gave Putin and his allies a list of spies that resulted in many of their exposures and deaths.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      519 days ago

      Isn’t this the party that purposefully left in place a very weird plan to exit Afghanistan, and then blamed that on Biden, too?

  • @[email protected]
    1620 days ago

    It’s true. I was only ever eating bacon to keep the flying pig population in check, but now I don’t have to because the wind turbines will do the job.

  • @Fedizen
    1520 days ago

    truly a retiree that understands an economy like my cat understands written english.

  • @frigidaphelion
    1319 days ago

    Fkn Big Wind and their anti-pork agenda. Thank God for Trump, bringing the real issues to the forefront of discussion (big /s)