• @8ender
    2672 months ago

    Schumer is goading Trump into keeping him. He knows Trump is too prideful to let a Democrat be right about something.

    • @BlackPenguins
      2 months ago

      This is actually a brilliant strategy then. It’s a lose-lose.

      • @gothic_lemons
        2 months ago

        Plus any legal cases of you can’t change your nominee from Biden, weaken a lot if Dump switches his VP. Of course any case against not letting them switch out Biden is already dead in the water if heard by a rational non corrupt court… So nevermind actually

        • @BlackPenguins
          2 months ago

          They’d argue that the people don’t directly choose the VP just the presidential nominee. In fact Vance wasn’t even on the ticket during the primaries.

  • @cabron_offsets
    1282 months ago

    I love how they’re fucking with him. It’s going to cause him to do more silly shit.

  • @[email protected]
    942 months ago

    Dementia Don the racist rapist with 34 felonies that can’t complete a coherent sentence is scared. He’s looking really bad, the dementia is really getting to him. He picked a VP that he forgot was openly talking shit about him and loves fucking couches. He needs to just drop out, it’s embarrassing.

    • @laverabe
      2 months ago

      I’m with you except for the fucking couches part. It was a joke someone on Twitter said that had no basis in reality (AP fact checked), and repeating it, knowing its not true, is the behavior of a bully.

      Call him a fascist because that’s what he is, not some made up insult with no basis in reality.

      • the post of tom joad
        552 months ago

        I’m actually fine with bullying fascists though. It’s not like theyre gonna take your civility as an example to follow, and if this bullying also messes up their plans then even better.

        Bullying fascists is already being civil tbh, its still far nicer than what they deserve

        • @HoustonHenry
          72 months ago

          Thus our solution for the Paradox of Tolerance

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          Then harass him for things he’s actually done! There are plenty of them. You weaken your argument against him by ignoring the valid criticisms and making up ridiculous ones.

          “Don’t they have any real criticism?!”

          Yes, we do! We have lots! Let’s use it.

          • the post of tom joad
            122 months ago

            I get what you’re saying but I’ve had quite enough of the high road. You realize as much as i that it doesn’t work. Not everything has to be a goldarn calculation. I can destroy their argument and then their ego. With any tool i care to use. If somehow a schoolyard rumor is the fuckin trick to crack their will to ruin my democracy ill use it, watch their lil faces twist, and ill sleep super sound at night.

            • @jj4211
              12 months ago

              So while I am amused by the whole gag, I would say it’s less about the “high” road and more about the fact that the “low” road may not work. Fox News was low-roading all over Obama, making up crap and trying to make a deal out of nothing. It never really impacted Obama’s popularity, as anyone vaguely on the fence saw it and said “ok, this is stupid, if that’s all Fox News can come up with, then I guess there’s nothing to find”.

              • @HoustonHenry
                32 months ago

                It really tickles my pickle that Fox might break the record for largest settlement, right after they broke the record for largest settlement

      • @grue
        392 months ago

      • @Glytch
        232 months ago

        I’ve yet to see him deny being a couch fucker and the AP retracted their correction when someone pointed out that they can’t prove he never fucked a couch. If this bullying causes him to leave the campaign, then it’s working as intended. Along with being a couch fucker, JD Vance is, like all Republicans, a spineless weasel obsessed with acquiring power any way he can.

        Is calling Vance a couch fucker any worse than Republicans alleging that Harris slept her way to the top?

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          Is calling Vance a couch fucker any worse than Republicans alleging that Harris slept her way to the top?

          No, it’s the same thing. Accusing people of things you know they didn’t do is the sign of an asshole. We should be better than that.

          • @ChocolateTeapot
            92 months ago

            Yeah cos “When they go low, we go high!” worked so well in 2016!

          • @[email protected]
            82 months ago

            We should be better than that? We keep doing that. We keep taking it on the chin and taking the high road. The high road got us Dementia Don. I’m fine with throwing some of their shit right back at them. Does it make me an asshole? Honestly, I don’t care. I’m over the republikkklowns, and I’m ready for our country to progress again. Fuck that couch fucker and the elephant he rode in on. Fuck the Russians that are out spewing bullshit propaganda along with the assets they have that have managed to get elected. While I’m at it, FUCK anyone voting for them. You’re a piece of shit if you do, there is no argument, no defense.

          • @Glytch
            42 months ago

            Here’s the thing, though: I don’t know he didn’t, at some point in his life, stroke himself off using a particularly soft and giving piece of furniture. Teenage boys are weird and horny. Until he addresses the issue himself, we can’t say he isn’t a couch fucker.

            Why should we be better than that? How does that win elections?

        • @laverabe
          12 months ago

          still the behavior of a bully. Might work in the short term but in the long term everyone hates the bully regardless if it the ends seem to justify the means.

          • @Glytch
            42 months ago

            Bullying fascists is morally correct.

      • @formergijoe
        182 months ago

        Many fine people say he fucks couches. Many fine people.

      • Exatron
        162 months ago

        The AP deleted their fact check, and the whole story stated because of a passage in the first printing of his book. He’s a couchfucker.

      • NataliePortland
        82 months ago

        Go ahead and troll them. It’s a lot worse than what they plan on doing to us.

      • @stoly
        62 months ago

        I missed it–what was up with couches?

        • @TrickDacy
          52 months ago

          Some random Twitter user made a false claim that Vance admitted to fucking his couch in his book. There was no such admission anywhere.

          • @stoly
            42 months ago

            Oh I DID see a reference to that but didn’t understand it. Thanks for explaining.

          • troybot [he/him]
            42 months ago

            Hasn’t admitted to it… but what’s more important is he has made no effort to deny the accusations. JD has been suspiciously quiet on this subject.

      • @[email protected]
        42 months ago

        He’s a fascist wealking who if he isnt able to handle such things, well fuck him. I want him to use buckshot mouthwash and if that is achieved through bullying then so fucken be it.

      • @TrickDacy
        12 months ago

        Thank you. I have been criticized for saying the same.

        • Exatron
          2 months ago

          Because you’re supposed to bully fascists. He’s a couchfucker.

          • @kmartburrito
            52 months ago

            They’re just mad because it’s possible he put his hot meat in a love seat. You never know, people have definitely done crazier shit.

            Trump likely had lots of Epstein Island frequent flyer punch cards. Wish there was more documentation on the atrocities he likely committed there.

            It would make sexing a sofa seem so silly.

  • @[email protected]
    842 months ago

    Absolute panic and disarray. I wonder who he would go with. Logically, it would have to be a woman or person of color to counter Harris, right? Would there be anyone who would boost him among pro-Palestinian voters, I wonder?

    • The Snark Urge
      652 months ago

      I don’t think he wants a VP who will strengthen him at all. I think he’s too prideful.

      • Billiam
        912 months ago

        Vance wasn’t picked to complement Trump; he was picked to compliment Trump.

        (I wish I could say I was clever enough to have created that.)

      • @[email protected]
        262 months ago

        I don’t think he’s beyond a “token DEI hire” who is willing to publicly fellate him if they boost his numbers.

      • @[email protected]
        62 months ago

        At this point, he’d blow Putin on live TV if meant he’d win. For him, he HAS to win or he’s fucked. This isn’t just an election, this is his get out of jail free card and not get shoved out of a window card.

        • The Snark Urge
          22 months ago

          We’ll see. It’s hardly as if he’s never let his pride fuck his life up, he ran for president because Obama laughed at him for Chrissakes

    • @dhork
      282 months ago

      Would there be anyone who would boost him among pro-Palestinian voters, I wonder?

      I doubt it, when Trump is on the record as stating that Netanyahu’s main problem is he isn’t going fast enough.

      Trump, who routinely touts his support of Israel more broadly, has reportedly said he supports Israel in its continued “war on terror” after the October 7 attack by Hamas. And like members of the Israeli government, he has cast doubt on the continued viability of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that has been a cornerstone of US policy for decades.

      At times, however, he has also been critical of the Israeli campaign. He’s said Israel should “get it over with … get back to peace and stop killing people.” But he’s also emphasized they “have to have a victory” and implied that what’s really the issue is that Israel is “absolutely losing the PR war” and “losing its power” in Congress.


    • @barsquid
      202 months ago

      Repubs have been campaigning on a platform of bigotry and hatred for decades so I don’t see a woman or minority VP happening. Also Donald is personally a bigot and his eggshell ego could not handle the idea of a VP boosting him.

      • @[email protected]
        132 months ago

        I don’t know that you’re wrong, but I’d point out he had Omarosa clinging to him at the beginning of his first term. He doesn’t seem above using women or minorities when convenient to make himself look good. He seems to really want the Kanye and rap crowd to love him, as another example.

        • @barsquid
          62 months ago

          True but Omarosa and Kanye’s interactions with Donald are something far more palatable to the far-right racist Repubs. Donald being president at all is basically down to racists flipping out that a black person was allowed into such a prominent role as president.

    • @disguy_ovahea
      192 months ago

      He’s already made his commitments to Netanyahu public. He’d be trying to reclaim the people on the right that he’s lost, not woo voters from the left. I think Haley’s the most likely replacement.

      • @someguy3
        2 months ago

        think Haley’s the most likely replacement.

        Have you seen the reaction to Vance’s wife? A person of color VP would mean an exodus from maga.

        • @[email protected]
          62 months ago

          Exodus is probably overstating it unless they are worried Trump might not last the term. Maga is nothing if not willing to compromise any value to win.

        • @disguy_ovahea
          42 months ago

          She’s also already created a small but loyal voter base that she’d bring with her, and would shore up the Christian vote.

          • partial_accumen
            102 months ago

            How loyal are they to Haley? Are they loyal to Haley only because she stood in opposition (in some form) to Trump? If so, those voters go away if she’s on the Trump ticket.

            • @disguy_ovahea
              42 months ago

              I’m under the impression it was mostly Christian Nationalism, but you may be right.

            • @EmpathicVagrant
              32 months ago

              loyal enough to have gone to her over trump but disloyal enough that their PAC backs Harris now.

    • @[email protected]
      172 months ago

      It wouldn’t necessarily need to be a PoC or woman but Vance was an extremely weak pick - he’s basically just a little uncharismatic sychophant from an electorally unhelpful state. Trump would probably prefer to get a swing state candidate or someone who brings votes to the table.

      Weirdly enough, that might actually be Nikki Haley since she captured the “reasonable” side of the party (her policy stances were a fucking train wreck especially on reproductive rights).

      • @[email protected]
        222 months ago

        Nikki Haley is not a sychophant though. He learned that lesson with Pence. He wants someone who will worship him and follow his instructions.

        Not some “free thinker”.

        • @[email protected]
          102 months ago

          He absolutely wants a sychophant… but not more than he wants presidential immunity and it’s not clear if the Supreme Court’s bizarre rulings are enough to give it to him without him being elected… right now they’re trying but it’s pretty clear Democrats want to overturn that.

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        The VP has to be picked by Trump for loyalty first. The person in the position has the ability to Amendment 25 him right out of office on day one. No way he picks Haley for that.

        For the same reason, it’s surprising he even picked Vance. It may have only happened because Musk and Thiel told Trump to. Then Musk backs out of his funding pledge, and suddenly it’s being floated to ditch Vance.

    • @danc4498
      102 months ago

      He’s gonna replace pour man’s Donald Junior with actual Donald Junior.

      • @assassin_aragorn
        22 months ago

        I could actually see him doing this, and it would just make things even worse for him lmao

  • @kikutwo
    772 months ago

    My Pillow Guy for VP. C’mon it would be so much fun!

    • @[email protected]
      892 months ago

      Plot twist, that’s who Trump was actually trying to get but there was a misunderstanding when he asked for “that guy with the fucking cushions”.

      • @ArtVandelay
        262 months ago

        “i said fucking cushions, not cushion fucker!”

    • @zib
      182 months ago

      Hell yeah, that would be hilarious. Mike Lindell, the Jesse Ventura we have at home.

      • @[email protected]
        62 months ago

        I feel like that’s kind of harsh, to you know, the former governor. What has Lindell accomplished other than quitting crack a couple times

        • @meco03211
          52 months ago

          And Jesse might have some legit ailments from the military. He’s gone a bit cuckoo, but can still remain coherent.

      • @jj4211
        22 months ago

        Right up until he gets elected… Then it’s not as funny anymore…

  • @[email protected]
    562 months ago

    I think everyone forgot how fast the Trump team rotated during his government (what was the name of that guy that lasted 10 days? Moochie?) in comparison to Biden’s government, where AFAIK, there’s haven’t been a lot of changes on his team.

    • @Ensign_Crab
      352 months ago

      And if he replaces couchfucker, he’ll remind everyone of how unstable a Trump presidency is.

      • @krashmo
        82 months ago

        Trump voters are unstable people looking to destabilize government. They don’t need to be reminded of that

          • @krashmo
            22 months ago

            Do you know anyone who is undecided? I don’t think there’s any left at this point but the media is always talking about them as if there are tons of them.

            I’m not downvoting you by the way.

            • @Ensign_Crab
              22 months ago

              I mean, polls are still changing.

            • @Cryophilia
              12 months ago

              Do you know anyone who is undecided?

              Do you know all 300 million Americans? Polls say there’s a large undecided amount. Statistically, a good third of the nation doesn’t care about politics at all, including whether fascists take over the country.

              We don’t know any people like this, because how goddamn ignorant do you have to be? To not care? We wouldn’t associate with people like that. But they exist and there’s a lot of them.

    • Mister Neon
      2 months ago

      Anthony Scaramucci: My favorite slimeball. Saw the other CHUDs in the Trump administration and then bounced after eleven days after realizing that “the juice ain’t worth the squeeze”. I wouldn’t turn my back on him, but I would trust him over all other Trump world alumni since he has enough self preservation not to burn the world around him.

      Edit: He had an unhinged interview with a reporter and was dismissed a couple days after. Go listen to the audio; I’m laughing so god damn hard at it.

    • @aodhsishaj
      2 months ago

      Lower staff have resigned due to Israeli bombing and extrajudicial killings in Palestine. But the rank and file directors have stayed pretty consistent.

  • @[email protected]
    532 months ago

    Replacing Vance now would also undermine any argument they might make about switching the names on ballots for the Democrats. Those aren’t valid, anyway–Biden wasn’t the official nominee until the convention says so; nothing was locked in–but they would now lose the possibility of using it rhetorically.

    • Hegar
      412 months ago

      they would now lose the possibility of using it rhetorically.

      I think you’re over-estimating their commitment to logic, consistency or reality.

      • @[email protected]
        42 months ago

        They don’t, but it also has to sink in with the general public. When both sides are being switched out, there’s a very obvious argument against the claim.

        • @ours
          62 months ago

          That makes sense but MAGA has always leaned hard on the “but when I do it, it’s OK” rhetoric.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      12 months ago

      Biden wasn’t the official nominee until the convention

      Even then, nothing prohibits him (or Vance, realistically) from resigning.

      This is mostly just funny to watch.

      • @[email protected]
        52 months ago

        There is a legal point where states won’t accept changes to the ballots. Also a practical one where there isn’t time to print new ones. Neither point has passed, of course, but Trump was trying to imply it was.

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          12 months ago

          If Biden died on November 4th, he’d remain on the ballot the next day and - if he won the majority of the EC - Harris would be the presumptive President Elect on November 6th. If Vance resigned as VP, we’d see the same results under a Trump win. We have a clear order of succession and mechanisms for appointing replacements to downticket slots like VP per the 25th amendment.

          The absolute worst case scenario is that Trump would force Vance to resign and then be stuck with a House/Senate picking his VP for him. But since he’s not even the President-Elect at the moment I don’t think that’s actually an issue.

  • @LEDZeppelin
    312 months ago

    Kamala should sue RNC for “undermining the will of the people” in every fucking state. Litigate that shit until the last second before polls close

    • @[email protected]
      102 months ago

      No, that’d almost certainly be a tactical mistake since it’d lend enough credibility to the claim to get those cases to the Supreme Court and then they’d just rule in favor of Trump in all circumstances… it’d be hard to overrule the court in a situation like that with a deadline for picking an executive and the Supreme Court has shown it’s now gloves off crazy mode… no more “we’re independent jurists”.

  • Todd Bonzalez
    262 months ago

    Trump’s communications director, Steven Cheung, denied the reports in a statement to Newsweek on Tuesday, "President Trump is thrilled with the choice he made with Senator Vance, and they are the perfect team to take back the White House. And any reporting to the contrary is nothing but ridiculous fake news from either nonexistent sources or individuals who have no idea what’s going on.

    Saving this quote for when Trump replaces Vance.

    • @[email protected]OP
      82 months ago

      that cheung dude is hilarious. it’s like exactly what trump would say except at twice the writing proficiency. so 6th grade level instead of 3rd grade

    • @HoustonHenry
      12 months ago

      They’ll just yell at you and call you “fake news”

  • @Rapidcreek
    212 months ago

    I think the funny part is that he’s hated by both sides. A new Ted Cruz.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      12 months ago

      Well, if a loss gets pinned on him, he’ll be given the Liz Cheney/Pence treatment.

  • @CharlesDarwin
    162 months ago

    Hey, with all this talk of unity and how the Democrats should be picking a Republican to run on some kind of centrist wet-dream ticket, how about the “liberal media” starts beating the drum for donnie to kick JD off the ticket and add someone like AOC to the ticket?

    You know: for “unity”. For the tone - the Republicans should be utterly capitulating to the Democratic Party.

    Why does no one in the corporate media ever suggest it is the Republican Party that should cave to the leftist majority in this country, but instead, the reverse is something that comes up. All. The. Time.

  • OhStopYellingAtMe
    162 months ago

    …and the same people who call the Democratic Party “chaotic” for replacing Biden with Kamala will have no problem shifting gears to adore whatever wretched troll they scrounge up to replace Vance.

  • @just_another_person
    162 months ago

    Can’t wait for Trump to come out and say his campaign should be reimbursed for all dumbass merch they had made as well. What a clownshow.

  • mommykink
    162 months ago

    He’s cracking yall