I guess he thinks he’s one upping Harris or something? Weird.

    • @Treczoks
      259 minutes ago

      Well, we all know already that he is cheap, bad, tasteless, and overly salty.

  • @[email protected]
    32 hours ago

    You know it’s not real because there’s no machines beeping loudly in his ear because a car was in the drivethru for >16 seconds, or manager screaming “Hurry the hell up where are those large fries!?!” or people throwing crap at him for tiktok cred.

  • @Snapz
    103 hours ago

    Dress him up in a fireman hat, let him honk a truck horn, unwrap and rewrap a cheeseburger at a closed restaurant.

    Grandpa is all gone

    • @[email protected]
      41 hour ago

      It was a closed restaurant? So that’s why.

      I was wondering why McD HQ hadn’t thrown a fit when AgentOrange got to serve actual people actual food in an actual McDonald’s. I mean the rumors about his personal hygiene would indicate that the restaurant didn’t live up to the McDonald’s hygienic standards.

      You can say what you want about their food, but the hygiene at McDonald’s is impeccable 9.9 times out of 10. So having an unwashed civilian, without training, serving innocent civilians just seemed strange.

  • @Nuke_the_whales
    2 hours ago


    -old man yelling at America

  • @RampantParanoia2365
    104 hours ago

    One of my great regrets from this past year or so was not coming up with a Ronald McDonald meme for DeSantis and Trump.

  • @psycho_driver
    2 hours ago

    Not gonna lie. If he stays and works a 40 hour week I’ll be impressed. Maybe that’s a bucket list item for him.

  • @JeeBaiChow
    5 hours ago

    He looks tired in the photo. And sad

    Tired. SAD!


  • @Suavevillain
    257 hours ago

    This is one for the history books that people won’t believe is real lol.

    • @yemmly
      33 hours ago

      They won’t believe any of it was real.

        • @psycho_driver
          22 hours ago

          None of it should be. One of the developers of our artificial reality went rogue a while back.

  • @[email protected]
    879 hours ago

    Trump has repeatedly accused his Democratic opponent of lying about working at McDonald’s, in large part because the job wasn’t listed on her later resume for a legal job.

    This man doesn’t know how resumes or jobs work.

    • JustEnoughDucks
      103 hours ago

      He also couldn’t get hired at McDonalds for real.

      They don’t hire convicted felons IIRC.

      • @psycho_driver
        2 hours ago

        If that’s really in their hiring policy I hope there’s a class action lawsuit against McD’s for all felons they’ve turned down for jobs in the recent past and then allowing Trump to work there.

  • @WoahWoah
    7 hours ago

    He’s really fixated on the Harris/McDonald’s thing. I honestly think with his cognitive decline, he can’t comfortably conceive something he loves and something he hates overlapping like this. I know that sounds insane, but let’s remember who we’re talking about.

    He mentions it all the time.

    • @[email protected]
      33 hours ago

      I’m also expecting him to start talking about Biden’s dick, given how much he desperately wants Biden back as his opponent along with constantly talking about people’s “schlongs”.

  • Optional
    619 hours ago

    A group of Republicans and conservatives who have consistently opposed Trump, called the Lincoln Project, also added, “Good practice for his next job in the prison kitchen.”

    Well, dayam.

  • Rhaedas
    6111 hours ago

    I feel bad for the workers there. You see so many examples in the past of people meeting the President in “normal” situations and how it’s an experience of a lifetime to remember. I guess this still will be something to remember, but not in the way others have been.

    “I once helped this old guy through a shift in fast food.”

    “Yeah, how was that?”

    “Terrible. He couldn’t understand basic stuff like cooking fries. I had to help him do everything. Oh, he was a former President too.”

    I doubt even a few years ago when Carter was still building houses for people, no one had to walk him through stuff even more complex than cooking fries. Granted he’s had experience working for decades. Can you imagine Trump with a hammer or a power tool?

    • @dellish
      127 hours ago

      I’d love to see Trump use a power tool. As soon as he scratches his head with a nailgun all our problems will be over.

    • @just_another_personOP
      4711 hours ago

      Totally. He’s mocking them on a number of different levels, and it’s extra fucked up:

      • he’s been wealthy his entire life and never worked a job
      • he’s doing this to mock Harris
      • it’s not an actual representation of all the bullshit and hard work the people working there have to deal with
      • it’s a campaign stunt
      • he’s probably never even ordered in an actual McDonald’s before
      • he has absolutely no clue what those people get paid
      • those workers won’t even be eligible for the “no tax on tips” bullshit he’s trying to win people over with

      There’s like a dozen more I could pick out, but these are just the most egregious.

        • @just_another_personOP
          1810 hours ago

          Of course. They’re all staged. His barbershop bullshit last week was the same thing.

          • @Myxomatosis
            10 hours ago

            It’s so disrespectful to working class people. Of course most Americans won’t realize this.

            • Em Adespoton
              35 hours ago

              Over half will. Of those, some will overlook it focusing instead on the perceived intent (“he’s trying to be like one of us”). The rest will vote for someone else.

      • Rhaedas
        1810 hours ago

        it’s not an actual representation of all the bullshit and hard work the people working there have to deal with

        This is the one thing from the list I think many* people don’t understand. Unless you’ve worked in some sort of retail environment, it’s hard to relate to the shitshow they can be.

        *I say many because I have no idea how many people have had a touch of the wonderful world of retail. Maybe a lot have, and some people just are assholes anyway afterwards.

        • @dexa_scantron
          68 hours ago

          One out of eight Americans have worked at McDonald’s, so that’s quite a lot.

        • @just_another_personOP
          1410 hours ago

          If you’ve ever seen someone like a reality TV personality or aging pop star try to start a restaurant, this is that exact same thing. There’s always some SUPER awkward PR footage of these folks working someone else’s job at this new business and trying to show they understand it. They have zero fucking clue. Most recent I can think of was the Eminem fried chicken restaurant he started. So bad.