• @Dorkyd68
    -92 hours ago

    Damn dude I bet you’re a blast at parties

    Explaining things folks already know, you must be so popular

  • @Furbag
    2910 hours ago

    lmao this owner is so demented he thinks McDonalds is a “small business”. You’re a franchisee, not a small business. Enjoy making french fries for nobody.

  • @Dorkyd68
    6112 hours ago

    Small business??? Bitch you own a fucking McDonald’s get the fuck out of here

    • @Maggoty
      149 hours ago

      They technically qualify. All the franchises do. Yes it’s cursed. Especially when it’s time to hand out SBA funds. Remember the pandemic? All the small business money got sucked up by franchises and large money cap/small employee number businesses.

    • @thebigslime
      08 hours ago

      Many are franchises, so yes, it’s technically a small business.

  • @[email protected]
    7 hours ago

    Ok it shouldn’t be a big deal, but I’ve found that you can tell a lot by a signature.

    This guys signature looks like a 7th graders.

    Edit: wow I just noticed the “DG Empire” on the sticker. Emperor Axe Body Spray over here

    Why is that important? I mean it’s not really, I’ll fully admit I’m being petty. But I’ve found that people that write like they’ve just learned cursive do so because they seldom write things. Now this observation is likely less true today than it was in the Jurassic period when I grew up and had to write out schoolwork, but given that this guy owns a McDonald’s franchise I’m gonna guess he had to handwrite schoolwork too.

    There is just something visceral about this signature, it’s a sloppy and bad version of textbook cursive. One of the things that happens when people write a lot is that they develop their own handwriting style.

    Anyways, the sentiment in this letter and the stupid stunt are enough to hate, but this signature is just awful 1 / 10 please try harder.

    • Flying Squid
      458 minutes ago

      I don’t know how it happened, but over the years, my signature developed from ‘7th grade cursive’ to ‘squiggle that vaguely starts with my first initial in cursive.’

      • @[email protected]
        237 minutes ago

        Yes, I think that’s part of it, I shouldn’t be able to read every letter in your signature. I don’t trust that :D

        There’s a reason there’s a print line under the signature line, your signature should be some vague squiggle.

    • @AngryCommieKender
      66 hours ago

      Meanwhile my signature is lying through it’s teeth, while claiming I must have multiple PhDs to have the signature I have.

      • @[email protected]
        56 hours ago

        I always hated how I was taught to write the capital letters in my name and then I was sitting in civics class and looking at the Declaration of Independence and stole big parts of my current signature from our founding fathers.

        They knew how to write their names with style.

        • Flying Squid
          256 minutes ago

          Yeah, but they wrote F when they meant S back then.

          Congreff? What’s congreff?

          (I know it’s a long s)

        • @AngryCommieKender
          36 hours ago

          Strangely enough, while my cursive is absolute dog shite with a ballpoint pen, if I break out my fountain pen, that exact script is what starts coming out. Looks like I’m practicing to rewrite the Declaration of Independence and Constitution in a single sitting.

  • @Nuke_the_whales
    5213 hours ago

    How does McDonald’s corporate feel about their franchisees using McDonald’s for political stunts?

  • @Treczoks
    6917 hours ago

    Of course they closed the McD for that occasion. DT is not qualified or certified to work with food. Imagine he undercooks something or f-cks up cleaning the salad properly and people fall ill. Of he could have spread some germs, as we don’t know what prevents him from publishing his medical record.

    • @thebigslime
      38 hours ago

      Plus, the Secret Service needs. Logistically, they had to.

    • @psycho_driver
      4214 hours ago

      Plus he’s a convicted felon so probably not eligible for employment at a McDonalds.

      • @TwoBeeSan
        3113 hours ago

        If felons weren’t allowed in food service we’d all be going hungry

        • Funderpants
          610 hours ago

          Some felons are working during their incarceration. Not by choice either.

    • @Passerby6497
      1813 hours ago

      They probably also had to sanitize everything and throw out any food his diaper touching hands have touched

  • @[email protected]
    1112 hours ago

    You know you’re reading a quality publication when they use an exclamation mark at least once per paragraph.

  • @Etterra
    8517 hours ago

    “We are not a political organization.”

    Well even if I believed you, which I don’t, you will be now. Good job dipshit.

  • @jordanlundOPM
    20320 hours ago



    "Notably, Trump did not wear a hairnet or gloves while serving food, claiming that “my hands are clean already.” This assertion stands in stark contrast to health standards that require food handlers to maintain strict hygiene protocols.

    In fact, the McDonald’s location Trump visited has a recent history of health code violations, having failed its last health inspection from Bucks County. The report cited multiple infractions related to employee hygiene, particularly the lack of proper handwashing practices, which are essential for minimizing the risk of foodborne illness."

    • @Nuke_the_whales
      3113 hours ago

      “my hands are clean already”

      As someone who ran a restaurant kitchen for 5 years, this is called a lack of standards. Oh I forgot gloves? Meh. That’s a slippery slide that shows you don’t actually care or have standards, and you throw rules by the side when it suits you. That a sign of a shit worker.

      • Flying Squid
        156 minutes ago

        This is called “someone who doesn’t wash when they go to the bathroom because they say their hands are clean already.” That’s what this is called.

    • @EmpathicVagrant
      11920 hours ago

      I love how he mocked Harris saying she never worked there or whatever and then does a publicity stunt but can’t even follow the most basic rules of the job. Someone actually working that position would be terminated for health code violation.

        • @jaybone
          1416 hours ago

          Wasn’t one excuse he gives for eating at McDonalds is because he knows he won’t be poisoned? Like when he was in the White House, with a fancy ass kitchen staff full of top chefs he’d still rather get McDonald’s.

          • @cheese_greater
            614 hours ago

            Its 100% this, altho I can’t tell if he’s more worried about the Russians or some rando he fucked over already

            • @linearchaos
              612 hours ago

              I think I would trust White House staff before I would trust McDonald’s staff. I’m sure whatever McDonald’s they were ordering from was having their employees vetted anyway.

              To think of it if a person was really into McDonald’s that deeply they could just send fresh ingredients every week.

              • @captainlezbian
                21 hour ago

                Yeah we went a civil war, two world wars, and a Cold War alongside many other conflicts and 4 successful and a ton of unsuccessful assassination attempts on presidents yet to my knowledge no attempted assassinations of a US president have been via White House food

            • @barsquid
              112 hours ago

              What Russians has he even fucked over?

    • @Etterra
      2917 hours ago

      I can’t wait until they’re on the news next year because they were shut down because every business Trump touches turns to shit. Like the King Midas of poop. King Poodass.

      • teft
        711 hours ago

        King mierdas. Mierda is spanish for shit.

    • @[email protected]
      512 hours ago

      I’m kind of a germaphobe and am big on washing hands, but if I were a mcdonalds employee, there’s just no way I’d have gloves on to put out the hamburger patties then take the gloves off, and wash my hands, then put another set of gloves on to do other food prep stuff.

      I’m not washing my hands between every glove swap. You don and doff your gloves correctly there’s no reason to.

      • @Thebeardedsinglemalt
        512 hours ago

        Yeah I’ve watched some of those mcdonald’s shift videos and I cringe at the amount of gloves constantly being used for 3 seconds then thrown away

        • @[email protected]
          410 hours ago

          If you’re changing to something that needs a glove change that often, than you’re probably screwing up somewhere. You take money or wipe off counters or handle raw meat, you need to change gloves.

          But washing your hands after you take off gloves, before putting another pair of gloves on?

    • @Ensign_Crab
      2018 hours ago

      Looks like we have photographic evidence of more health code violations. Who do we contact?

      • @[email protected]
        1418 hours ago

        The restaurant is closed, so as long as they claim they threw away everything he touched they should be fine.

        • @jaybone
          2416 hours ago

          The health inspector has declared anything that is an official act no longer violates the laws of microbiology.

  • @[email protected]
    20 hours ago

    Well you don’t want food service workers wearing gloves for the most part. Nonsterile gloves protect the wearer much more than anything they’re touching and food should be the opposite of chemically unsafe to touch. Gloves can also undermine a focus on or even specifically discourage regular handwashing which is what actually keeps food and food prep equipment clean / sanitary. Unless you have cuts, sores, warts or some other infection on your hands, gloves are the least helpful solution to keeping food sanitary.

    That said, I doubt he washes his hands adequately and the whole hairnet thing is gross AF, especially with that glued-on dead animal he calls hair.

    I just get feisty about the gloves thing because I remember during the pandemic when my hospital was struggling to keep gloves in stock for us to handle blood and bodily fluids with, and one day in an urgent care I saw a patient in the waiting room wearing gloves reach up and run his gloved hands through his hair. I almost just screamed at him. They’re not magic clean hand socks you have to use them properly and in the right situations.

    • @[email protected]
      3019 hours ago

      I went to subway recently (and briefly) and the employee sneezed into their gloved hand before starting my sandwich. Literally no glove change, just grabbed the bread and kept going.

      I said never mind and left.

      • @frunch
        310 hours ago

        Subway is the X.com of sandwiches. Way too many people giving it undue legitimacy.

      • @Thebeardedsinglemalt
        312 hours ago

        We went to a breakfast place and watched a cook walk into the means room, then back out wearing gloves. We noped out pretty fast

    • MrsDoyle
      1518 hours ago

      I’m right with you on “magic clean hand socks”. In the canteen at my last job the staff would make sandwiches wearing gloves and then take money from customers and ring it up on the till - still wearing the same gloves. Cash is the filthiest thing you could touch in this situation, but they’d go and make the next sandwich after handling it. Yuck.

      • @Treczoks
        417 hours ago

        The baker here uses small thin plastic bags instead of gloves. You can get into them far quicker than any glove, you can still grab bread, rolls, and other things with it, but they are a hindrance for using the POS or handling cash, so they remove them for that.

    • Nougat
      820 hours ago

      I definitely had my doubts when Subway started having their employees wear those weird loose “definitely not sterile” plastic gloves while making sandiwches.

      • MyTurtleSwimsUpsideDown
        2219 hours ago

        Subway is a little different because it’s often the same person taking cash as making the food. Money is dirty and the register doesn’t get sanitized too often either. The option is wash your hands with soap and water after taking payment or slap on some fresh gloves. Those loose gloves are a faster changeover than properly washing your hands. And they don’t have to be sterile, just clean.

        In a McDonalds you have separate folks doing the prepping & cooking vs the ordering and serving. If the person the person touching the food never touches the register, and the person handling the ordering/serving only touches the outside of the packaging, then neither of them have to wash their hands as often.

        The problem with rubber gloves in food service is they provide a false sense of security. They make you think you are being sanitary, when the reality is you should wash or change your gloves anytime you touch something that would have necessitated you to wash bare hands.

        • @[email protected]
          212 hours ago

          You mean the ordering and serving guy that hands over your ice cream cone with no gloves?

          • MyTurtleSwimsUpsideDown
            13 hours ago

            That’s why have that paper barrier stuck to the handle of the ice cream cones. And kudos to you for finding a McD’s with a functioning ice cream machine.

    • @jordanlundOPM
      519 hours ago

      Well, like you say, it’s all down to proper use.

      Don’t bare-hand raw meat, don’t use meated up gloves to touch other things.

  • @over_clox
    5020 hours ago

    “we proudly open our doors to everyone”… when they’re officially ‘closed’?

    Knock knock knock, knock knock knock…

    Donnie McRonnie, don’t feed me a line of shit, I ain’t sniffing it. Fuck McDonald’s.

    • Flying Squid
      255 minutes ago

      Hey, they didn’t say when they proudly opened their doors to everyone. Apparently it’s not “normal working hours.”

    • @[email protected]
      412 hours ago

      I’m with you on “fuck McDonalds” but this is an incredibly dumb gotcha. They’re dumb enough, let’s not try to out stupid them.

  • @[email protected]
    20 hours ago

    At first I found it baffling that the Trump Campaign would go along with Donald’s McStupid idea for a photo op because anyone not experiencing significant cognitive decline would be able to see that it’d put a lot of unwanted attention back on the fact that Donald Trump has never worked a day in his life. But after some thought, I suppose it did succeed in getting people to stop talking about his dementia induced DJ set for an afternoon.

    • Flying Squid
      154 minutes ago

      I don’t know, he has a real ‘lost Alzheimer’s sufferer’ look on him in the photos I’ve seen.

    • Joe
      620 hours ago

      I now ask the Internet for an animated gif of him dancing by himself at McDonalds.

    • FuglyDuck
      318 hours ago

      He jumped on the intercom and stated blasting “Itsybitsy Spider”

      • @Thebeardedsinglemalt
        212 hours ago

        If anything he’d be mumbling “ding fries are done ding fries are done ding fries are done”

    • @Lost_My_Mind
      -3120 hours ago

      Back in 2016 I wondered what the world would say if trump and hillary released a sex tape 2 months before the election.

      It’s two people who you’d never want to see naked, or fuck.

      Now in 2024, maybe it’s the resemblance to Maya Rudulph, but Harris is definately fuckable.

      But if there were a Harris and trump sex tape released, I would expect Harris to be wearing a big black strapon, just so she can make trump gag on his own words in other ways.

      Now, if we could get a mid-90s Bill Clinton together with a modern day Kamala Harris? That’s a fuckable presidential couple! Just like JFK and Jackie! Or Barrack and Michelle.

      • @captainlezbian
        21 hour ago

        Maybe it’s me, but I generally don’t spend much time thinking about presidential candidates having sex unless they’re doing scandals about it. I honestly couldn’t care less so long as everyone involved is a consenting adult. Which incidentally is my issue with Trump’s sex life