• @Red_October
    3492 months ago

    Do you guys remember back when Elon insisted he was a Free Speech Absolutist? How he wanted to ensure nobody was censored on Twitter? That shit just gets funnier every day.

    • Flying Squid
      1862 months ago

      His “clarification” was great too.

      “By ‘free speech,’ I simply mean that which matches the law. I am against censorship that goes far beyond the law. If people want less free speech, they will ask government to pass laws to that effect. Therefore, going beyond the law is contrary to the will of the people.”


      So, you know, North Korea’s idea of “free speech” is just fine with him.

      • @Zirconium
        872 months ago

        considering he unbanned an account that reposted csam I think he doesnt gaf about the law

      • @[email protected]
        142 months ago

        Limiting free speech in accordance with the law is reasonable, there is no other good solution. The problem is that he does go beyond the law with what he censors all the time.

      • @danc4498
        92 months ago

        And he’s still a hypocrite.

    • @chonglibloodsport
      192 months ago

      He probably rationalizes it by thinking of Twitter as his personal publishing platform, thus all speech on it is subject to his editorial control. To take away his editorial control would be to violate his free speech rights in his eyes.

    • @[email protected]
      32 months ago

      Some commenter somewhere said maybe the account wasn’t banned if it doesn’t say “suspended”, and that other “ear truthers” are still on the platform. Didn’t confirm either myself.

  • teft
    2 months ago

    If that’s an actual photo from today then I doubt he was grazed much because I skinned my knee biking the day before his rally. I’ve still got a giant scab there.

    Also Pete Souza isn’t just anyone. He’s a former director of the White House photo office.

    • @cybersandwich
      1212 months ago

      It probably means he’s on blood thinners. You’ll bleed like you cut an artery even with a tiny nick.

      So he probably had a tiny cut that just bleed a lot because of blood thinners.

        • @Valmond
          22 months ago

          So it was a really small one then, ok.

        • @baldingpudenda
          -202 months ago

          So he’s probably off them to let it heal fast and back on. If it’s just a nick, a day off doesn’t sound too drastic.

          • @BassTurd
            332 months ago

            When your a 90 year old turd with a steady diet of trash, not taking blood thinners for a day might be your last day.

          • @[email protected]
            132 months ago

            Most blood thinners work for 7 days after you stop taking them because that’s how long thrombocytes live in your bloodstream.

          • @[email protected]
            32 months ago

            When your veins and arteries are lined with years’ worth of fast food grease, it could be pretty drastic actually

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        My thoughts exactly. I was on them for a time and I’d bleed FOREVER if I cut myself shaving. That’s when I learned about styptic pencils and alum blocks.

      • KillingTimeItself
        22 months ago

        the ear is also mostly cartilage, so i wouldnt be surprised if there was a lot of blood flowing through them constantly, especially at the very top of the ear where he was grazed. Very well could still be on blood thinners, but i think i would just expect the ear to bleed pretty aggressively in some cases.

    • Track_Shovel
      172 months ago

      Similarly, I cut the crap out of my hand on a waterslide 2 weeks ago - grabbed the fiberglass side while trying to right myself so my kid wouldn’t get dunked - and it’s still healing. Close to being back to normal, but you can still clearly see where It was for sure

  • @xenoclast
    1822 months ago

    Journalists need to stop fucking using Twitter for fucks sake.

      • LustyArgonianMana
        112 months ago

        Yes, my content was way up when I joined Twitter, before Musk. I deleted it and took the financial hit, don’t want customers from that user base now anyway

      • @xenoclast
        12 months ago

        What!? Why? That’s worse. That amplifies it. The world needs less horrible hate.

        It also does nothing to stop the news outlets from sourcing twitter

    • @rsuri
      2 months ago

      At the end of the day incentives are incentives. All the engineers Elon fired when he took over did in fact build a site that’s really good for announcing things like news to the world, and it was really quite complex behind the scenes. And if someone wants to replicate that, it’s a lot of work with the added problem that unlike the original Twitter, they have to compete with Twitter in building a new network. Additionally, social media news just isn’t very profitable which is why Meta/Threads has discouraged news and politics. So unfortunately Twitter is really all there is, social media news now essentially has a strong built-in right wing bias for the foreseeable future.

    • oce 🐆
      92 months ago

      I really hate when news articles embed tweets directly as a source, it’s blocked by Privacy Badger, so I only see an article full of holes. Why can’t they use screenshots?

    • @Contravariant
      62 months ago

      It’s still wild to me that people announce things on X (né twitter).

    • @Kcap
      32 months ago

      We all need to stop using Twitter to be fair.

    • @ZILtoid1991
      32 months ago

      Mastodon: “I’m the guy in the picture!”

  • @nl4real
    1632 months ago

    When are people actually going to leave that hellsite in meaningful numbers?

    • @nforminvasion
      902 months ago

      When they don’t also deepthroat Netflix after they banned password sharing. All the optimistic people, me included, said “oh this will make a huge dent in Netflix what a stupid move.” But they read the room like a hawk.

      People swallowed the hook and signed up in huge numbers. https://www.businessinsider.com/netflix-password-sharing-crackdown-worked-how-to-increase-subscription-streaming-2024-1

      The West has created the perfect neutered, obedient consumers who will drink whatever coolade they are given. Until we have enough people who are willing to challenge convenience and stop bowing at the altar of comfort, we will have no meaningful change.

      • @[email protected]
        222 months ago

        You even got people on the left saying “I won’t vote for the less bad politician unless he makes me excited to vote”. When did everyone get so selfish?

        • @Ensign_Crab
          62 months ago

          Got people in the center being like “we love bad politicians because they do everything we want. Fuck you, you’re voting like we tell you” and then they expect that shit to work.

          Look at what happened when the party listened and gave us a candidate who could fog a mirror and who might not be as happy with genocide as centrists want.

        • @Aceticon
          12 months ago

          One doesn’t need to be a Leftie to be wary of voting for a guy supporting with weapons ethno-Fascists commiting mass murder, including bombing playgrounds and sniping children playing in their own homes, even if the other guy is also a Fascist.

          It’s not by chance that merelly replacing Biden it Kamala quickly started to bring back such voter.

          The only way to think that being in the least of ways humane and not agreeing with mass murder of children is a “leftwing” thing is if you live in a country with an Overtoon Window shifted so far to the right that almost all of the political spectrum is either Fascism or pro-Oligarchy.

          • @barsquid
            62 months ago

            I too am a very left leftist and that’s why this election I will check notes do exactly what the far right rightists want by voting for a third party. There will be no genocide after we elect Jill Stein, which is realistic because if she had triple the popular votes last time she could have beat libertarian Gary Johnson. There is no possible downside because there will certainly be no genocide with the far right rightists running on a platform of bigotry while saying they will have dictatorship, that Israel should nuke Gaza, that the world should let Russia run roughshod over Ukraine.

            • @Aceticon
              -42 months ago

              That satire of yours is entirelly anchored on a False Dilema Falacy.

              • @barsquid
                42 months ago

                I’m agreeing with you, friend. Mathematically only one of two candidates has any chance whatsoever. That’s why I, a very far left leftist, will do exactly what is desired by the further right of the two parties. That will achieve leftism because of reasons.

          • @[email protected]
            32 months ago

            You’re right. The people who put their principles above Palestinian lives aren’t left wing. They’re centrists. An actual leftist puts helping others first. Voting Democrat reduces the harm that others suffer. Abstaining does nothing to help anyone. But there are some people who will choose to let brown people in the middle east die, when they could have easily prevented it, if it means they get to have clean hands and avoid some kind of misplaced guilt. They think for some reason that a vote equals a bomb, and that choosing to be a centrist means opting out of responsibility for their government’s actions. They think they can live all alone in their white middle class suburban bubble. That their inaction means they can’t have any of the blame laid at their feet. They pay taxes to the US government, which uses the taxes to buy bombs to kill Palestinians, and these centrists think that choosing not to take responsibility for how their tax dollars are spent makes them guiltless. And that taking on a guilty conscience by accepting responsibility, is a bigger price to pay than genocide and war.

            • Diva (she/her)
              -22 months ago

              So let me get your position straight:

              The people voting egarly for the warcriminal government: not responsible for their governments actions

              The people so disgusted by their governments actions such that they vote 3rd party: completely responsible for their governments actions

              You’re Canadian right? Go yell at people to vote in your election

              • @[email protected]
                32 months ago

                Yep, you got my position straight. See, the difference is whether they’re taking action to mitigate the impact of their taxes. If you do nothing, it’s your fault. If you try to make it right as best you can, it’s not your fault.

                Like I said, these non voters think votes turn into bombs and not dollars. They think every bomb dropped on Gaza has a little ballot slip in it with Joe Biden’s name on it. Us leftists know that votes for the best candidate do not make the problem worse.

                • Diva (she/her)
                  -32 months ago

                  But voting for the second in command for the guy that was just bypassing congress to send weapons to the occupation doesn’t seem to be ‘taking action’ it seems to be rewarding people for participating in a slaughter (wringing your hands as you send ammunition still counts as sending ammunition)

                  You have just come up with a conclusion that makes you feel good personally and are vomiting word garbage to attempt to justify it to other people.

      • @[email protected]
        152 months ago

        Honestly it was a bit weird everyone on social saying Netflix was about to die. They would spend millions on market research. Thousands of man hours, and the usage data to support it.

        It’s pretty arrogant to conclude that you know better.

        I don’t really mean you specifically. This happens often with large companies. Like people thinking reddit would die.

        Twitter is a special case though IMO. It was shit to start with, and it’s become aggressively partisan.

        • @Emerald
          42 months ago

          Twitter is a special case though IMO. It was shit to start with, and it’s become aggressively partisan.

          Yep. Because Twitter is now a far-right social media. Just like Gab and Truth Social. I don’t know why so many people don’t get that.

        • @the_tab_key
          12 months ago

          Just on the face of it, why would Netflix even have been concerned that this change would hurt their bottom line? The bulk of the people that the change pissed off weren’t paying for the service to start with!

          • @[email protected]
            12 months ago

            it seems as though a lot of people were cancelling their subscriptions on the basis that it was a dramatic over-reach from netflix, and naively assumed that the all of netflix’ users were the same.

      • oce 🐆
        102 months ago

        The West has created the perfect neutered, obedient consumers who will drink whatever coolade they are given.

        Do you imply that this is specific to Western country?
        Because the number of things Chinese consumers just accept is astonishing. They have been using “pay with your face” payment method for a while, and people are just rolling with it. https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/China-tech/Pay-with-your-face-100m-Chinese-switch-from-smartphones I think there’s a bigger percentage of privacy focused people in EU and NA than anywhere else.

      • @[email protected]
        72 months ago


        Don’t blame me for this confusing bastardization of the English language, thank a guy from Nebraska literally 100 years ago.

          • @[email protected]
            22 months ago

            Uhh no actually I think that was a knockoff competitor brand cause that said 1929 and I’m pretty sure it was a guy Named Perkins in the earlier 20s.

            I think that’s just something else. The original is Kool-aid

            • @[email protected]
              2 months ago

              The expression is “drank the Kool-Aid”, but it should be Flavor-Aid, because that’s what the cultists actually drank while committing suicide. dying (not all committed suicide).

              • @Buddahriffic
                42 months ago

                It wasn’t really a suicide thing. Maybe for some of them, it was. But they were forced to drink that flavour aid at gunpoint if they didn’t drink it willingly or manage to flee into the jungle. So it was more of a massacre than a mass suicide. Or a massacre plus a mass suicide, as I’m not sure what portion had to be forced.

                • @[email protected]
                  32 months ago

                  Sounds good. I haven’t read up on that any time recently so my memory was hazy. The main point I was trying to make was the Flavor-Aid vs Kool-Aid, though, which stands.

              • @[email protected]
                22 months ago

                Yup… Yeah wow learn something new every day. Like cults don’t splurge for name brand even for ritual suicide.

            • @Omgpwnies
              42 months ago

              I was talking about the mis-attribution of the brand name Kool-Aid in the phrase “drank the Kool-Aid” as a result of Jonestown… they actually drank Flavor Aid

              • @[email protected]
                22 months ago


                Wow cheap even until the end that they bought Walmart generic.

                I mean why take the good stuff with you right?

                That’s hilarious though thanks for that correction I was definitely confused.

      • @[email protected]
        52 months ago

        Except the governments and corporations are there because that’s where most of the people are.

        Users are still so ignorant to the fact that they are actually the product that Twitter sells. Some of them even pay for that privilege. 🙄

    • @yamanii
      92 months ago

      When other social medias also let’s artists post NSFW alongside regular users for maximum exposure.

      • @riodoro1
        -22 months ago

        Why do we suddenly need an alternative to something we could live without just fine before?

        • @Crashumbc
          142 months ago

          Yet you’re here on Lemmy?

          That is a disingenuous argument. People lived just “fine” before just about everything. People use those services because they derive value from it.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      2 months ago

      They have. But when you’re starting with hundreds of millions of users, it’s a slow bleed.

      There’s also not a lot of great alternatives. Threads is all ads. Rumble is just more MAGA shit. Mastodon/Lemmy is too fractured and lacks sufficient infrastructure as a global platform. BlueSky doesn’t have a critical mass of users yet.

  • @xantoxis
    2 months ago

    Hang on, this guy the AP seriously took a picture where there is no injury to his ear? What was all the blood then? This one needs independent corroboration.

    • @dexa_scantron
      1702 months ago

      2 weeks is plenty of time for a shallow, skin-only graze to heal. And ear cuts can bleed a ton.

      • @dohpaz42
        452 months ago

        Ears, scalp, cuticles… all places that bleed like crazy.

      • @TehWorld
        332 months ago

        In addition, a competent plastic surgeon would likely make it look like it had never happened. I hope he goes to jail for the crimes he committed, but do people really expect him to wear an ear diaper the rest of his life?

        • @HeyJoe
          482 months ago

          Honestly, I thought he would milk it until the election somehow. We can’t be right all the time I guess!

          • @TehWorld
            52 months ago

            Note that I believe he will milk it forever, but he’s also fairly vain.

        • @barsquid
          12 months ago

          He wears orange facepaint every day, so yeah, I did.

      • @A_Very_Big_Fan
        72 months ago

        I was thinking the same thing. But something tells me the people who’d be in charge of banning the photographer, if not Musk himself, wouldn’t know that.

      • @EndlessApollo
        42 months ago

        There was supposedly a big chunk out of his ear. Now it’s just a skin-only graze that heals super fast? Very convenient

    • Jay
      642 months ago

      When an octopus gets frightened it releases ink to confuse predators. Due to his love of hamburgers Donnie releases catsup.

      • Flying Squid
        452 months ago

        Do not bring us cephalopods into this.

        • Jay
          32 months ago

          Well they do say imitation is the best form of flattery.

    • @_bcron
      142 months ago

      Scalp and ear tissue heals really fast. I’ve had 5 ear surgeries, eardrum replaced with cartilage, titanium prosthesis, whole 9 yards, but 3 weeks is all it takes for the graft to ‘take’ and for me to be off lifting (and sneezing) restrictions

      • @monkeyslikebananas2
        122 months ago

        Wait they replaced your ear drum with cartilage? Does it work? Can you hear?

        • @_bcron
          232 months ago

          Yeah, my hearing’s normal in the ‘problem ear’, as good as my non-affected ear, which is pretty fortunate, and there’s only a scar way way back behind the ear, where it meets the skull, so it’d be hard for anyone to even notice. I had some recurring cyst thing in my right ear, cholesteatoma, but to remove it they pretty much have to drill behind the ear, cut out the ear drum, remove all the hearing bones, and then remove the cyst from those 2 angles. Then they replace the bones with a titanium rod and replace the ear drum with a small amount of cartilage harvested from the ear. Sounds kinda barbaric, kinda is, but 3 weeks is all it takes to recover from all of that. Even the scar from the incision behind the ear is mostly healed after a couple weeks

          • @monkeyslikebananas2
            102 months ago

            Wow sounds intense. Hope things are good and glad you can still hear.

            • @Opisek
              22 months ago

              For real! The procedure sounds crazier the longer I read, all the way until removing the tiny bones and replacing them. Hugely impressive that modern medicine allows for working with such delicate and small structures.

    • @teolan
      62 months ago

      I think he wasn’t hit by a bullet but by shrapnel from something else that was hit. It’ probably superficial.

    • @[email protected]
      62 months ago

      It was probably caused when like eight huge guys shoved him to the ground.

      The guy’s nearly 80. Shit gets injured easily when you’re old.

      Real bullets were fired for sure, but I don’t think they actually came within a centimetre of preserving democracy. We’re not that unlucky.

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        If you’d actually watched the videos you’d have seen blood on the way to the ground; something definitely hit his ear.

        • @[email protected]
          12 months ago

          Not to be conspiratorial but I watched that video back on super slow speed zoomed in and when he puts his hand up to his ear it comes back with no blood on it.

          Maybe I’m missing it. I have head injuries and they bleed a lot very quickly.

    • @pelerinli
      22 months ago

      Could simply be his other ear and photograph is just mirrored. Like screens, you raise your left hand but to your reflection it’s its right hand.

      • @Opisek
        22 months ago

        His asymmetric haircut would give it away.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      The AP does indeed claim that this photo is from July 27, but I think that date is wrong. I can’t find this exact picture elsewhere but here’s an article with an almost identical picture of him climbing the same stairs, published in March.

  • @skeezix
    792 months ago

    Everyone needs to chill out about this ear thing. It’s amazing what can be covered with a little bit of makeup. As much as I detest the man, I can see why he wouldn’t want to walk around with a visible ear cut. Women cover zits and blemishes with makeup as a matter of course. Do you think the orange douchewipe wants the focus on his ear? All presidents (and “presidents”) have makeup up people, and their job is to cover this kind of shit up and make the person look as flawless as possible.

    Let’s leave the conspiracy theories to the conservatards.

    • @[email protected]
      882 months ago

      Do you think the orange douchewipe wants the focus on his ear?

      I mean, yeah, I kinda do. I expected him to milk the assassination attempt for all it’s worth, and I don’t think that makes me a conspiracy theorist.

      • @skeezix
        112 months ago

        Some campaign adviser told him that a damaged ear presents as damaged goods, and it would be better to cover it. This is a man so concerned about his looks that he spray paints his face orange. His narcissism elevates the priority of his looks beyond any perceived sympathy (sympathy being a foreign concept to him). Even his rabid base depict him in their artwork as having a six pack abs. He is absolutely covering it up. If the blood was a prop then even his dumb handlers would be smart enough to apply a fake scab to keep the ruse going.

        • @[email protected]
          112 months ago

          You’re right, I’m trying to apply logic and reason to Donald Trump, which is just silly of me

    • @VoterFrog
      482 months ago

      Knowing how Trump has played up his assassination attempt at every opportunity… He absolutely would want to bring attention to any damage to his ear.

      I don’t really care one way or another about whatever drama is going on about his ear. I’m just saying, I don’t think he’d choose to use makeup to cover up any scars on his ear.

    • @Ensign_Crab
      192 months ago

      It’s amazing what can be covered with a little bit of makeup.

      Because Trump is known for using a “little bit” of makeup. If he was using makeup on his ear, it would be to make it look worse, not to cover it up.

      • @Donkter
        132 months ago

        It’s been a long time since trump ever did his own makeup. He thinks the orange makes him look good, or maybe he even thinks it’s just his brand now. A blemished ear does not look good, even in the opinion of a man who thinks oranging his face rocks.

        • @Ensign_Crab
          162 months ago

          Except that he’s trying to play up the shot he took. It’s why his buddy Elon is making unpersons of people who show that his ear is fine.

    • @OutsizedWalrus
      142 months ago

      I’d believe you if he hasn’t been over the top with his theatrics around this.

      Dude was wearing a pice of gauze the size of his ear just a week ago.

    • @[email protected]
      132 months ago

      Based … if it weren’t that the fact that accounts getting banned for simply alluding to it is very real. The whole drama may be bullshit, but accounts getting banned for this isn’t. It is partisan censorship inside a major social network just using the drama as an excuse.

    • @WhyFlip
      72 months ago

      Men cover facial blemishes as well.

    • @eatthecake
      52 months ago


      Makeup is a waste of time and money.

    • @Jimmyeatsausage
      52 months ago

      Yeah, and the dude got plenty of experience with makeup.

    • archomrade [he/him]
      2 months ago

      That, and any 5 year old with a phone could mirror a photo

      Edit: was it because there was an implication he might not have been wearing makeup? Honestly I can’t keep up with what the popular opinion on lemmy is anymore

  • @jj4211
    682 months ago

    And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

      • @Jimmyeatsausage
        412 months ago

        It’s so on-the-nose that I don’t even Trump is the parody anymore, it’s evangelical Christianity that’s the real parody. A group of folks who make a story about a socialist day laborer from the Middle East and use it to justify white supremacy, unfettered capitalism, and wealth as a measure of God’s love falling in line behind a cartoonishly accurate representation the “bad guy” in their book…exactly like their book said they would.

    • @kromem
      72 months ago

      Out of context it sounds like something.

      But add the lines right before and it’s more clearly fever dream gibberish of a dying old man:

      And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, and on its horns were ten diadems, and on its heads were blasphemous names. And the beast that I saw was like a leopard, its feet were like a bear’s, and its mouth was like a lion’s mouth. And the dragon gave it his power and his throne and great authority.

      Did Trump come out of the sea? Does he look like a leopard with bear feet and a lion mouth?

      People have been misunderstanding and trying to extend parts of that text to contemporary events since it was written.

      • @rsuri
        262 months ago

        I’ve not seen his feet, but he certainly has a lyin’ mouth

      • masterofn001
        2 months ago

        Mar-a-lago Spanish - sea to lake

        There are 9 current trump towers. Moscow would make 10

        7 heads with blasphemous names - TRUMP on the top

        Feet of a bear -Russia is known as the bear in the west since early 20th century.

        Lion mouth - have you heard him speak? (Who hasn’t, he’s loud, boisterous, like a lion)

        • @Yggnar
          72 months ago

          As this comment shows it’s very easy to twist the meaning of something like this to suit your needs when viewing it through the lens of metaphor as the author intended. However, I’m fairly certain historians have figured out fairly definitively that the beast in revelations was always meant to depict Emperor Nero. I’m too lazy to look it up right now though so I could be wrong.

      • @jj4211
        32 months ago

        You’re right, but it’s also funny that Christianity has generally streamlined taking things out of context. I just say "Revelation 13:3 and boom, that verse is cited out of context. Endless pamphlets, posters, sermons, and so on focus on bringing some verse without context.

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        Apocalyptic literature isn’t meant to be taken literally. It’s a common mistake though, even among so-called Christians. “Mouth like a lion” could mean boastful, roaring, brave, loud, threatening, or any number of things.

        • @kromem
          12 months ago

          And yet I’ve not seen anyone figure out that the locusts in Revelations was just a poetic taxonomy for the local middle eastern hornet, Vespa Orientalis, down to the golden crown on its face.

          People like to interpret those texts in all sorts of fantastical ways as long as it titillates them, but shy away from actually looking plainly at what’s being said.

          So by all means don’t take it literally. But also maybe don’t think that a text written by a syphilitic old man in antiquity is talking about the 2024 United States presidential election without a more compelling case.

          • @[email protected]
            2 months ago

            Oh I didn’t mean there wasn’t literal things in it. Absolutely I would agree with you there’s a lot of playing around with stuff that is just plain. A lot of literal stuff that gets overlooked, and in no way talks about some future events but was talking about something that happened back then. Particularly in Matthew 24, which is clearly talking about two different events, but seems to always get rolled up into one.

            But Daniel 8 paralleled with Daniel 11 (actually the entire prophetic last half of Daniel) is one of the best examples of apocalyptic literature paired with an interpretation that we have. Daniel’s apocalyptic vision has more explanation attached to it than any other we have in the Bible, and it’s very instructive as to how we’re supposed to take apocalyptic writing.

            By the way it’s Revelation not revelations. I don’t care because you obviously are well-informed about these things, but it will matter with some people and automatically discount your message if you don’t say Revelation. Not trying to be a smartass.

  • @[email protected]
    492 months ago

    I’m assuming all those free-speech nuts are really going after Musk for doing this right?

    I’m joking, we all know it’s just free-speech for the things they agree with …

    • @[email protected]
      212 months ago

      I mean, they didn’t even do that when he literally fucked up a Ukrainian operation against Russia.

      Money rules this country. It stopped being a democratic republic a long time ago.

  • @Treczoks
    422 months ago

    Question: As this is no longer a neutral platform, what would be the legal implications? Is Twitter still a neutral carrier (or whatever the proper term is) and enjoys far-reaching legal protections for this?

    • @[email protected]
      432 months ago

      There is no such thing as a “neutral carrier” for social media. It’s a made-up concept used to pretend that a social media site isn’t allowed to be partisan.

      There are zero legal ramifications for making Twitter as partisan as musk wants.

      • Lad
        272 months ago

        Funny how the “free speech” guy bought Twitter and made it more biased and authoritarian than it has ever been.

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          12 months ago

          This is literally every “free speech” guy, with the possible exception of Julian Assange.

        • @model_tar_gz
          12 months ago

          Which part of “free speech (for me)” is hard to understand?

        • WorseDoughnut 🍩
          -22 months ago

          Authoritarian? Definitely.

          More biased? Be real, It’s just as biased, but just in the other direction post-musk.

            • WorseDoughnut 🍩
              12 months ago

              I dunno, I think it was pretty blatantly one sided. I have to assume most people who agree with the bias don’t tend to see it around them though.

              • @[email protected]
                12 months ago

                I just remember arguing with wacko right wingers more then I liked lmao. Here we have a photographer getting banned, on old Twitter you had Alex Jones (and that took many years) or people literally throwing out casual violence who got banned.

    • @[email protected]
      112 months ago

      Nothing. Private company can block whoever they want from using their service. Doesn’t impact section 230 protections.

    • @Linkerbaan
      -232 months ago

      What’s a “neutral platform”? On Lemmy.world you get banned if you say something bad about israel.

      • @Jiggle_Physics
        222 months ago

        People shit on israel all the time here. I know I do. Guess I am banned.

      • @TrickDacy
        152 months ago

        And yet you post thousands of criticisms about Israel, exclusively, and I see that from you and others constantly. how are you circumventing the bans?

        Inb4 “you support/defend/love Israel/genocide”: no I clearly don’t, I’m just pointing out that you’re flat out lying here. Simply criticizing Israel has likely never resulted in a single ban.

        • @Linkerbaan
          2 months ago

          What do you mean i have been banned from both news and worldnews for exposing Hasbara.

          Of course you post thousands of defenses of israel so you’re not banned.

          • @TrickDacy
            72 months ago

            Oh now it’s only certain communities. Before you claimed the instance banned users for any criticism of Israel. Goalposts on wheels I guess.

            So once again, maybe you could cite a single instance where I ever defended Israel. One time. All you have to do is cite one example. You won’t though, because you know that a comment where I said Biden isn’t responsible isn’t going to convince anyone.

            • @Linkerbaan
              -72 months ago

              Only the biggest communities lmao. Censoring anti israel news because it got too hot under their heels.

              Biden isn’t responsible for anything israel does sure dude. Biden never sent israell 2000 pound bombs to drop on schools or vetoes resolutions against israel at the UN. Anyone that claims otherwise should get banned from Lemmy.world right?

              • @TrickDacy
                2 months ago

                Deflecting and cramming words in my mouth are not examples of jackshit

                And I’m sure your bans have nothing to do with the many public examples we have of you lying.

                • @Linkerbaan
                  2 months ago

                  Indeed. The mods were banning anyone debunking now proven israeli lies about rape on oct7.

                  In classic Hasbara fashion you turn yourself into the victim while spouting all the lies you can think up.

      • @Mediocre_Bard
        112 months ago

        That doesn’t seem right. Israel is conducting a genocide. Why would they be protected?

        • @TrickDacy
          52 months ago

          They aren’t, but this user’s life work is saying anyone they don’t approve of is supporting awful people and actions. Why they aren’t actually banned for that toxic behavior is a mystery to me. Then they have the audacity to lie so brazenly: that the thing they do all day every day is banned behavior. They’re so oppressed!

          • ArxCyberwolf
            22 months ago

            It really is funny how it’s always the loudest people who cry about being “censored” when people don’t agree with them or dare call them out for their shitty behaviour. Linkerbaan acts as if he doesn’t have a reputation for his behaviour, and as if we can’t look through modlogs and his posting history to see if he really is being censored or not. Which, of course, he isn’t.

      • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
        82 months ago

        First I’m hearing about it, because I have taken hot creamy shits on Israel before. Guess I’m banned ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        • @Linkerbaan
          -22 months ago

          I got banned for taking steamy dumps on israel. Many other users have too.

          • @TrickDacy
            12 months ago

            And yet this thread is full of users who claim the opposite experience. Guess you’re totally not lying.

            • @Linkerbaan
              -22 months ago

              So you’re saying .world did not ban me

              • @TrickDacy
                2 months ago

                Why would I need to say an obvious fact which fully contradicts your point? You are still here, able to lie your ass off on lemmy.world. claiming to be banned, which you clearly should be for spreading lies, but you aren’t.

                • @Linkerbaan
                  -22 months ago

                  Ah so you support israeli lies about rape on oct7?

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        I frequently state the fact that Israel is a genocidal apartheid ethnostate that has “Jewish supremacy” as the basis of its existence and should be abolished, and I haven’t been banned anywhere on lemmy.world for it

        • @Jiggle_Physics
          62 months ago

          Nah, I see people who shit on ukraine a lot, and are pretty common to see in a lot of places. They have been here for a long time now, and are still going strong. So if higher visibility accounts, that lots of people know about, do it, I am gonna have to assume you either are full of shit, or you saw accounts with the fingerprint of bot behavior getting torched, and just decided it had to be due to having a negative opinion of Ukraine. That, or you are talking about people being out-right racist, or preaching violent rhetoric about it, cause that can get you banned, but it isn’t for the reason you are making it out to be, here.

          • @UnderpantsWeevil
            12 months ago

            Nah, I see people who shit on ukraine a lot

            Sure, but I see that content regularly bombarded with take down notices, particularly when it’s a post.

            Lemmy.world is highly allergic to anything that might be construed as anti-American or pro-non-western Evil Country.

            • @Jiggle_Physics
              22 months ago

              That is different than being banned from the instance for what you say though.

              • @UnderpantsWeevil
                12 months ago

                The thing about banning people is that they don’t get to come back on here and argue with you over it.

                • @Jiggle_Physics
                  12 months ago

                  I can still see them on the other instances they subscribe to usually. When I have seen bans the accounts have mostly looked like bots, and got booted for looking like one. The others I have seen have people with violent, or bald faced bigotry. I am sure there are people that got booted unfairly, because people are running the show, and people aren’t great for this sort of thing. However, a standard practice of banning people from the instance for talking shit on Ukraine, or Israel, is not a thing.

          • @StaySquared
            -22 months ago

            Yeah I realized it was a Pro-Ukraine community, not the entirety of Lemmy that’s banning people for their views on Ukraine.

            • @Jiggle_Physics
              32 months ago

              So you went into a private community, created to support Ukraine, and you are blaming lemmy.world, that they banned you? Because I have seen plenty of Ukraine critical stuff on lemmy.world, even stuff that borders on out-right ethnic bigotry, get to stay, because the accounts aren’t really breaking rules, and don’t act like bots.

  • @andrewth09
    332 months ago

    It would be pretty funny if the photographer just mirrored the image before uploading it.

    • KillingTimeItself
      52 months ago

      that would be funny, but i feel like we would know about it, because like, other photos also exist.

  • @BrokenGlepnir
    312 months ago

    Elon Goebbels really seems to be working hard on this one.

    • HonkyTonkWoman
      2 months ago

      Last time I saw ‘em, he said something about hanging out with his buddy at Boeing.

      I’m sure everything’s fine, they’re prolly just messin with planes & stuff.

    • Morphit
      92 months ago

      TL;DR: he wasn’t banned, he quit:


      On Saturday, I was perplexed by photos online of Trump boarding his plane en route to a bitcoin conference. There was no bandage on his right ear. I re-posted one of the photos on Twitter and wrote, “look closely at his ear that was ‘hit’ by a bullet from a AR-15 assault rifle.”⁣
      ⁣ “Fake news,” someone responded. “It’s the wrong ear,” said another, which of course was not true. “This is an old photo,” which I felt the need to reply to. I re-posted a screenshot of New York Times photographer Doug Mills’ Twitter post of the same situation of Trump boarding his plane, which included the date and time of his photo. Doug is one of Trump’s favorite photographers and Trump has publicly called him “my genius photographer.” So I thought the maga world would at least believe Doug Mills.⁣
      ⁣ They didn’t. The comments turned ugly. Mostly about me, but also some that disparaged Doug Mills. ⁣ ⁣ Since 2017, I’ve been accustomed to having vile and hateful comments thrown at me. But I had now exposed someone else, Doug Mills, to be the recipient of hateful messages on MY Twitter account. Not cool.⁣
      ⁣ On top of that, I’ve been at a cabin with no Internet and sporadic cell coverage for the past week, which made it difficult to post anything in the first place but also a challenge to push back against the hate.⁣
      ⁣ So I de-activated my Twitter account. It was a gut decision, made only by me. I am still not sure if this is a temporary or a permanent action.⁣
      ⁣ I was unaware that some on Twitter were a⁣ responding that Elon Musk had deleted my account. How would I know? I wasn’t able to access Twitter. I did receive a few DMs here on Instagram about this, but didn’t think much about it. ⁣ ⁣ Until…late last night, I received a text message from a New York Times reporter asking me to comment about my supposedly “being kicked off X for posting a photo of Trump’s ear.” And then this morning, I received a text message from a childhood friend who asked, in jest, “Is there a Free Pete Souza donation site?”⁣
      ⁣ It was time to respond. I have so much more I want to say about the state of social media, but for now I want to make it clear that I was not kicked off Twitter. I kicked myself off.⁣

  • @ZILtoid1991
    232 months ago

    So it was just a glass shard from the teleprompter…

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      72 months ago

      A glass shard from a teleprompter struck by a bullet. If the dude had aim worth a shit, it could have been much worse (for Trump).