• @NineMileTower
    1726 days ago

    So the debate was rigged to make you look bad, but you did great at the debate? Which is it?

    • Coelacanth
      1236 days ago

      Don’t expect internal consistency from the guy who says media can’t be trusted and is fake news, but immigrants are eating people’s dogs and cats because someone said it on TV.

      • @NineMileTower
        716 days ago

        Kamala stole my ideas on the economy. She’s a Marxist. She stole my ideas though.

      • NegativeNull
        396 days ago

        If she won the election, the day after that election, go back to destroying our country and oil will be dead. Fossil fuel will be dead. We’ll go back to windmills and we’ll go back to solar, where they need a whole desert to get some energy to come out. You ever see a solar plant? By the way, I’m a big fan of solar
        -Smart Man DJT

        • The Pantser
          226 days ago

          What else will you do with a desert? Build cities that will dry up more lakes and rivers? Just cover the whole fucking desert in solar and power the country. The guy is so dense.

          • NegativeNull
            166 days ago

            Even better, you can grow some Alfalfa to sell to Saudi Arabia!

          • @[email protected]
            116 days ago

            There’s a lot more territory for solar if we just set it up all along our Interstate system. We could just let the desert be desert, with its fragile ecosystem intact. The land under the freeways is already fucked. Thinking ahead, we would need to design it to reroute the power if a big crash takes out some panels.

          • @Sanctus
            6 days ago

            Idk maybe grow a crazy amount of alfalfa and sell it overseas? What? What do you mean the desert has water issues?

            Edit: oh lol I should have read more replies

        • @[email protected]
          86 days ago

          Don’t forget the poor poor desert soil he’s so concerned about… Lol yes noted conservationist Donald drill baby drill Trump…

        • @Maggoty
          46 days ago

          Right after she pointed out all of the times she actually supported fracking.

    • @Thteven
      156 days ago

      He did great at making himself look bad.

    • @LEDZeppelin
      116 days ago

      Debate was rigged to make me look bad. But jokes on them, I looked bad all on my own.

      Checkmate liburals

    • @WhatAmLemmy
      456 days ago

      His presidency, and presence in politics at all beyond the local kook level, is a strong indication that the US is a failed state circling the toilet.

      • nifty
        126 days ago

        US is not a failed state, that’s just factually untrue and is just emotional storytelling.

        • @[email protected]
          6 days ago

          The DNC has rigged three primaries in a row, yet has continued to struggle against the same crook that can’t form a sentence. It doesn’t fit the exact definition of “failed state”, but do we need to split that hair?

          • @Pronell
            226 days ago

            The DNC is not the state.

            Try again. Or, please, don’t.

            • @[email protected]
              6 days ago

              I did not say the DNC is the state. I am suggesting that the way the two-party system has developed is an indication of a failed state.

              • @aesthelete
                6 days ago

                The two-party system developed practically immediately after the formation of the country. Even the parties in Congress under Washington were beginning to form into two parties before the second President was elected.

                There’s a reason for this, and it’s primarily because the constitution, while certainly a step forward in many respects from shitty ass monarchy, was written by fallible, flawed people who could not anticipate the consequences of some of the decisions they were making with regards to governmental structure. Other countries, using founding documents written after the late 1700s and governments formulated afterwards, were likely able to put the US’s example to good use and able to analyze what should have been done differently.

                We could hypothetically pull the country out of the “two-party system” rut, but it requires a large degree of change to how we conduct elections, and may even require constitutional amendments. A more pragmatic approach is likely to build a movement in local politics with a third party, and then slowly use the accumulated power upwards to change things via state governments, and then finally change the federal system.

                EDIT: Source - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_parties_in_the_United_States (1st US Congress was in 1789, first two major political parties began to form in…wait for it…1789).

    • @mipadaitu
      226 days ago

      Does he actually know how to drive anything bigger than a golf cart?

      • @AbidanYre
        6 days ago

        Does pretending to drive a semi count?

      • @blattrules
        6 days ago

        I actually looked it up recently because I had the thought that he’s never driven a car in his life and has just been driven around. Apparently there’s a video of him driving his Rolls Royce or something online though.

        Edit: I looked it up again and he’s driving his rolls Royce and listening to Taylor Swift. Man, this guy is just a walking contradiction, huh?

    • @perviouslyiner
      6 days ago

      Guessing he isn’t allowed to drive a car - I remember Al Gore complaining about how they never got to drive any more [after the VP era], as the secret service wouldn’t let them.

      • @acosmichippo
        136 days ago

        honestly he probably didn’t drive even before being president. having a chauffeur is a status symbol for the ultra wealthy and he has to keep up appearances.

        • @[email protected]
          15 days ago

          My understanding is that most wealthy people have drivers cause if not, they open themselves up to opportunists looking to sue them for a big payout.

    • @Sludgehammer
      66 days ago

      Trump is a psychopath that should not be allowed to drive a car let alone a country.

      Good news then, presidents and former presidents aren’t allowed to drive themselves. So at least we won’t have to deal with Trump claiming that deep state operatives switched the gas and brake peddles.

  • @Suavevillain
    746 days ago

    Trump’s base never catches on to the endless excuses this man has. 9 years no healthcare plan. Attacking and lasing out and then expect anyone who isn’t them to be nice to them and treat them with respect lol.

    • @[email protected]
      196 days ago

      They have a victimhood complex and their chosen propagandists back up their feelings with lie after lie about how they’re all poor victims of the big bad liberal. They don’t see these things as excuses, they’re “perfectly legitimate complaints” to them :(

    • @[email protected]
      76 days ago

      They all kind of know it. It’s just that probably they think that all politicians are dirty and so they are happy with their extra dirty guy. They also like the bigotry.

    • @someguy3
      456 days ago

      Now that’s a poll I can get behind.

    • @givesomefucks
      6 days ago

      Yeah, but he has millions of shares he paid nothing for.

      He’s going to be the only one who doesn’t lose money, because he paid nothing for his stock.

      Even if it’s $0.01 the day he can sell, it’s all profit.

      • @mipadaitu
        226 days ago

        Someone has to buy the stock that he sells. It doesn’t magically turn into money cause it has a listed value that day.

        Sure, there can be some money laundering and foreign “investments” but the SEC really doesn’t like stock manipulation.

        • snooggums
          176 days ago

          The SEC doesn’t do jack shit about anything. The SEC are toothless pretend watchdogs created by and staffed by former stock marketers who exist for the sole purpose of making the public think there is oversight and accountability.

          It is the stock market version of the police’s internal affairs.

        • @givesomefucks
          16 days ago

          It’ll definitely cause the price to drop and will probably destroy the company’s selling so much at once.

          But it happens all the time.

          And trump supporters are 100% dumb enough to “buy the dip”.

          • abff08f4813c
            14 days ago

            Even worse, they don’t have to believe even that.

            Some will believe that this is “charity stock” and buy the stock as it spirals to zero as “charity” for their candidate…

          • @ccunning
            46 days ago

            “buy the dip”.

            HODL the bag

        • @FlowVoid
          06 days ago

          The listed value is more or less the amount currently being offered by people who want to buy the stock. So if it has a listed value then he can sell it.

          • @mipadaitu
            96 days ago

            If there’s a single copy of a comic book that sells for $1,000 that doesn’t mean you can sell 100 of them for that price.

            If there’s a couple dozen shares of a stock selling for $15, that doesn’t mean there’s enough buyers to pay for a million of them at that price.

            If trump dumps all his shares, the stock price will crash, and eventually there won’t be ANYONE to buy the stock and the price will be effectively $0.

            • @FlowVoid
              06 days ago

              Comic books don’t have market makers. Stocks generally do.

              They act as intermediaries so individual stock buyers don’t have to find individual stock sellers. Which means the companies that agree to act as market makers are always willing to buy a stock and always willing to sell it. When buyers and sellers don’t balance, they adjust the stock price until they do (always making a slight profit on arbitrage).

              • @[email protected]
                26 days ago

                Market makers aren’t idiots. They’re not going to provide liquidity to allow someone to dump thousands of lots of this piece of shit listing on them.

                The “adjust the price until they do” part is the piece of your comment that’s relevant here.

                • @FlowVoid
                  6 days ago

                  Sure they will. In fact they provide liquidity for stocks that are equally shitty as this one.

                  And of course if someone is dumping a lot of stock all at once then they will pay less and less for each unit. But even they are only paying pennies at the end, they won’t stop buying it.

      • @[email protected]
        6 days ago

        If he can sell all his 115M shares for $0.72 (doubtful) he’ll have just enough to pay off E. Jean Carroll.

        • @givesomefucks
          06 days ago


          It’s at 15.49, I think he can sell a week or two after the election. It’ll keep falling, but he has a financial incentive to push it more and more in the run up to the election.

          He went back to Twitter for the views, but immediately after the election he’ll pivot back to pumping it full time.

          Id be surprised if it’s under $5. Someone that wants a favor could buy millions of it, hoping that if more do it or the rubes buy in, it would be a bribe that actually made money.

          Classic pyramid scheme shit. The more that do it, the more others will because the price goes up.

          I’d be surprised if it’s less than this by the time trump can sell, and if he loses I think it’ll really jump up immediately after the election

  • SatansMaggotyCumFart
    556 days ago

    He looked like a doddering old man who didn’t know where he was or what he was saying.

    They didn’t do great, the RNC should be investigated for elder abuse.

  • @Fedizen
    306 days ago

    dude was fired and now he’s crawling back to the same job like worm. Just find a new job dude

    • @Jiggle_Physics
      166 days ago

      If he doesn’t end up as president he can’t nullify any of the affects of his legal problems.

      • Jackie's Fridge
        126 days ago

        The legal problems he brought upon himself? By actively and blatantly criming? Boy that must suck for him.

        • @Jiggle_Physics
          76 days ago

          Ikr? Like, how unfair is it if we don’t let him be president to get rid of his consequences.

  • @chronicledmonocle
    496 days ago

    Last night, to my wife: “He’s going to claim ABC was rigged against him and that the debate moderators were slanted against him”

    This morning:

    So predictable.

  • @Maggoty
    316 days ago

    The second the moderators fact checked him I told my wife, he’s going to say it’s rigged and it was a conspiracy between ABC and the Democrats. It was really awesome to him flounder when they did that. Just a flat, “There is no state in which it’s legal to kill a baby. And now to Harris”

  • Rhaedas
    316 days ago

    “Rigged” is a consistent word he uses when he doesn’t get his way. Let’s not forget that what he says is also a projection, so he’s totally going to try and “rig” the election where he can to give himself any advantages. And then on a loss will throw anything he can at the system to claim once again that he was cheated.

    • @Rakonat
      206 days ago

      I disagree. Cumstain would imply at least someone had a good time.

  • @Nightwingdragon
    276 days ago

    The minute Trump sells even a single one of his stocks, it’s over. The price will be $0 in minutes. The only ones that are left are the ones that are betting that he’ll win in November and send the stocks soaring. If Trump even signals that he’s looking to cash out, the investors will trample over his fat ass to make sure they get out before he does.

    • @[email protected]
      126 days ago

      Unfortunately apparently a bunch of people holding vanguard ETFs will also be holding the bag since that stock got so high at one point vanguard picked it up…

      Sad vanguard user noises… :(

        • @[email protected]
          26 days ago

          I don’t unfortunately. I hope I’m not blindly spreading misinformation but it was a comment from another user who was pushing back on the idea that vanguard supports Trump in any way. They were saying it was essentially what I said, just picked up by vanguard as it hit some high mark.

          • @elliot_crane
            56 days ago

            No worries. Personally based on my experiences, Vanguard funds are pretty well managed and even the riskiest funds wouldn’t be over indexed on a given stock.

            For instance, with $VOOG, only three out of the over two hundred holdings are over 10% by weight. Companies like Amazon, Meta, and Google didn’t even make the cut for 10%. Even if $DJT was included in a Vanguard fund, I would be surprised if the shares of that fund moved significantly in response to $DJT losing value.

            Obligatory: I am not a licensed financial adviser, this comment is my opinion and should not be considered financial advice.

            • @[email protected]
              36 days ago

              It mainly impacts things like indice funds that automatically pickup stocks when they hit certain metrics.