• @[email protected]
    412 hours ago

    Rep. Ted Lieu, a Democrat from California, in his own tweet on the news wrote, “The first step towards fascism is when the free press cowers in fear.”

    I don’t know if this is the free press cowering, or the free press being bought out by rich people. Either way, it’s some bullshit.

    • @GreenKnight23
      538 minutes ago

      Private ownership of a news outlet breaks every definition of “free” in “free press”.

      A “free press” no longer exists.

      • @Hugin
        225 minutes ago

        So government owned news is better?

        • @Furbag
          28 minutes ago

          When the billionaires who own the media and the highest level of government are in bed together so long as the government continues to tailor it’s policies to ensure that the wealthy stay wealthy, then the line is so blurred it might as well not exist.

  • BZ 🇨🇦
    312 hours ago

    “The most consequential election in our country, a choice between Fascism and Democracy, and you sit out? Cowards. Unethical, fearful cowards,” wrote one reader.

    Haha, yep.

    • @Pacattack57
      37 minutes ago

      Honestly don’t know what’s worse. People who don’t vote or people who vote 3rd party in protest.

    • Anti-Face Weapon
      247 minutes ago

      No. There is no point in retributive violence. Give him a job as an amazon warehouse worker. Let him start from the bottom like everyone else.

  • @GreenKnight23
    140 minutes ago

    NGL, I had to reread the headline because my brain got too excited.

    this sounds better

  • @captainlezbian
    62 hours ago

    I certainly much hope he has to justify that decision to a jury and later a deity

    • @BreadstickNinja
      241 minutes ago

      Just spoke to my parents. Uninterrupted subscribers since '73.

      I called them right after canceling my own subscription and they’d already canceled theirs.

      I hope Bezos is happy losing 51-year patrons of his paper.

      • Jo Miran
        72 hours ago

        WaPo for now. Audible, Prime Video ad-free, Amazon Photos, and Kindle Unlimited after dinner. I don’t use any of those subscriptions but they were on autopilot. Jeff’s cowardice made me look and now (shortly) they are gone.

  • @[email protected]
    2606 hours ago

    Wow, a hugely wealthy oligarchical capitalist facilitating the rise of fascism?

    How completely unpredictable, with no historical precedent whatsoever!

    Who could have possibly expected this?!

    • @Eatspancakes84
      112 hours ago

      The motto of the Post is literally “Democracy dies in Darkness”, and it was adopted immediately after Trump was elected. It is deliberately positioned as pro-Democrat and anti Trump. I didn’t have a high esteem of Bezos, but I am still disappointed.

      • @MataVatnik
        145 minutes ago

        Nobody else finds this ominous? Besos was not exactly Trumps friend. Why is he being a bitch now? What does he know what’s changed

    • @vxx
      4 hours ago

      The guy that “gifted” millions to political commentators from CNN tries to influence politics? No way!

      • @[email protected]
        5 hours ago

        Man… that’s one of the things that seems like a conspiracy theory to a great many people, but just actually is true.

        Dude literally got caught doing massive amounts of money laundering for literal Nazis during WW2 and by all rights should have been convicted of treason.

        Its like how most people don’t know that IBM machines enabled the Germans to tabulate and keep track of the holocaust, that their machines spit out the UIDs that were tattooed onto the victims at the death camps…

        … I think that ‘War is a Racket’ by Smedley Butler really needs to be added to the basic K-12 curriculum alongside 1984 and Brave New World…

        But oh oops, the Republicans already destroyed our education systems, nevermind.

    • @fluxion
      355 hours ago

      How much money do these fuckers need before they are content enough to not rat fuck American democracy so they can eek out a few percent more on their billions?

      • @[email protected]
        204 hours ago

        … The answer is infinity.

        Capitalism requires constant growth, constant extraction, constant return in investment, constant tendency toward monopolies and wealth disparity until you end up with a neo feudalistic caste society.

        You can either attempt to restrain and regulate the system, which we are currently doing a rather poor job of, overthrow the system, which is nigh impossible given the precarity of the average prole, or you can just watch as we head closer and closer to… some kind of hybrid of the handmaids tale and elysium.

        … Or, maybe, escape to a slightly less insane foreign country, but you’re gonna need a lot of money or a very lucrative skill set as an employee to do that as anything other than an illegal immigrant.

        • peopleproblems
          34 hours ago

          You know, I always wondered where the professionals ended up in Elysium. Like there are the medical professionals taking care of the earthlings, but the life saving machines are in Elysium so they aren’t needed up there.

          But like, what about the software folks? Like there’s an epic shit ton of software going on in that movie that just kind of gets handwaved.

          Passification is handled by robots and crazy humans. Other than the one executive who comes down, where are his direct reports? There is no way he was interested in the factory management, that would be a middle management job. And then what about accountants? Researchers designing the tech on Elysium?

          It never really made a whole lot of sense that Elysium was just the rich. They can’t just “get” everything they want up there, it had to come from earth.

      • @Burn_The_Right
        95 hours ago

        How much does a single round of ammunition cost these days?

  • @Allonzee
    665 hours ago

    Also, cancel your prime subscriptions you cowards!

    • @Consumer2747
      144 hours ago

      Anyone who’s still using Amazon and wants to keep democracy is drowning in cognitive dissonance. Amazon is a bigger threat to decent lives for non-millionaires than any single politician, even granting that Trump is a nightmare.

      • @danc4498
        12 hours ago


  • @[email protected]
    1576 hours ago

    Has this f*ing idiot never heard of the Streisand Effect? The fact that they broke a decades long tradition to do this makes a louder thump than their endorsement would have.

  • Admiral Patrick
    6 hours ago

    The Washington Post: “Democracy Dies in Darkness”


    Turn the Light off, turn the light off.

    I had to settle for the Jurassic Park GIF because I couldn’t find the one of Homer Simpson using his gun to turn off the lights. If anyone has that GIF, please hook me up.

    • Ghostalmedia
      366 hours ago

      I know this isn’t intentional, but the broken image makes the comment 10x funnier.

      • Admiral Patrick
        6 hours ago

        LOL. Task failed successfully!

        I just re-linked the GIF to go through my image proxy (originally linked directly from yarn.io which usually works fine. Usually.). Did that help?

        It’s also weird that it’s not showing the alt text. Figured that’d have at least come through.

  • @NevermindNoMind
    476 hours ago

    Bezos has tons of federal government contracts. When Trump was president last time he went after Amazon and others he disliked to get their contracts cancelled. Bezos is concerned that if Trump wins, Trump could fuck with his contracts.

    That’s the reason. It’s fucked up and more evidence of why news media shouldn’t be owned by fuckhead billionaires. Shameful day in WaPos history. Cowardice. Grovelling to placate Trump for the benefit of the paper 's owner.

    Tin foil hat: I am somewhat concerned that our oligarch overlords seem to be hedging in a way that they think Trump might win.

    • @asteriskeverything
      53 hours ago

      I’m extremely concerned. LA times backing out too. There’s no reason not to, unless they’re afraid the psycho toddler dictator is going to be holding the reigns next year. Fucking traitorous cowards, money over country.

    • @fluxion
      55 hours ago

      Most wholesome 2 finger salute