• sp3ctr4l
    1793 months ago

    Hey, anybody remember 12ish years ago when Alex Jones’ worst fear was that Obama was going to use executive power to order the military to be deployed on American soil, violating Posse Comitatus, to massively round up and inter a bunch of Americans in FEMA reducation / death camps?


    No one?

    Whoo boy, growing up in a fundamentalist Christian household where I was the only one to go to college and everyone else became a Q Anon zombie sure was fuuuunnnnn!

    • @Machinist
      263 months ago

      Damn. I feel you. I wrote mine a cease and desist and moved 700mi.

      • sp3ctr4l
        3 months ago

        I successfully ghosted mine to the point that they probably think I am dead.

        Also moved many hundreds of miles away lol.

        • @lolrightythen
          63 months ago

          You read well enough to create a chosen family. Best of luck!

    • @Lost_My_Mind
      73 months ago

      I don’t remember that actually. I’m not saying he didn’t say those things. I’m just saying that I never listened to a word that mouth breather said.

    • humble peat digger
      43 months ago

      I remember that. He would usually say martial law. I think national emergencies are different and invoked more often by both Dems and GOP. Could be wrong

    • @HootinNHollerin
      3 months ago

      Being from austin and listening to him on the radio way back while driving occasionally yea I member

    • @[email protected]
      23 months ago

      I guess if it was just illegal immigrants then it wouldn’t be Americans, so it wouldn’t be what they feared. But very close.

  • @GraniteM
    1113 months ago

    Drive through rural America and see how many underpopulated small towns there are. Shuttered businesses for lack of customers. Abandoned buildings. These places need people.

    • Ragdoll X
      3 months ago

      It’s kind of wild to me how many really small towns there are in the US. About 32% of towns in the U.S. have less than 500 residents.

      For comparison, here in Brazil I lived most of my life in a town with ~35K residents and it was already considered a small rural town. Some of my family lives in a neighboring town with ~11K residents, and even in my hometown people joke about how small it is, and that there’s basically nothing going on there. 1288 of towns in Brazil have less than 5K residents, or about 23.1%, and there are no towns with less than 500 residents. Meanwhile in the US 76% of towns have less than 5K residents.

      Again, it’s just kind of wild to me. I remember playing (reading?) the Echo VN and thinking “Man, a dying town with only 50 people? That doesn’t sound realistic,” but apparently that’s way more common than I thought.

      • @CarbonatedPastaSauce
        463 months ago

        My slightly educated guess would be that’s a consequence of America’s race westward in the 1800’s, only stopping long enough to annihilate the indigenous population and set up a rest stop for the next batch.

        • @Podunk
          343 months ago

          Railroads played big role. Trains needed more water or coal to run the engine. So every 15 to 20 miles or so, depending on terrain, a water depot was erected, and there a new town popped up. Some survived. Some didnt. Few are thriving. Just pull up a map and follow a rail line in the great plains region of the usa. Then just measure it out. Its impossible to miss once you notice it.

          • Boomer Humor Doomergod
            73 months ago

            The same thing happened again when they built the interstates. Pixar made a documentary about it with talking cars.

        • @AA5B
          133 months ago

          It’s more modern than that. I don’t have time to look for stats, but I believe there’s been general migration to cities for like half a century or more

          • @CarbonatedPastaSauce
            163 months ago

            Of course, but I’m talking about why all these little towns existed in the first place. It’s not like they were all bustling metropolises before everyone left. ;)

            • @[email protected]
              63 months ago

              A lot were busy manufacturing, mining, or farming towns.

              The mines run out or become unprofitable.

              The manufacturing has largely moved to out of the states, or been automated.

              And big farms and grocery stores have squeezed independent farmers out of everywhere but the farmers markets near rich cities.

            • @AA5B
              3 months ago

              The stereotype is always a coal mining town. There used to be a mine employing many people, but now it’s automated or the mine played out

              The town I grew up in was a bustling town with one dominant employer. When that employer moved out it left a big gap and an entire generation of younger people moved away

              The town my father grew up in was never bustling. However it was a significant center of a rural area with many family farms. By the time I was growing up, those farms were no longer economical, so people moved away and there’s no need for a population center

              A small town I used to visit all the time was once a bustling tourist town, but no one goes there anymore. It’s really just regional now, instead of the busy season drawing people from anywhere between Montreal and NYC. It’s probably cheap flying as much as anything else: who wants to vacation on a cold beach when you can hop a flight down south for the same cost

        • @[email protected]
          63 months ago

          Bingo, the town I went to school in had barely 500 people when the school which had taken over for two other closed schools kids. It’s even less now. My grade was the largest at 32 kids too. There were former “towns” dotted all over from the rush west where train tracks used to be. All gone now and just somewhere used for cow shelter in the winter. These towns were simply stops for railroad cars to result water on the route west. Once that wasn’t needed the slow march to 0 began. My nearest non family member was over 7 miles away. There is a lot of interior USA that is really sparsely populated and is really just returning to pre colonial eras of mainly giant farmland or grazing pastures.

      • @WordBox
        93 months ago

        We also have “towns” that are insufficient in size and unlisted or are under another towns “address”. A town near me has less than 1000 people and that includes the towns under it that are 3-5mi apart.

        • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
          23 months ago

          One of my friends lives in what used to be considered a town. Currently it has a population of like 10 people 4 of which are their family and another is one of their roommates. It is now part of the nearest town about 20 miles away and makes for some logistical novelties like mail delivery and school bus routes

    • @RememberTheApollo_
      333 months ago

      Funny thing is that even the immigrants are smart enough to know the shouldn’t settle in these places because they’re going down the toilet. But the locals? We’re being ignored! Save our useless town with no economic prospects, no educated workforce, and no infrastructure to support anything worthwhile! No, of course we won’t move!. …while they proceed to vote against any social policy that might help them or their future generations out of their trap.

      • Queen HawlSera
        3 months ago

        No, of course we won’t move

        Try “Can’t”

        I don’t know why you city slickers think packing up all your shit and moving into a new house in a new town is free, but it isn’t. We ARE being ignored, worse than that, we’re being left to die.

        You wanna get me outta the ruins of farmland? Send a bus to pick me up, make sure there’s a two month paid in advance hotel waiting for me when I get there, and have me a job waiting.

        • @RememberTheApollo_
          3 months ago

          Yeah. I get that. I’m actually super aware of the difficulty in upending your life and spending years making shit money with the hope it will get better. I’ve done it.

          But seeing as you “country bumpkins” (are we really doing lousy stereotypes?) constantly tell others to pick themselves up by their bootstraps while undercutting social programs as well I figure it was fair game. Y’know, the same people working jobs that minimum wage hasn’t kept up with for more than a decade but keep getting told those jobs aren’t supposed to support a living. No, of course you won’t move. No, you don’t want anything that might change the situation either. No, you won’t take advantage of loans or other assistance and upend your life to make a major change, because doing that sucks and is risky. But that thought process never applies to other people. Crabs in a bucket. Just reinstate some magical yesteryear that in reality pretty much sucked just as bad except for the part where mom still made dinners for you. Your comment is in a nutshell all of this. We won’t change, and fuck those fictional guys over there for taking advantage of a system that doesn’t actually exist.

          • Queen HawlSera
            43 months ago

            I’m actually in a blue county, rural blue areas exist. We know the Republicans wanna eat us, but we wanna know why the Democrats aren’t doing anything outside of barely keeping the wolves at bay.

            We’re not dumb, we know the Republicans will end social programs keeping us alive, but we all see the writing on the wall. We know that we will die here.

            • @RememberTheApollo_
              53 months ago

              I find it hard to disagree with anything you said. Having lived in towns small enough to make someone say “There’s a town here?” That is definitely the case.

        • @Goodmorningsunshine
          83 months ago

          But the rural parts are also extremely unwelcoming. I have a remote job and those places are typically beautiful and cheap. But it’s Trump country where everyone hates people of color, lgbtq, people of no religion, and anyone different. New money could be injected there plenty by the openness of digital work, but who wants to go be surrounded by hate and Trump supporters?

          Sorry, not generalizing about you specifically, but the areas for sure.

          • Boomer Humor Doomergod
            33 months ago

            This is why I want to move out to the country to not have to interact with anyone. Acres of land and not another soul in sight is the way.

            • @Goodmorningsunshine
              63 months ago

              I mean, I did too, but Texas was so batshit being in a blue county didn’t help much.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          Fwiw (I sure hope this is not an empty platitude), as a trans woman who’d love to be able to feel safe outside of cities in blue states, who very much knows and experienced that it’s not free:

          You’re absolutely right.

          I read this back early 2016, been reeling from it ever since: https://morecrows.wordpress.com/2016/05/10/unnecessariat/

          We have been divided by the american mythos of “pinko city slicker vs rugged indvidualist rednecks” and the truth is it’s all so the boss can take the whole plate of cookies, while scapegoating your brown/queer/whatever co-worker “He’s gonna eat your cookie”

          I refuse, at least for my inner child anyway, to surrender the love I have for my fellow common person, regardless of where you’re from. Sweeping generalization.

          There’s lots of blame to go around. Big Pharma, Politicians, the way in which the midwest and south’s entire economies that were always built on the idea of very high capital using extractive methods to get resources out of the land either cotton or mining or oil or water or agri business, those economies always depend on a few people with a lot of money, and then a whole bunch of people who are poor.

          I blame them, not you. I see you. We are not alone. There has got to be a better way.

      • @Olgratin_Magmatoe
        93 months ago

        Tack on the attempts to maintain high/high quality amenities in sparsely populated, low tax revenue areas, and you have a nice fat deficit for your small town compounding that problem.

    • circuitfarmer
      213 months ago

      Don’t worry. This isn’t the only Trump plan that will tank the economy. I just wish the rest of us didn’t have to suffer because of all those idiots not paying attention.

    • @Lost_My_Mind
      183 months ago

      The east coast is densely populated. California and large areas of the west coast is densely populated.

      But Ohio to the Rockies? Uhhhh…there’s corn. We got corn. Do you like corn?

      Yeah. There’s a reason nobody can name anything in Nebraska. Nobodys ever been there. Not even sure they have corn there.

      • Cousin Mose
        83 months ago

        I’m from Iowa and have been through Nebraska (no one stops in Nebraska) and I’m here to report: yes, they do have corn there.

      • @TehWorld
        73 months ago

        The east coast has more big cities than those other places, but there are still. HUGE number of teeny-tiny dying towns all up and down the eastern seaboard.

        • Boomer Humor Doomergod
          43 months ago

          You can find these places less than a hundred miles from NYC. Just drive to Scranton, go south on I-81, and get off at any exit.

    • @captainlezbian
      133 months ago

      Yeah but they don’t want those people. Now who are those people they don’t want? Brown people, black people, queer people, woke people, educated people, different people…

      • @jg1i
        53 months ago

        Yes, or nearby. They’re the ones working the farms.

  • @Sanctus
    943 months ago

    We tried this before and it sucked then, too.

    • @danc4498
      -523 months ago

      For whom? The people being deported? Or for the overall effectiveness of the plan?

      • @Sanctus
        893 months ago

        I’m pretty sure there was a damaging mass deportation during the Great Depression that deported mostly american citizens to Mexico.

          • @Sanctus
            323 months ago

            The Dark Ages truly are still here

            • @TexasDrunk
              153 months ago

              Maybe that’s his plan. He doesn’t like the prenup and wants to marry that ghoul Loomer so he’s doing this to get her deported and the marriage annulled. Then he’ll use government money to put on a huge wedding and try to have a baby immediately. Everyone knows if you’re president when you have a kid the government is on the hook for support. Unlimited money!!!

              It’s 12-D chess!!!1!

              • @CarbonatedPastaSauce
                93 months ago

                I seriously doubt Diaper Don even knows the rules to regular chess.

                • @TexasDrunk
                  113 months ago

                  Spoken like a person who doesn’t even know how to get their kid unlimited money. You’re just mad that you can’t marry that perfect ball of plastic surgery and hatred.

          • @[email protected]
            43 months ago

            I checked and it seems the one during Great Depression where it was 60% American was a different operation. Operation Wetback was 1954 and it says “some US citizens were deported” but doesn’t give numbers or percentages. For the Great Depression one it says

            According to historian Francisco Balderrama, the U.S. deported over 1 million Mexican nationals, 60 percent of whom were U.S. citizens of Mexican descent, during the 1930s.

          • @[email protected]
            13 months ago

            The program became a contentious issue in Mexico–United States relations, even though it originated from a request by the Mexican government to stop the illegal entry of Mexican laborers into the United States.


        • Rhaedas
          223 months ago

          Correct, in the 1930s, I saw someone post about it recently. I don’t know the motivation then, but the tactic will be used this time to target any group. Maybe even used for “other activities” when deportation becomes logistically difficult.

        • @[email protected]
          53 months ago

          According to historian Francisco Balderrama, the U.S. deported over 1 million Mexican nationals, 60 percent of whom were U.S. citizens of Mexican descent, during the 1930s.

          Well that went well

        • @danc4498
          23 months ago

          I feel like to the people doing the deporting this time, they wouldn’t care. The point is to be damaging.

      • @UnderpantsWeevil
        353 months ago


        The Wilson/Coolidge Era was nightmarish for immigrants, with a host of laws targeting East Asian migrants and displacing uncountable numbers of industrial workers particularly along the West Coast.

        Eisenhower’s Operation Wetback set off a wave of police terror along the Gulf Coast, crippled the agricultural economy, and killed hundreds of migrants forced into transit.

        The current border policy funnels hundreds of thousands of migrants through an inhospitality Texas/Arizona desert region that’s killed around 10k-50k people in the last decade.

        None of it actually curbs immigration. It all just becomes a black market affair, affording employers a tool to depress wages and cartels an opportunity to press-gang border residents into cattle slavery.

        • Boomer Humor Doomergod
          93 months ago

          Eisenhower’s Operation Wetback

          Just in case you didn’t understand the motivation

          • @UnderpantsWeevil
            63 months ago

            Funneling migrants into the desert to die isn’t a bug, it’s a feature

  • @[email protected]
    773 months ago

    Yeah, we definitely need less people in this country. I’m sure it’ll help fill all the job vacancies and increase productivity and GDP.

    I will make sure to bring this up when any republicans complain that are so many vacancies because no one wants to work anymore.

    • I'll be on [email protected]
      303 months ago


      It doesn’t need to be a real problem, for them to make it one.

      The immigrant work force will still be there, they’ll just be put in camps and forced to work for nothing, while white working class people are sold the idea of “claiming back” “their” land, while the capitalists take it all over in their name (and never share any of the profits or benefits, of course, with a new scapegoat as for why as they need it).

    • Avid Amoeba
      3 months ago

      Strictly speaking of productivity without justifying Trump’s plan in any way - labor shortage increases productivity. Cheap labor decreases productivity. Expensive labor forces capitalists to invest in new equipment and training to be able to produce the same output with fewer labor hours. Simple example - fastening the same number of bolts using manual screwdrivers in more hands vs electric screwdrivers in fewer hands.

      Outside of that, removing a significant portion of the population at any one time would be significantly disruptive in many regards.

    • @[email protected]
      273 months ago

      This is step one to collapsing Social Security and Medicare.

      Knee cap all the funding from folks who never collect on it, then say, see? It’s collapsing earlier than we thought.

      • GHiLA
        123 months ago

        Illegals aren’t growing crops, prisons step in, now prisons are growing crops, now prisons are profiteering from growing crops, higher food prices despite the ““free”” labor as they have conflicts with farmers…

        messy messy messy situation

        Great if you own a prison, tho.

        • @CheeseNoodle
          43 months ago

          Isn’t this basically the start of how megacorps destroyed the agriculture industry in Cyberpunk?

    • GHiLA
      243 months ago

      If you lived in the 80’s, you know where you’re going with this.

      Prisons. Good old indentured servitude.

      Get ready for more jaywalking arrests.

      • Wren
        23 months ago


    • Bahnd Rollard
      183 months ago

      The funny part is that that is still likely less that a bus load of billionairs actually paying their taxes like the rest of us do.

    • @Goodmorningsunshine
      163 months ago

      Obviously the answer is to tax billionaires, but that’s never going to happen.

    • @TehWorld
      63 months ago

      Kids that aren’t even born yet (debt spending).

      • @ZeffSyde
        13 months ago

        I’m writing a story where children are immediately under a birth debt once they are born and its an entire generations dream to get out from under that debt.

  • @[email protected]
    653 months ago

    When again are americans using their right to bear arms to protect themselves against an authoritarian government? If you dont do it now never again use this argument for the second amendment.

    • @cultsuperstar
      283 months ago

      A lot of Americans don’t feel this is authoritarian and actually welcome it. They would love to have Trump as president for life.

      • @[email protected]
        53 months ago

        Yeah and that is one the reasons the argument is dumb. Fascists often are supported by big parts of the population. They arent going to be displaced by them. Especially in america

    • @[email protected]
      173 months ago

      If any of us actually find ourselves in that situation, it would be unwise to post about it on the internet, even if someone is calling you a phoney.

      Every post we make here is getting recorded by the NSA.

      • @teamevil
        23 months ago

        Plus the NSA knows the weapon supply stock of the US Armory and no matter how many rounds the avg “patriotic” gravy seal might have.

        Literally no way to stand up to the gear the US military has, our real hope is some how not letting trump purge the military to break the laws.

        • @[email protected]
          53 months ago

          ISIS and the Taliban stood up to America with worse. And no American soldiers agreed with the Taliban.

    • @Emerald
      3 months ago

      When again are americans using their right to bear arms to protect themselves against an authoritarian government?

      Our arms don’t exactly match theirs. The military has a lot more budget than citizens.

      • jackeryjoo
        163 months ago

        Right, which is why the whole 2nd amendment argument is silly in this day and age.

      • @[email protected]
        83 months ago

        Dude, if they didn’t rise up when the kids were cages during Trump’s first term then it is clear they are the brownshirts.

    • @clutchtwopointzero
      113 months ago

      If we go by the text, only “americans” have that right. Now, the important question is “what is an american”? What characterizes a “non-american” according to the founding fathers?

      • @Noodle07
        163 months ago

        White male wealthy supremacists?

        • @clutchtwopointzero
          3 months ago

          I don’t doubt that is how the current supreme court would interpret it. This approach of asking “how the founding fathers would think” results in exclusion of non-white citizens. On the other hand, lack of atandardized identification documents in the USA result in this mess.

          • @Lost_My_Mind
            43 months ago

            Are you under the impression that the founding fathers weren’t slave holders themselves?

          • @[email protected]
            43 months ago

            Also the definition of what the founding fathers had of white was extremely different. It was only people from Britain that were white. The English, Scottish, and Welsh. No one else. Not the Germans, Irish, or Swedes even.

        • @Lost_My_Mind
          63 months ago

          Dammit! Foiled by racists once again!

          …you’d think I’d put /s, but no.

      • @inv3r510n
        3 months ago

        The bill of rights applies to anyone standing on American soil regardless of if they are a citizen, a legal resident, a refugee, or even here “illegally”.

        They have the right to bear arms (per their states laws), they have the right to freedom of speech, assembly and religion, they have the right to due process and protection from unreasonable search and seizure. The constitution doesn’t distinguish citizens from non citizens when it comes to their rights.

        A lot of what trump says he’s gonna do isn’t possible unless the constitution gets suspended. Which is unlikely but not impossible.

  • atro_city
    593 months ago

    How are people going to be selected for deportation? This feels eerily like what Hitler started doing with Jews.

      • @[email protected]
        -323 months ago

        Well actually, folks tried to tell Harris stop supporting genocide or it’s Trump. You don’t blame voters, you blame the individual politician for not listening to the. Kamala is single handedly responsible for all of just as Hillary was.

        • @[email protected]
          243 months ago

          No. You blame the voters for taking fascism over an imperfect candidate. If you didnt vote for Harris you are to blame and deserve everything that is going to happen.

          • @[email protected]
            -113 months ago

            False. You blame Democrats for choosing it. You’re thinking about it the way THEY want you to think about it. Divisively.

            • Forbo
              33 months ago

              Blame the fucked electoral system that is completely flawed from a game theory perspective. Doesn’t matter the candidates, their positions, or which election cycle it is, the thing is buggy and broken as shit, and we’ve never bothered patching it.

        • @[email protected]
          113 months ago

          I absolutely blame some voters. Especially the ones who refused to vote for a female leader even though they didn’t like Trump. Especially the ones who refused to vote at all because neither candidate was “perfect”.

          I can slice it many ways, but none of those ways are, “Kamala is single handedly responsible”.

          • @[email protected]
            03 months ago

            When enough voters say end the genocide or bust, don’t be surprised when you bust after announcing continued support for genocide.

            Politicians need to learn to listen to voters. Do not blame voters for this trump presidentency, blame the DNC.

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              I blame the DNC plenty, but I don’t blame them solely. There are many, many people that deserve blame.

              Things aren’t black and white, they’re blurred lines of grey.

              • @[email protected]
                -23 months ago

                If the voters say they’re black and white it doesn’t matter. The politicians need to play ball, not the other way.

                • @[email protected]
                  3 months ago

                  Or we just need to guillotine the politicians.

                  I’m sick of playing a game to cater to them, they need to cater to us.

            • ObliviousEnlightenment
              23 months ago

              So youd rather the candidate whod worsen the genocide and do one here? Great logic that

                • ObliviousEnlightenment
                  23 months ago

                  Thanks for answering the question, excuse me if your position doesnt make a lick of sense. I would think harm reduction is a worthwhile goal if Gaza is such a travesty, but I guess nuking the whole place would be better apparently

          • John Richard
            -33 months ago

            No, it is your own ignorance as why you lost and while you’ll lose again in 4 years unless you sort yourself out and observe what happened. We tried telling you… and it was always, “c’mon just support the genocide, it’ll be worse if you don’t.” Then it drifted to… “Kamala and Joe don’t help fund genocide, it is the Republicans that make them do it. Kamala is trying to protect the Palestinians from being mass murdered.”

        • @[email protected]
          83 months ago

          She would’ve lost a ton of campaign funding if she did. It’s not that simple. Millionaire/billionaire interests also have a huge influence on the democratic party.

          If you want to blame someone, blame the ultra-rich. They are the ones that have eroded democracy.

          • @ChronosTriggerWarning
            93 months ago

            Or, i dunno, maybe the Republicans for going full fucking fascism? It’s always “Kamala this” or “DNC that” but it’s the REPUBLICANS THAT ARE THE FUCKING NAZIS. How is Kamala more responsible for Trump than Mitch McConnell…?

            • @[email protected]
              53 months ago

              Imo she’s not. But the Republican party is just a more blatant tool of the ultra-rich. They are the real enemy.

              • @ChronosTriggerWarning
                33 months ago

                No arguments from me. Wasn’t calling you out personally, just that rhetoric.

      • Boomer Humor Doomergod
        53 months ago

        People know all about the concentration camps, but the amount of slave labor used in Nazi Germany was massive. In addition to working in factories they literally brought slaves from the Eastern Front to work in German households as maids, and dressed it up like they were happy to be there.

    • @douglasg14b
      193 months ago

      It’s a pretext. And can expand to anyone the state doesn’t want around.

      Deportation doesn’t have to be immediate, you could end up in a cage indefinitely.

      Portland Oregon was a sneak preview of what Trump will do (Sending federal resources where they are explicitly not wanted, and kidnapping citizens)

    • @jg1i
      93 months ago


      Looks like they’re gonna strip citizenship from “terrorists, war criminals, sex offenders and other fraudsters who illegally obtained naturalization

      Whatever “fraudsters” means… Made a mistake on the citizen application? FRAUDSTER! DEPORTED! Do all of your documents have exactly the same name, middle name, and spelling? No?? IDENTITY THIEF! DEPORTED!

    • @Furbag
      63 months ago

      The incoming Trump administration doesn’t even know who they are planning to deport. The criteria right now could be literally anything from “these specific known individuals who are illegal aliens and also criminals” to “anyone Trump or ICE doesn’t like, including legal citizens who are political dissidents”.

      If there was ever a time to own a gun in America, now is that time. Protect yourselves, people. The no-knock raids are just around the corner.

    • @Treczoks
      13 months ago

      They start with a convenient group (immigrants, legal or not), and will proceed from there. Ask your history teacher about what happened in Germany after 1933, just replace the Jews with PoCs.

    • @Famko
      103 months ago

      I would’ve rather had it not be a dystopia, but silver lining and all that.

  • @Suavevillain
    393 months ago

    You can’t beat Trump’s brand of fascism with spineless morally flexible subservient people. People are going to have to fight back do what they can. Dems are already rolling over in advance and some are going to fight with what resources they have. It is going to be rough.

    • @[email protected]
      303 months ago

      The dems are the wimpy kids who internalized being nice to their bullies will somehow earn them respect and show they are the better people. In reality their abusers only hold them in even more contempt and spit at them at every turn.

  • frustrated_phagocytosis
    373 months ago

    Nothing cheaper than using the military, no siree. What’s the going rate for toilet seats at the Pentagon these days?

    • @yesman
      243 months ago

      The whole toilet seat thing is as misunderstood. If the Air force needs a new toilet seat for one of it’s jets, and that jet isn’t in production anymore, and you can’t just go to homedepot for aircraft parts, then you have to order a bespoke seat.

      Now setting up the tooling for an injection molded plastic seat, only to produce a limited run, maybe in the dozens, $10,000 per seat is a reasonable price.

      I’m sure the Pentagon buys toilet seats at the regular price. The interesting thing about Pentagon bathrooms is that it has double the number it needs because of segregation.

      • @InternetCitizen2
        83 months ago

        There also the fact that the government has to buy domestic as much as possible. Not to say they don’t use corruption to transfer wealth via those contracts.

    • Bakkoda
      83 months ago

      Wait till you see how much Boeing charges for soap dispensers

      • @T156
        23 months ago

        In fairness, they can’t just pop down to the hardware store and use one of those soap dispensers, since the changes in air pressure at altitude would cause them to leak all their contents or pop.

        The average dispenser is basically two one-way valves, and a flexible tube you compress to squeeze it out (or a bottle with a pump). Everything inside would be forced out by the lower air pressure.

        • BeardedBlaze
          13 months ago

          What planes are you flying on that aren’t pressurized?

          • @T156
            23 months ago

            Planes don’t maintain sea-level atmospheric pressure the whole time. That’s why your ears pop in-flight.

            • BeardedBlaze
              3 months ago

              They barely ever do. Only when landing to an airport at sea level. Upon take off, the cabin pressure is gradually increased until the regulatory 8000 ft, which is maintained majority of the flight.

              You experience the same pressure changes while driving in the mountains, with the good ol’ ear popping.

    • Noxy
      63 months ago

      $30k, about 50% more than hammers

      tho that’s in 1996 dollars

    • @[email protected]
      -333 months ago

      You can always quit meat! The “middlemen” eat more vegetation than you would directly.

      • @[email protected]
        293 months ago

        What is so fucked up is how incredibly ignorant and stupid Trump and his policymaker picks are… like when they talk about how the tarifs would skyrocket the prices of basic imported foods (foods that CANNOT be grown anywhere in the United States) their response was ‘maybe Americans shouldn’t be eating those foods’.

        This is fucking insane. I mean are they aware that the only place that coffee can be grown in the entirety of the United States is Hawaii? And I guarantee you, every single bit of coffee grown there will not be anywhere near enough to meet the demand that Americans have. What about chocolate? You like Chocolate? The overwhelming majority of chocolate in the world is grown in West Africa. But that is besides the point. There would be no chocolate for the average American as it would be simply too expensive. Most chocolate on the market today only contains a small bit of chocolate anyway, the other crap is just fat and sugar. After Trump does his tarifs it will be ALL fat and sugar and anything containing real chocolate will be an absolute luxury that no regular American will afford.

        I could go on forever. But I am sure you realize just how FUCKED people are going to be. And don’t think for one moment that it is going to be an exclusively American problem. I am a Canadian, but a shitload of food products here are also packaged and manufactured in the United States, meaning that the price those companies, like the Kraft-Heinz (which is the 2nd largest food manfucturer in the world) have to pay for their ingredients will mean that the price for everyone will go up, even if they don’t live in the United States.

        • @[email protected]
          203 months ago

          You’re absolutely right, I’m just worrying more about mass starvation than about coffee and chocolate. This is the practice run before climate change famine.

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            In Canada due to serious price gouging by supermarket retailers have been doing is resulting in MASSIVE food waste (people simply cannot buy the shit anymore, and what do they do? Just throw away tons upon tons of perfectly good food), and what is even more outrageous is that the price for some critical produce is actually so high that in some places there are cases of scurvy, which the company addresses as a big ‘so what? Here are some steps…’ as if it is the most normal thing in the world…

            The only time I ever heard of scurvy in my life was when I was reading history books about pirates and old-timey sea travel where long-voyages in times without refrigeration and lack of nutritional understanding meant that the food they ate was seriously lacking in most vitamins, so sailors would get diseases like scurvy that no one living on land could ever get… yet now we’re living in a time that where we are surrounded by vitamin enriched everything and people are getting that crap because they cannot afford it due to gouging and landlords wanting to bring back 19th century slum stuffing…

            • @[email protected]
              63 months ago

              Oh look at what you made me do, waste all this food.

              Due to all this waste I have no choice but to raise prices to compensate.

              The prices will continue to rise until morale improves.


        • @AnUnusualRelic
          53 months ago

          They’ll just create new farmland for previously unused parts of the US for coffee, chocolate, rice, avocados, bananas… In Alaska for example, there’s lots of empty land there. They’ve thought of everything.

          • @[email protected]
            43 months ago

            Trump will just draw, with sharpie, on a map, where food is grown and BAM that’s where it’s from now.

            • @bitchkat
              43 months ago

              In a few decades Alaska could be viable.

              • @[email protected]
                3 months ago

                You got me again! At first I was like ‘OK, how the FUCK is Alaska going to be good for Tropical… ooooooohhhhh shhhhhiiiiiitttt!’ and then I realized you meant climate change making it super warm.

  • @Wilzax
    353 months ago

    This move actually makes zero fucking sense. Having people in our country who are willing to work less money than the average citizen labor costs are low. That basically means more money for him and his oligarch buddies.

    He’s already won the election. He doesn’t have to keep posturing like this. And he’s not going to be elected again, so either he (hopefully) has no third term, or he’ll prevent the 2028 elections from being free and fair.

    My prediction is that nothing will actually come of this and he’s saying this to keep his approval rating high.

    Either that or he’s even more racist than he is greedy and self-centered

    • I'll be on [email protected]
      503 months ago

      He’s already won the election. He doesn’t have to keep posturing like this.

      That was never his end goal, and you’re naive to think otherwise.

      As for the rest, you’re missing a key step - to get them all “deported”, first they need to be rounded up, and put in camps (we already past this point a while back), and then since they’re already in camps, they might as well be put to work. For free (another point we’ve past). When they start dying off in big enough numbers for it to affect production, there will be another group marked for “deportation” and rounded up for their turn.

      This isn’t fascism’s first fucking rodeo, and it isn’t only now getting started, it has been in motion for a good while now.

    • @latenightnoir
      3 months ago

      Actually serves pretty well if one’s goal were to further destabilise things. People have already been convinced that illegal immigrants are to blame for all economic problems (even though it is easier to prove the extreme opposite through a cursory search on the internet), maybe if the downward slope is gentle enough, people won’t start doubting the efficacy of the initially applied solution. Maybe the point was to get them to the next level, get them angry at something else after everything is done with the false problem.

      I just don’t see Trump actually wanting what’s his version of “best” for the country. I think he’s on a power play, and the country’s just the kindling.

      Maybe I’m talking complete nonsense, but this feels like a… logical escalation. To what, I cannot fathom, although we’ve seen similar movements preclude Totalitarian/Authoritarian regime solidification periods before, where the desperate masses clung to the wrong solution.

      • @[email protected]
        193 months ago

        I just want to point out that declaring a state of emergency to “deal with” illegal immigrants will allow the construction of large camps all over the country where undesirables can be ‘concentrated’ for ‘processing’.

        After rounding up illegal immigrants, maybe they’ll invalidate the status of legal immigrants that knowingly employed, illegal immigrants. Or housed illegal immigrants. Or defended illegal immigrants. Of course these people will need to be detained in the same camps while it all gets processed.

        The condition of the camps won’t be great, maybe the detainees can work in specially approved facilities while immigration status gets processed, this will help alleviate the cost of camp maintenance and improve living conditions.

        Maybe the detainees can be rented out to local plantations to subsidize the cost of feeding them.

    • @Addv4
      73 months ago

      Later one. For sure.

    • @Goodmorningsunshine
      3 months ago

      He’s not going to deport what can easily be made into slave labor and he’s not going to need a third term if he even makes it all the way through his second without croaking, being 25th’d out by his own people or some nice defenestration. The point is to make sure Republicans/Russia never again leave office, not that Trump doesn’t.

    • @pjwestin
      -53 months ago

      “Well, what have you to say now, strawman I’ve been ranting about for the entire election cycle? Isn’t it odd that person I made up in my head to he mad at suddenly has nothing to say?”

      • @[email protected]
        173 months ago

        The person isnt made up though. Too many people calling themselves left didnt vote because the Democratic party isnt perfect. They ruined all chances to get a better candidate in the future

        • @pjwestin
          23 months ago

          I never heard a single person claim the parties were the same this election cycle, and I certainly didn’t hear anyone say they wouldn’t vote for Harris because, “the Democratic Party isn’t perfect.” I heard lots of people say things like, “I can’t vote for Harris because she’s supporting a genocide,” and while I believe they should have voted for her based upon harm reduction, I understand their perspective and I’m not going to reduce it to a false caricatures.

          • @inv3r510n
            23 months ago

            Harm reduction for who? The dems aren’t allies to anyone they pretend to be allies towards, all they care about is fundraising and protecting their corporate donors.

            Those Palestinians sure don’t feel “harm reduction”. Immigrants? The dems will also throw them under the bus. Trans people? Same thing. Women? They’ve had fifty fucking years to protect abortion but cynically fundraised off it instead.

            Fuck democrats and the vote blue no matter who idiots who support them. Y’all a bunch of easily manipulated fools.

            • @pjwestin
              03 months ago

              Buddy, if you’re take away from my comments here are that I’m a, “vote blue no matter who,” Democrat, you should go back to your high school and slap your English teacher, 'cause you apparently made it through without picking up any reading comprehension. For the record, you’re not wrong about the Democrats, but voting for someone who will neglect you over someone who will attack you is harm reduction. Voting for the party that will allow Israel to level the Gaza over the party that will allow Israel to level Gaza and annex the West Bank is harm reduction. Voting for the party that did nothing to protect Roe over the party that abolished it is harm reduction. Voting for the people who are soft of trans rights over the people putting bounties on trans people using the bathroom is harm reduction. That’s why it’s called harm reduction, not harm elimination.

              That doesn’t mean that the Democrats are good, or that you should always vote for them in every election, and I clearly sympathize with people who could not bring themselves to vote for them this election. It just means we would be better off if Trump wasn’t going to be President, and personally, I blame the Democratic party for that failure.

              • @inv3r510n
                13 months ago

                Republicans didn’t abolish roe. The scotus did. Maybe if democrats got their shit together they wouldn’t of lost not one but three scotus seats due to their own incompetence.

                RBG didn’t retire soon enough to give Obama the pick.

                Obama didn’t fight hard enough for his right to pick a successor to Scalia.

                Then they lost 2016 to trump because they ran an absolutely detestable candidate and ratfucked the primary so trump got to pick three justices - one to replace RBG (Amy coney barret) and one to replace Scalia (Neil gorsuch) and then kavanaugh to replace Kennedy who retired under trump.

                When republicans go low, democrats go cry in a corner and throw up their hands and say there’s nothing they can do, they tried nothing and they’re all out of ideas.

                Voting for democrats is delusional, not harm reduction. But whatever makes you feel better. Laughable that you somehow assume the democrats wouldn’t allow Israel to genocide the West Bank too. Both parties support the genocide wholeheartedly.

                • @pjwestin
                  13 months ago

                  Again, not wrong about the criticism of the Democrats, just what harm reduction is. Putting incompetent, weak-willed centrists in power over literal fascists is practically the definition of harm reduction. Again, that’s doesn’t mean I think Democrats are good. Amputation is better than dying of gangrene, but that doesn’t mean I think having your arm cut off is good.

                  (Also, yeah, Democrats wouldn’t let Israel annex the West Bank. That’s why Israeli politicians didn’t start talking openly about full annexation until Trump won. Democrats did allow illegal settlements to slowly take portions of the West Bank with little pushback, and that’s fucking despicable, but again, full annexation vs. illegal settlements is a perfect example of harm reduction.)

          • ObliviousEnlightenment
            13 months ago

            Does it matter bro? They sold out all the women and queers in America for a country that hates women and queers. (Im lgbt i can say that)

            • @pjwestin
              13 months ago

              OK, so if Harris had decided to roll back protections on the queer community, came out against gender affirming care, and started supporting, “pray the gay away,” shit, would you want straight people telling you to suck it up? Would you want them telling you that you’re a piece of shit if you don’t vote for her? That you’re stupid not to vote for her because Trump is worse? Having the emotional distance to make a cool, detached, “lesser evil,” argument is a position of privilege, and I don’t assume everyone shares it.

              • ObliviousEnlightenment
                13 months ago

                That would still be a poor comparison, itd affect queers here in America, not halfway across the world

                • @pjwestin
                  13 months ago

                  “This is a bad analogy; the people being harmed are far away, therefore it’s not as bad,” is one hell of a take.

            • @inv3r510n
              13 months ago

              Im a queer woman who “sold you out”. All of that tech that Israel’s using against the Palestinians in their genocide will be used against us next.

              I don’t give a fuck. Cry about it. Being out to brunch for four years when you should of been holding the dems accountable like you all promised the left (just this time we swear we’ll push them left after they get elected!) resulted in this outcome.

                • @inv3r510n
                  13 months ago

                  Given that RFK Jr wants to send the adhd people into camps I’ll probably end up in a concentration camp.

        • @inv3r510n
          23 months ago

          No, it’s not they “aren’t perfect”. It’s that they support a fucking genocide.

      • Queen HawlSera
        63 months ago

        What are you talking about, we had Jill Stein zombies up the ass who are oddly gone missing

        • @pjwestin
          3 months ago

          I’ve seen the person who posted this article, return2ozma, called a Russian troll account at least once a week since I joined Lemmy, so color me skeptical. Who knows, maybe you’re right, but if so, then you’re the instance that cried, “bot,” one too many times.

          Edit: Based on the original commenters edit, I think we solved the mystery of why all the, “bots,” suddenly disappeared.

        • @[email protected]
          43 months ago

          Why would Jill Stein voters keep talking about Jill Stein now on articles that have nothing to do with her? None of the people who voted for her swayed the election at all. It’s not like anyone here is happy Trump won – we all despise him. Third-party voters are in the same boat and doing the same thing as everyone else: figuring out how to survive or escape a country that just lost almost all its checks and balances.

        • John Richard
          3 months ago

          I’m not missing, not a zombie… some people cope easier with losing by pretending that antigenocide users are bots. I’m still here though amused that the Cheney-loving genocide supporters that lost still think they are morally and intellectually superior.

          • Queen HawlSera
            03 months ago

            The blood of those Trump will kill are on your hands, not mine stranger.

            • @inv3r510n
              03 months ago

              And the blood of all those Palestinians killed already by biden is on your hands.

                • @inv3r510n
                  13 months ago

                  Logically you can’t kill people twice. Do better, bot.

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              Your comment is abhorrent.

              Edit: You don’t know the person you’re talking to. They voted third party and it had no effect on the outcome of the election, yet you are here telling them that they share blame for the harm and death that is about to come to thousands of people at the hands of an authoritarian dictator that they did not vote for.

              That is not true and it is not okay. That is straight up abusive. Direct your anger elsewhere.

            • John Richard
              -53 months ago

              My hands are clean. I didn’t support a genocide candidate. Any blood will be on the hands of the Kamala campaign for praising a war criminal and saying that she’d continue paying tax dollars to Israel to massacre innocent civilians.

              • @Goodmorningsunshine
                63 months ago

                Lol Gaza is going to be straight annihilated under Trump and you’ll still somehow feel righteous.

                • John Richard
                  -13 months ago

                  Gaza was straight up annihilated under Biden and no I don’t feel righteous because it was still my country supporting it. I am proud to not have personally voted for a candidate that feels righteous supporting those doing the enslaving and genocide though. Your argument that people should vote for the plantation owner cause the other one will own more slaves isn’t appealing and clearly wasn’t a winning strategy. If you were concerned about slaves then you would have rejected the idea of owning plantations altogether.

              • Queen HawlSera
                33 months ago

                “You should have worked with the murderer to kill more people instead of taking a chance calling the cops!”

                I mean ACAB and all that, but damn

                • John Richard
                  -23 months ago

                  Ah yes the benevolent serial killer that is just expediting the ending of suffering. Kamala was just helping women and kids respawn so they could join back on Team America.

              • @Bytemeister
                23 months ago

                You didn’t support a genocide candidate, but you failed to prevent an outcome 100x worse. You claim to wash your hands of it, but you’re using bullshit as soap.

                • @inv3r510n
                  13 months ago

                  You can’t prove an outcome 100x worse because the future hasn’t happened yet.

                  With Biden’s behavior towards Russia post election, there’s no guarantee that Harris bringing us into WW3 wouldn’t be 100x worse.

                • John Richard
                  03 months ago

                  I didn’t fail to prevent anything. I’ve never been good at lying to myself and others by pretending that bullshit soap is high quality lavender soap. If you want me to sell lavender soap then give me lavender soap to sell.

          • @Bytemeister
            03 months ago

            The goal of the bots and trolls was to amplify a false comparison, and generate infighting in the anti-trump crowd. The fact that you still exist here is proof that it was money well spent.

            • John Richard
              -13 months ago

              So you believe absent bots and trolls that people would have been unified alongside Kamala on their support and commitment to genocide?

              • @Bytemeister
                13 months ago

                Sure. The goal of those bots and trolls was to smear Kamala and make it seem like she is the same choice as “get the job (genocide) done quickly” trump. There were lots of people saying “I can’t vote for Kamala because of Israel’s genocide” but I never ever heard a single fucking Republican say the same thing about trump. And now we have trump. Well done, dipshits.

                • @inv3r510n
                  03 months ago

                  Bullshit or you wouldn’t of lost an election in a landslide taking the senate and house with ya.

                  Liberal tears are so tasty. They can’t handle their shit ass genocidal candidate lost so they blame everybody but their shit ass candidate from a shit ass party for the loss.

      • @Donebrach
        3 months ago

        This place was rife with bots spreading Jill Stein and Claudia de La Cruz propaganda and all of them have completely vanished.

        • @pjwestin
          73 months ago

          Yeah, but was it, though? Or was it full of people making legitimate criticisms of the Democratic Party only to get accused of being bots or told they thought, “both sides,” were the same? Because I know which of these two things I’ve seen more of in the last year.

          • @inv3r510n
            13 months ago

            Honestly all the shitlib apologia reads like bot material to me. All the dnc talking points over and over and over. Zero self reflection for why Harris lost. It’s everyone else’s fault! Especially those who couldn’t stomach voting for a genocider! How dare they! /s

        • NιƙƙιDιɱҽʂ
          -23 months ago

          Maybe they were humans who’ve realized how dumb they were and ceased posting? One can hope, anyway…

          • John Richard
            -13 months ago

            Not sure about others, but I was banned from a lot of communities for daring to speak of the inconvenient truths about Kamala. It could just be that the procensorship fascist left banned them all because they didn’t fall in line with the establishment talking points.

            • NιƙƙιDιɱҽʂ
              3 months ago

              …What are the inconvenient truths?

              Edit: Ah, I just looked at your removed comments defending Nazis and shit. Don’t care, nevermind. Don’t bother responding, I’ve already blocked you.

              • John Richard
                3 months ago

                Yeah no you’re a liar and that is your modus operandi to claim anyone you want to silence is an antisemite Nazi supporter. I said it is illegal in the United States to beat people until they defecate. You do not get to be the judge, jury & executioner. You can’t claim to be against fascism while at the same time admitting you love the idea, just as long as it against people you don’t like. That thread devolved into people planning with details about how they would commit crimes, including advocating for murdering people, and encouraging people to do it… Some dad said they might but doesn’t want to go to jail, but who knows. Not sure why Lemmy is allowing people to promote and plan crime when it is against their ToS.

            • @inv3r510n
              13 months ago

              *pro fascist liberals

              The left are the ones holding dems accountable

    • @Lost_My_Mind
      -73 months ago

      …what? Did anyone ever say that Harris and trump were the same? I’m not sure I ever heard that…

      • @[email protected]
        83 months ago

        I’ve heard a lot of criticisms rephrased as “bOth SiDes sAMe” by the person with whom they were arguing.

        • ObliviousEnlightenment
          -13 months ago

          Usually because Palestine. I fucking swear if 7 million stayed home over Palestine…

          • @inv3r510n
            13 months ago

            Cry about it. That’s what you get for being out to brunch for four years after promising the last election that you’d hold this admin “accountable” and “push them to the left”.

            Run a popular platform instead of “we’re not trump”, hold legitimate primaries that aren’t dnc ratfucked, and stop supporting Israel’s genocide and general bullshit sucking us into WW3 and you’ll win an election in a landslide.

  • @[email protected]
    343 months ago

    Don’t forget to put all the books in a pile and set fire to them. And smash their shop windows.

    • @[email protected]
      63 months ago

      They have been doing that for years against the ‘wokes’ all the while publishing books that they claim the wokes want to burn when they never did. In their minds anything other than unmitigated cheerleading and throwing support is tantamount to a book burning.