• nifty
    332 minutes ago

    It’s not just Jill Stein, it’s a lot of people you see talking about Gaza as some blood curdling atrocity, but they don’t have the same level of empathy or consideration for Ukrainians. The anti-Israel propaganda is just being used to drive the Muslim and progressive vote away from Dems. I think it’s turning out to be successful.

    1196 hours ago

    The exchange:

    Mehdi Hasan: We looked at your social media, and you haven’t done that many posts specifically calling out Russian attacks on civilian areas. You haven’t called Vladimir Putin a war criminal, but you have called Benjamin Netanyahu a war criminal.

    Jill Stein: No, actually, we did. Yeah. In my very first remarks about the Ukraine war, we condemned —

    Mehdi Hasan: Vladimir Putin is a war criminal?

    Jill Stein: Yes, we did condemn —

    Mehdi Hasan: And Bashar al-Assad is a war criminal?

    Jill Stein: Yes, in so many words, yes, we have said as much.

    Mehdi Hasan: So you called Netanyahu one, which I think he is.

    Jill Stein: Oh, absolutely.

    Mehdi Hasan: Is Putin a war criminal?

    Jill Stein: So what we said about Putin was that his invasion of Ukraine is a criminal and murderous war.

    Mehdi Hasan: And he’s a war criminal who should be on trial?

    Jill Stein: Well, by implication.

    Mehdi Hasan: You’re struggling here to say something very simple. This is why people have their doubts about you with Russia. Why is Benjamin Netanyahu a war criminal but not Vladimir Putin?

    Jill Stein: Well, as John F. Kennedy said, “We must not negotiate out of fear and we must not fear to negotiate.” So if you want to be an effective world leader, you don’t start by name calling and hurling out that.

    Mehdi Hasan: So how will President Stein negotiate with Israel then, if you’ve called Netanyahu a war criminal?

    Jill Stein: Well, because he very clearly is a war criminal.

    Mehdi Hasan: Oh, so Putin clearly isn’t a war criminal?

    Jill Stein: Well, we don’t have a decision, put it this way, by the International Criminal Court.

    Mehdi Hasan: Yes, we do. Yes, actually, actually, you’re wrong. There’s an arrest warrant for Putin and there isn’t an arrest warrant for Netanyahu, so why is Putin not a war criminal, but Netanyahu is?

    Jill Stein: Yeah. Well, let me say this. We are sponsoring that war. We are sponsoring Netanyahu. He is our dog in this fight. That is why we have a responsibility to pull him back.

    Mehdi Hasan: No disagreement from me at all. It still doesn’t answer my question. Whether we sponsor them or not is irrelevant.

    Jill Stein: With Russia it’s far more complicated.

    Mehdi Hasan: Either you’re a war criminal or you’re not. Is Vladimir Putin a war criminal?

    Jill Stein: In so many words, yes he is.

    Mehdi Hasan: I don’t know “what so many words” — Butch [Ware, Stein’s running mate], is Vladimir Putin a war criminal?

    Jill Stein: Let me say that whatever you think he is —

    Mehdi Hasan: It’s not about what I think. I’m asking you. You’re running for President.

    Jill Stein: If you want to pull him back, if you are a world leader, you don’t begin your conversation by calling someone a war criminal unless you have a…

    Mehdi Hasan: So why have you called Biden and Netanyahu war criminals?

    Jill Stein: Because we have a clear strategy and we have very strong support across the world.

    How is it more complicated, Jill? The lady doth protest too much

      • @NOT_RICK
        4 hours ago

        Can I get a timestamp?

        Edit: my bad, embedded browser didn’t preserve the url timestamp. 1:23:30

    • @[email protected]
      776 hours ago

      Would be nice if more politicians were subjected to dogged follow-up questions like this. Instead the press just lets them deflect and ramble and change the subject.

      • @[email protected]
        71 hour ago

        I wish every interviewer were even half as good at this as Mehdi Hassan is. He is a delight to watch or read when he’s talking to anyone who is dodging questions.

      • Flying SquidOP
        566 hours ago

        Mehdi Hasan is from the UK and that’s how they do political interviews in Britain. Like you, I wish we did it in the U.S.

        • @chonglibloodsport
          103 hours ago

          Interviewers in the US are all about themselves. Making themselves look good and preening in front of the camera. Dogging a recalcitrant subject with repeated questions is a bad look for them. Plus it convinces potential interviewees to stay away!

          • @jaybone
            21 hour ago

            Probably their corporate overlords have some influence here as well.

          • LustyArgonianMana
            5 minutes ago

            Interviews in the US are based around stock algorithms. Most media headlines in the US, particularly about companies, are for stock algorithms/fluctuations. “Buy the rumor, sell the news,” has been a classic adage for a while.

            So really these interviews are basically ads. That’s why Elon isn’t being asked difficult questions about Tesla. If pieces come out trying to tank Tesla, they won’t usually include an interview. Trump, as an entertainer and business person, is used to this type of interview and expects it. Unfortunately, advertising doesn’t make for good journalism.

      • @[email protected]
        14 hours ago

        To be fair, the rambling did make the latest presidential debate very watchable compared to previous ones 😂

    • The Quuuuuill
      496 hours ago

      i really need more people to be aware this is who jill stein has always been. she focuses on the liberatory language of green politics but in practice is a fascist. there are two ways to view this. either she’s an idiot who thinks she can deal with putin, or she knows exactly what she’s doing and is in favor giving a genocidal maniac more power because it benefits her personally

      • @cogman
        285 hours ago

        She’s a grifter so it really would not surprise me to learn that she’s taken daddy putin’s propoganda dollars.

        Remember how she raised a bunch of money in 2016 to do a recount and then never did? Yeah. That’s what grifting looks like. She had no legal way to actually accomplish the task she was fundraising for which is every bit as bad a selling someone snake oil.

        She and the green party exist solely to extract money out of credulous idiots who buy the lie that voting for her does anything.

        • Flying SquidOP
          143 hours ago

          It’s always amusing seeing her fans try to explain this photo without suggesting she’s pro-Putin.

          • @cogman
            83 hours ago

            Oh wow, that’s a terrible photo. I didn’t know about it, but given the recent tenat media lawsuit I figured russia pumping money into the green party wasn’t crazy. They were more than willing to dump $5 mil on idiots like tim pool and dave rubin so why wouldn’t they also pump a bunch of money in long shot candidates like Stein.

            Heck, they’ve done it in the past via the NRA.

            • LustyArgonianMana
              12 minutes ago

              It’s not just the green party, they are trying to buy influencers for hundreds of thousands of dollars as well. Tana Monogeau just came out that she was offered substantial amount of money to endorse the Trump campaign and declined, and she suspects a lot of influencers have done this.

              It’s literally always projection. Remember them saying George Soros bought protestors?

          • @lunarul
            12 hours ago

            And now I’m bummed finding out about Kusturica

        • @dogslayeggs
          174 hours ago

          She and the green party exist solely to extract money out of credulous idiots who buy the lie that voting for her does anything.

          I want to copy this phrase and reply to every single post mentioning her as an alternative to voting for Harris.

    • @mhague
      116 hours ago

      Why was the reporter asking her tough follow up questions? It doesn’t match what I usually see. Is Jill Stein bad because she can’t afford to pay for easier interviews? For real though, I wish every “big name” was treated this way.

      • @[email protected]
        351 minutes ago

        That’s Medhi Hassan. He’s a serious interviewer, and he’s tough with every politician he interviews if they aren’t answering questions.

      • @NOT_RICK
        135 hours ago

        Agreed. Politicians are so insulated now from actual tough interviews

        • The Quuuuuill
          33 hours ago

          part of the problem is psychological in nature. it’s flattering when a powerful person makes time for you, no matter how vile they are. polǐicians have been gaming this ever since the advent of mass media. jill stein here got the treatment all our politicians should be because this is an interviewer with a track record of doing this better than many, but also because jill stein is an unserious candidate. the perception is less “wow, she made time for me,” and more, “what else would she be up to”

    • EleventhHour
      85 hours ago

      I’m no fan of Stein. I was years ago, but not anymore. But she seems very clear in the beginning, then equivocates in the middle then clarifies (kinda) towards the end— but the way the interviewer goes after her seems like she’s being evasive in a way that doesn’t come across in the textual reading.

      Is there an audio and/or video clip of this interview?

        • EleventhHour
          3 hours ago

          Thanks for the link, but I deleted my account years ago. No worky for me.

          If anyone could link something else, I’d be quite grateful. 👍

          Edit: here’s a link:


          Also— I don’t read her as being so much pro-putin as she is trying to be “stateswoman” and also being terribly unprepared. Just a total flop. She seemed like she was trying to be very reasonable, and she was just destroyed by the interviewer who was unrelenting on a single question that she was not prepared to answer.

          I’m not apologizing for her. It was probably the one and only question she should have been prepared to answer right off the bat. And how she fumbled it was extremely damaging to her.

          She did answer, but her answer got lost in the mess of it all. And that interviewer was being a very aggressive.

          • @dogslayeggs
            184 hours ago

            He wasn’t being a dick. He was doing what journalists should do. If she answers with an extremely simple, “yes” every single time Netanyahu and Biden come up but literally every single time he asks about Putin she can’t just say, “yes.” Every single time she qualifies a yes or hedges without a yes. She doesn’t with the others.

            • EleventhHour
              3 hours ago

              I misspoke. He was just being aggressive

              I edited my comment

          • Cadeillac
            184 hours ago

            She had no problem with Biden and Netanyahu, but avoids a direct answer over Putin. It is painfully obvious

              • Cadeillac
                53 hours ago

                Thank you for being reasonable

                • EleventhHour
                  2 hours ago

                  Well, sure. I only wanted to hear all of this in context— and it doesn’t really help her position IMO.

                  It really shouldn’t be so hard to very clearly denounce Putin. She makes it seem like a real chore. Like, she has to be squeezed into saying it, and even then, it’s still a little unclear.

                  I think, to some degree, she’s trying to be diplomatic, but more importantly, she’s coming off as weak to international powers that she should be standing up to. Even if she isn’t some Russian shill, she should be standing up to Putin in a resolute manner that she is failing to do here, and kind of always.

                  In a very kind reading of Jill Stein, if she wants to take a more diplomatic approach to eastern powers, she needs to learn how to stand up to them. She’s a poor choice just because of how incredibly weak she is in her positions and diplomacy.

      • @[email protected]
        -145 hours ago

        Yeah she explicitly said “yes” multiple times. I don’t like her, but this is garbage.

        • @dogslayeggs
          144 hours ago

          Because with the other 4 world leaders she said a simple, “yes.” Every single time she was asked about Putin it was either a “yes…” followed by a qualification or a hedged answer that wasn’t a yes.

        • Cadeillac
          4 hours ago

          Unless she can say the words ‘Putin is a war criminal’ she is avoiding the question. “In so many words” is not a yes. I understand she follows with yes he is, but why can’t she just say yes, Putin is a war criminal?

        • EleventhHour
          5 hours ago

          I’m not so sure. I think that I’d need to hear/see the interview to know the tone/context.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      6 hours ago

      Jill Stein: So what we said about Putin was that his invasion of Ukraine is a criminal and murderous war.

      Mehdi Hasan: And he’s a war criminal who should be on trial?

      Jill Stein: Well, by implication.

      Mehdi Hasan: You’re struggling here to say something very simple. This is why people have their doubts about you with Russia. Why is Benjamin Netanyahu a war criminal but not Vladimir Putin?


      What does “by implication” mean to Hasan?

      Jill Stein: Yeah. Well, let me say this. We are sponsoring that war. We are sponsoring Netanyahu. He is our dog in this fight. That is why we have a responsibility to pull him back.

      Mehdi Hasan: No disagreement from me at all. It still doesn’t answer my question. Whether we sponsor them or not is irrelevant.

      Jill Stein: With Russia it’s far more complicated.

      Mehdi Hasan: Either you’re a war criminal or you’re not. Is Vladimir Putin a war criminal?

      Jill Stein: In so many words, yes he is.

      So they’re in agreement. Right?

      Mehdi Hasan: I don’t know “what so many words” — Butch [Ware, Stein’s running mate], is Vladimir Putin a war criminal?

      Jill Stein: Let me say that whatever you think he is —

      Mehdi Hasan: It’s not about what I think. I’m asking you. You’re running for President.

      Jill Stein: If you want to pull him back, if you are a world leader, you don’t begin your conversation by calling someone a war criminal unless you have a…

      Mehdi Hasan: So why have you called Biden and Netanyahu war criminals?

      Jill Stein: Because we have a clear strategy and we have very strong support across the world.

      Is Hasan trying to defend Biden and Netanyahu?

      Because Jill Stein repeatedly agreed with Hasan on Putin being a war criminal. But Hasan keeps doubling back and trying to defend the American President and his Israeli ally from the accusation.

      • @Rekhyt
        6 hours ago

        The problem is this: regarding Netanyahu she says “Well he is very clearly a war criminal.” Regarding Putin she says “With Russia it’s far more complicated” and “In so many words, yes.” She’s hedging out of calling Putin a war criminal directly so she can plausibly deny it. She will agree with general statements saying he could be a war criminal under those circumstances but she won’t say it directly so she can go “Oh no, Hasan called him a war criminal, I didn’t, I just agreed that if all of those things were true then he could be considered a war criminal!”

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          -245 hours ago

          She’s hedging out of calling Putin a war criminal

          “In so many words, yes.”

          Hasan won’t take “yes” for an answer. Which is a weird thing to do, given that he keeps looping back around to attack her for her condemnation of Biden and Netanyahu.

          She will agree with general statements saying he could be a war criminal under those circumstances

          Under what circumstances is Hasan conceding that Netanyahu is a war criminal? All he does is deflect blame for war crimes away from Netanyahu, which is a really weird thing to do across multiple interview questions.

          she won’t say it directly

          She will and she did. Of course, Hasan keeps cutting her responses off to interject with new defenses of Netanyahu. Which is, again, a very weird way to establish Jill as a Putin-defender. It seems more like Hasan is hedging on Netanyahu and trying to back Jill into recanting her views on Israel.

          • Cadeillac
            114 hours ago

            Say weird some more. We aren’t going to be desensitized to it. The right will still be fucking weird

            • @UnderpantsWeevil
              -154 hours ago

              Say weird some more.

              It looks like you’re being forced to notice the contradictions at last.

              • Cadeillac
                44 hours ago

                Oooooooh got 'imm!!!1!

          • @njm1314
            155 hours ago

            I think it’d be easier to take yes for an answer if she said the word yes. And frankly I question why someone can’t use the word yes if it’s such a clear yes

            • @UnderpantsWeevil
              -165 hours ago

              I think it’d be easier to take yes for an answer if she said the word yes.

              She said the word yes.

              • @TheFonz
                93 hours ago

                How come she can give a clear yes for Biden but Putis it has to be surrounded by a million qualifiers? Multiple times.

                We all watched the interview. What are you trying to prove.

              • Cadeillac
                194 hours ago

                In so many words, yes she did. Wait, why does a clear yes have so many words?

                • @cogman
                  64 hours ago

                  Well, if we prove her quotes accurate we can surmise that she may have said yes, with further investigation. But I’ll tell you, once we get to the bottom of our deep investigation we will find that she may possibly believe putin might be a war criminal given the current political climate of the UN and the ongoing hostilities in nations. After all, we need to address the issue of tariffs in china.

              • @njm1314
                44 hours ago

                Yes she never said yes.

        • @[email protected]
          -56 hours ago

          I think her point is moreso that we’re actively funding and giving arms to Isreal to carry out these crimes, therefore we have more power to state things in that way from a geopolitical standpoint.

      • Flying SquidOP
        236 hours ago

        Is Hasan trying to defend Biden and Netanyahu?

        Almost the very beginning of the interview:

        Mehdi Hasan: So you called Netanyahu one, which I think he is.

        Unlike Jill Stein, he has no problem calling a war criminal a war criminal. But I am sure that, unlike Putin, Jill Stein would have no problem calling Joe Biden a war criminal immediately.

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          -235 hours ago

          Unlike Jill Stein, he has no problem calling a war criminal a war criminal.

          Who does he call a war criminal in the interview?

          • Flying SquidOP
            235 hours ago

            You asked if he was trying to defend Netanyahu.

            I literally quoted him calling Netanyahu a war criminal. At the beginning of the interview you apparently didn’t read.

            And now you’re doubling down on it? Really?

            • @[email protected]
              03 hours ago

              To get pedantic, which seems fair considering the context of the exchange, he never said “Netanyahu is a war criminal” he simply said “I think he is” which doesn’t seem all too different from her saying “Yes … by implication.” The interviewer didn’t seem to think her answer was satisfactory, but his response was pretty much equivalent to her own.

              • ℍ𝕂-𝟞𝟝
                31 hour ago

                Yes, but he was not being interviewed. The thing everyone is hung up about is that Stein’s answer about Putin did not match her answer on Netanyahu or Biden.

              • Flying SquidOP
                53 hours ago

                Sure, but add the other things he said.

                There was also this exchange:

                Mehdi Hasan: Oh, so Putin clearly isn’t a war criminal?

                Jill Stein: Well, we don’t have a decision, put it this way, by the International Criminal Court.

                Mehdi Hasan: Yes, we do. Yes, actually, actually, you’re wrong. There’s an arrest warrant for Putin and there isn’t an arrest warrant for Netanyahu, so why is Putin not a war criminal, but Netanyahu is?

                Jill Stein: Yeah. Well, let me say this. We are sponsoring that war. We are sponsoring Netanyahu. He is our dog in this fight. That is why we have a responsibility to pull him back.

                Mehdi Hasan: No disagreement from me at all. It still doesn’t answer my question. Whether we sponsor them or not is irrelevant.

                The real difference here is that Mehdi Hassan was saying “yes” and Jill Stein was saying “yes, but…”

            • @UnderpantsWeevil
              -215 hours ago

              You asked if he was trying to defend Netanyahu.

              Mehdi Hasan: So why have you called Biden and Netanyahu war criminals?

              Why keep raising this question? Why not focus on Putin alone? Why does Hasan need to inject Biden into this conversation?

              And now you’re doubling down on it?

              I’m asking questions. You don’t seem comfortable thinking about the answers?

              • Flying SquidOP
                205 hours ago

                Irrelevant. You asked if he was trying to defend Netanyahu and he literally called him a war criminal at the top.

                If you had read the interview, you would have known that. So either you didn’t read it or you were being dishonest.

                • @UnderpantsWeevil
                  -175 hours ago


                  That’s what Mehdi Hasan is asserting, which is weird when you consider how Netanyahu and Putin are allies.

                  Why keep putting up this defense of Netanyahu if you’re so focused on getting Jill to denounce Putin? Why does Israel become this backdoor by which you can tacitly trade weapons and fossil fuels internationally?

                  If you had read the interview, you would have known that.

                  Have you read the interview? You don’t seem to want to acknowledge anything Hasan has actually said.

      • @[email protected]
        6 hours ago

        Mehdi Hasan: So you called Netanyahu one [a war criminal], which I think he is.

        Yeah, he’s really trying to defend them. Sure…

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          -225 hours ago

          He’s telling Jill what she said about Netanyahu, but he doesn’t seem to agree. He keeps doubling back and insisting she needs to condemn Putin (which she then does) and using that as a shield for Netanyahu in follow-up.

          • @dogslayeggs
            94 hours ago

            Mehdi Hasan: So you called Netanyahu one, which I think he is.

            That’s all you need to read. If you are unable to read that one simple sentence, you are too stupid to even have a real conversation here. If you refuse to read that one simple sentence, then you are intentionally trying not to have a real conversation here.

            • @UnderpantsWeevil
              -134 hours ago

              That’s all you need to read.

              The fact that you think this tells me you’re utterly insincere.

          • Flying SquidOP
            195 hours ago

            Jill Stein: Yeah. Well, let me say this. We are sponsoring that war. We are sponsoring Netanyahu. He is our dog in this fight. That is why we have a responsibility to pull him back.

            Mehdi Hasan: No disagreement from me at all.

            Jesus, why are you lying about this when everyone can read the interview?

              • Cadeillac
                114 hours ago

                By your same logic, Stein didn’t call Putin a war criminal

                • queermunist she/her
                  -42 hours ago

                  That’s what I’m seeing.

                  If we apply equal standards to both of them, then Hasan didn’t call Netanyahu a war criminal and Stein didn’t call Putin a war criminal. They both do this weird word dance around the topic.

                  They’re both really frustrating here.

                • @UnderpantsWeevil
                  -114 hours ago

                  She agreed that he was a criminal when asked.

                  Hasan then pivoted to complaining about Jill calling Biden and Netanyahu criminals, while asserting our sponsorship of Israel isn’t relevant to the question of war criminality.

              • Flying SquidOP
                135 hours ago

                Dude, you said he didn’t agree with her when he literally agreed with her.

                Stop lying.

  • @[email protected]
    125 hours ago

    I guess the team running Monks account hasn’t woken up yet. A post about his heroine, and they haven’t said anything lol

  • @[email protected]
    -153 hours ago

    If the propaganda is now directly targeting third parties it means that they are becoming popular enough to threat red and blue

    • Flying SquidOP
      143 hours ago

      Do explain how Medhi Hasan is “the propaganda.” He doesn’t even work for any major media company. He founded his own company.

      • @vxx
        113 hours ago

        He’s wrong anyway, the green party isn’t a threat to any of the parties, but it’s designed to shape off 1-3% off the democratic vote to help republicans.

        • @FlexibleToast
          3 hours ago

          You said it’s not a threat and then gave a reason it is actually a threat.

          • Cadeillac
            3 hours ago

            they are becoming popular enough to threat red and blue

            Context clues

            it’s designed to

            Doesn’t mean it works

          • @TrickDacy
            22 hours ago

            That was a different commenter…?

            • @FlexibleToast
              -246 minutes ago

              No, that commenter literally said they’re not a threat and then gave the exact reason the green party is a threat to democrats.

              • Cadeillac
                236 minutes ago

                A threat is viable. They are not

      • @[email protected]
        -83 hours ago

        Flying Squid you have been around here for enough time to know what propaganda is so don’t play the fool. There’s clearly a bias in which news get posted and reach the frontpage and that’s a direct and indirect result of the propaganda. How many news about third parties did you post up to a month ago?

        • Flying SquidOP
          102 hours ago

          The “bias” on Lemmy is that people use their personal biases to post an article they feel is interesting. If other people agree, they upvote it.

          There’s no propaganda there. Lemmy just isn’t designed to cater to you personally.

          • @[email protected]
            -72 hours ago

            There’s no propaganda there.

            The fediverse has grown enough to draw biggest corporations in the world attention. Expect propaganda to be here too and expect people to repost here propaganda they get from other websites. I wonder where you got this news from.

            • Flying SquidOP
              13 minutes ago

              As a mod constantly dealing with spammers, I can tell you that that’s just a silly assertion.

    • @TrickDacy
      62 hours ago

      So then she indeed did call him a war criminal on the record? You can’t pretend that doesn’t matter and expect any respect

      • @[email protected]
        -52 hours ago

        Current president of usa has probably more pictures shaking hands and being friendly with putin than this person does. Politicians are all rigged and corrupted. I’m highlighting that news about third parties suddenly pooped out of nowhere and that it’s most likely propaganda

        • @TrickDacy
          52 hours ago

          Hmm, dodged successfully I suppose you think.

        • Cadeillac
          31 hour ago


          How do you expect me to take you seriously when you are using toilet humor smhmyhead

  • @blazera
    -34 hours ago

    Mehdi Hasan: Vladimir Putin is a war criminal?

    Jill Stein: Yes, we did condemn —

    Yall are deranged

      • @blazera
        16 minutes ago

        Yeah i see 6 or 7 more times of her agreeing hes a war criminal.

    • @TheFonz
      163 hours ago

      Give the full exchange. I watched the full interview. She said “we condemn his actions”. She never could in a full sentence condemn him. It’s gotta be loaded with qualifiers, and even THEN nothing of value comes out of her mouth. It shouldn’t be like pulling teeth. It’s a simple yes/no.

        • @TheFonz
          024 minutes ago

          Wrong. Her answer is ‘yes’ followed by a million qualifiers. Because for sugar daddy Putin we need to use the softest padded gloves. We’re not stupid. The ruse is up.

        • @[email protected]
          113 hours ago

          She was asked several times before giving a yes or no answer, despite giving one immediately for Netanyahu

          • @blazera
            02 minutes ago

            Literally the first word out of her mouth when asked the first time if hes a war criminal. This is incredible levels of lying.

      • @blazera
        04 minutes ago

        You are responding to a quote of her saying yes and condemning him, and getting interrupted by a bully.

        • @TheFonz
          12 minutes ago

          Saying yes then loading it with ten thousand qualifiers is not a clear yes. Nice try though.

    • @lennybird
      3 hours ago

      Mehdi Hasan: And he’s a war criminal who should be on trial?

      Jill Stein: Well, by implication.

      Mehdi Hasan: You’re struggling here to say something very simple. This is why people have their doubts about you with Russia. Why is Benjamin Netanyahu a war criminal but not Vladimir Putin?

      Jill Stein: Well, as John F. Kennedy said, “We must not negotiate out of fear and we must not fear to negotiate.” So if you want to be an effective world leader, you don’t start by name calling and hurling out that.

      Mehdi Hasan: So how will President Stein negotiate with Israel then, if you’ve called Netanyahu a war criminal?

      Jill Stein: Well, because he very clearly is a war criminal.

      Mehdi Hasan: Oh, so Putin clearly isn’t a war criminal?

      Jill Stein: Well, we don’t have a decision, put it this way, by the International Criminal Court.

      Mehdi Hasan: Yes, we do. Yes, actually, actually, you’re wrong. There’s an arrest warrant for Putin and there isn’t an arrest warrant for Netanyahu, so why is Putin not a war criminal, but Netanyahu is?

      Anyone remotely supporting Stein is either as ignorant as she is (claimed there were 600 members of Congress LOL), or drinking Russian vodka.

      This is also just the Chef’s Kiss in terms of having of all people Mehdi Hasan take down Stein.

    • JoYo
      -93 hours ago

      lol right? when she finally gets to complete her sentence she fully says she condemns Putin. what do y’all want, a complete obliteration of nuance? get the fuck out of here with your purity tests.

    • @[email protected]
      -84 hours ago

      We have truly all gone off the deep end. Truth isn’t truth, facts don’t matter, we’re all arguing for what should be completely obvious and nobody is actually listening to the other person.

  • @[email protected]
    4 hours ago

    Every president of USA is a war criminal. I don’t see anybody pressing harris/trump on that issue. Probably because they’re war criminals themselves… Life inside the imperial core…

    • @[email protected]
      174 hours ago

      Plenty of people call US presidents war criminals. That’s not what this article is about though. It’s about a different war criminal. What’s the point of bringing up an entirely different topic?

      • Flying SquidOP
        123 hours ago

        On top of that, Hasan agreed with Stein when she said, “We are sponsoring that war. We are sponsoring Netanyahu. He is our dog in this fight. That is why we have a responsibility to pull him back.”